Jan 14, 2013

ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul (76)

Chapter 76 The illusive cure

Dr. Kitty worked relentlessly, and with the effort of Professor Dodge and Dr. Joey, they prepared a culture.

Kugo, Nick and Medora looked at the container - a cream like stuff.

"We will gently put it all over Belamis' body..." Dr. Kitty said.

"It's grown from Belamis' own body cell, and enriched with a kind of colagen and other nutrients. We hope it could gradually heal her." Dr. Joey said.

"It...it's going to act like a paste too... so that Belamis wound can close..., and some of those muscles that were torn off ... can be fixed..." Dr. Joey said. It was a serious business, and they knew how much pain Belamis was in.

"We have to do this together..." Professor Dodge, handing out special gloves.

Kugo was working to recover he legs, and he now only needed one clutch.

The procedure involved gently applying the specially prepared culture on Belamis body.

Medora was responsble for Belamis left side, Nick on Belamis' right side, Professor Dodge on her legs, Kugo on Belamis' chest and breats, Dr. Joey on her abdomen, and Dr. Kitty on the rest of Belamis body.

"How..about her eyes ?" Medora asked.

"It's the next step..".

The energy given by the guardians of Gariusu giantess was able to delay the next Avici seizure - Belamis had not had one for weeks.

"It has to work..." Dr. Kitty thought.

They began the procedure, gently applying the culture like a cream over Belamis' body.

"You need more on her breats and pectorals - that's where a lot of damages were..." Dr. Kitty told Kugo.

Kugo gently put the culture on Belamis.

Belamis was conscious, and uttered, "Ku..go..."

"We will be gentle on you..." Kugo whispered, and tried to hold back his tears.

She was in pain, but she had such strong will power that amazed everyone. Belamis gently smiled.

The smile on her face encouraged everyone - Belamis was in good spirit.

Medora and Nick worked on Belamis side, and they gently put the cream on her.

Dr. Kitty also gently put the cream on her, and Belamis uttered, "Ma...ma...."

The cream was secondary - it was the love pouring to Belamis that sustained her.

In about an hour, it was finished.

"Let's see how she responded..." Dr. Kitty said.

Dr. Kitty looked at the electronic microscope and scanner data - it was not working at all.

"No way...!!! I have checked all my analysis..." Dr. Kitty thought.

She was alone in the lab, she wanted to heal Belamis.

Dr. Kitty checked and double-checked all her analysis, all the data captured and all of the status of Belamis multiple times. She stayed at the lab for countless nights, not resting.

Then Dr. Kitty saw something in the data - it appeared that there was some ingredient missing, and she overlooked it.

Dr. Kitty checked again and again.

"What have I missed?????"

Then she hit upon something, and she put her estimates into the computer and run all the tests.

Dr. Kitty gazed at the results, and sat there for a long time.

"No...I must get it...or it will be too late... Belamis already had the seventeenth Avici seizure..."

Dr. Kitty just grabbed a few things and went out the lab.

The next day....

"Nobody seen her ???" Dr. Joey said.

"Seen who ???" Nick asked

"Dr. Kitty ..." Dr. Joey said.

"I thought she's with you ...." Professor Dodge said.

"No.....Haven't seen her round this morning..." Nick said.

Medora came, "She's not with Belamis either...."

They looked at each other.

Kugo came, his face like a ghost, "....I...I...checked the hangers.... the space craft is missing....."

"What  ??????????" The rest exclaimed.

Professor Dodge ran to the controls, and brought up the transmitter/receiver.

"Dr.  Kitty, are you on the space craft ? Do you copy ???" Dodge tried to call.

They only heard hisses and other stray signals.

"The onboard transmitter/receiver of the space craft is taken down..." Nick gasped..."..by me... I take it out to fix it and I meant to put it back in today..."

"Damn!!" Medora kicked Nick.

"Ooouuuu... How would I know Dr. Kitty would ride it out ????" Nick protested.

Kugo could not use his Star Crow yet as he was still recovering, and they had no other crafts to spare.

"Geeee... hope she's only taking a day off..." Professor Dodge said.

The rest were worried.

"Don't even let Belamis know...." Nick whispered to Kugo.

"Ahh...yeah..." Kugo replied.

"Maybe Dr. Kitty would show up .....soon..." Medora said. Yet she was also worried.

"Can't we track it ?" Nick said.

"No..... the  transmitter/receiver and the tracking system is linked up... you take out one and the other is not working..." Dr. Joey said.

"DARRNNNN!!!!" Nick was cursing himself.

Dr. Kitty was in space, oblivious of the fact that her craft had neither communication systems or ways her friends on Earth could track it.

"It will just take a couple of days... I will call them later..." Dr. Kitty thought.

She laid down on a couch to catch some sleep. She was really exhausted after working for long hours to find the cure for Belamis' pain.


Belamis jolted....

"Arrrehhhhh... ma ...ma.."

She had bad dreams again...

Then Belamis growled.....and she struggled, breaking the straps that kept her still.


1 comment:

Isis Zarana said...

Oh,no...and now what?