Chapter 9 The ordeal that stretched the will power and love
Belamis was assigned to patrol Earth and orbits just off Moon, and her duties include leading a small squadron in flying missions and training.
"Wow.... look at those maneuvers Belamis performed..." One of the pilot they watched Belamis doing her flying routines..."She call that a routine..." The other said.
"We'd be killed even before we headed to fight...her maneuvers are dangerous tricks.." Another one said.
Loken replied, "Well... if you cannot survive here... you'd better quit this team.. Belamis is trying to get you all used to being in danger..." He flew along.
Loken recalled that last battle when their squadron was outnumbered by the monsters.
The squadron returned to Earth base and the team rested.
Loken watched as Belamis emerged from her jet...
"You are so fearless ..." Loken remarked.
Belamis looked at him, and said, "No...I am afraid, but I used my courage to deal with it..... I care about life, enough that I am not afraid to die...but I will fight to live." She the left the base.
Belamis thought to herself, remembering her battles, and of course, very often she would be the one who braved the dangers, and the last time that really came close to death..."Kugo..., I will survive...for you.."
She went back to the facilities to see if Dr. Kitty and others were well.
At the door, she looked at the facilities, and thought, "No matter what, even extreme pains...I will not let anything happen to Dr. Kitty...."
Then a alarm sounded at the facilities...
"What is that ?" Belamis thought as she rushed to the door, then suddenly and explosion knocked her down...and there were gun shots...
"Dr. Kitty...!!!" She struggled to get up, only being hit by intense blasts of electromagnetic energy...
"Arrrrrrrhh" she yelled in pain and fell to the ground again, the blast was so strong the her body was in pain, and suddenly eight or nine people with firearms rushed out the facilities, and among them three of them dragged Dr. Kitty along...
"Dr. Kitty!!!" Belamis was not in her suit, and as more gunshots fired she was hit with multiple gunshots and electromagnetic energy blasts, then somebody hit her head, knocking her unconscious....
"Dr. Kitty!!!!!!!!!" Belamis awoke from the coma..."Arh..." her body was hurting all over...
"No..don't move... we just took out 20 bullets from you!!!" Assistant Professor Dodge said.
Belamis looked, her body was in bandages....some of her wounds were torn open after her abrupt move, and her bandages soaked with blood... she felt pain, but she was more worried about Dr. Kitty.
"Dr. Kitty... where's she? where are they taking them to...???" Belamis asked, struggling to get up, she was very worried.
Assistant Professor Dodge wanted to say something, but stop short..
"What is it ???" Belamis got up and put her hands on Dodge's shoulder.
"You are hiding something from me.." Belamis said, and she hurried out from her bedroom, body still wearing blood soaked bandages. She headed to the main control room, and then checked the video transmitter for previous conversations.
"We had Dr. Kitty..." A dark shadow from the other end said.
"You can try to trace where we are, but I tell you... nobody can come and return to Earth alive!!! Hahahaaha...".
"What are you demands ?" The voice of an Earth officer said..
"Simple....we want that cyborg...." then a screen showing Belamis fighting...
Belamis gasped....she immediately headed out.
"No...don't go.." Assistant Professor Dodge yelled, but Belamis already stormed out of the facilities, she invoked her bracelet and suited up, and jumped onto her fighter jet, started the engine and raced to space.
"Arh...the wounds are hurting..." She thought... she grasped the controls of her jet, and was about to invoke warp speed...that would strain her body...
"I have to get there as soon as possible......" She clutched her teeth and press the button, immediately the jet started the warp program...the sudden acceleration strained her body.."arh..." Belamis endured the pain. She felt the wounds tearing apart..."I must hang on..." She thought...braving her pains.
In a blink of an eye Belamis flew her jet far out into space, towards the position traced by the video transmission unit... it was an isolated dwarf planet far off from the orbit of Pluto. Pluto was at the others side of the orbit.
The warp speed was off, Belamis body was all in pains, she breathed heavily...."I have to hold on..until I got Dr. Kitty in safety..." She was calm and clear minded despite her pains and her surging emotions as she thought about Dr. Kitty. She checked the controls, the sensors ... nothing seem to be around.
"I must not let them find me..." She turned on stealth mode, and as she neared the planet, she shut the engine down, and switch to total manual mode to glide.....this was a very dangerous maneuver, used to avoid its sound or heat detected. Belamis fired the super coolant to cool the entire jet down, and also cool herself to almost freezing, then she shut all the system down. Belamis endured the cold because only this could hide any heat trace, even those emitted by her...she shook, and ice was forming on her body, and icicles hanging from her helmet.
She now steered the jet, using only its mechanics and hydraulics, with her strong arms to adjust the flappers...
"Have to land this smoothly..." She thought... there she found a plain of sand, which was perfect...she concentrated, and steer the jet and make it almost horizontal...
She felt the landing gears touching the sand and then she released the flappers so that the jet lost all its buoyancy ...she landed.
Very quickly Belamis listened for any movement.... a few minutes appeared that nobody detected her landing..
She signed in relief, and exit the jet. She took a deep breath...her wounds were aching, and she endured the pain. Belamis breathed heavily, and she looked to the dark heavens. "No matter what....." she thought she saw her mother amongst the eerie colored nebula..."Mother..."
In her fighting suit, including her helmet and cape, she checked again the position, and determine the direction.
Back on Earth, Kugo was yelling!!!
"What ??? You let Belamis go by herself ???"
"You know her!!! Nobody can stop her.. she just stormed out and hopped into her jet.." Assistant Professor Dodge said.
"Damn!!! I must go after her!!!" Kugo said, and he started his Star Probe and raced.
"Where the heck is the place!!!???" Kugo shouted.
Professor Dodge total confusion..."The transmission ....we could only trace it to a place out Pluto..but not exactly where..."
Belamis had superior navigational skill, and by her hunch she knew where to go, but Kugo was not the same.
"Damn!!! How long can you give me the exact position????" Kugo yelled.
"One or maybe two hours..." Professor Dodge said...
"...Belamis!!!! " Kugo said, in great frustration and worry..."why do you just go like that ?"
"The captors of Dr. Kitty demanded her to go alone..." Professor Dodge said.
"Oh my goodness!!! They are going to kill Belamis!!!" Kugo said... he raced through space towards Pluto's orbit, but he had no exact co-ordinates, and by the time he was at the far off end, he was still tens of thousands of space miles off where Belamis was.
"Belamis....I know Dr. Kitty was as important to you as your mother..." Kugo thought, as he recalled the evening of how Belamis told him about her love to her mother..."..She will risk anything to rescue Dr. Kitty...even her life..." Kugo shaked..."Belamis...."
Whilst on the desolate planet, Belamis proceeded carefully, and then she climbed over a hill, and saw what seemed to be some kind of armed force base.
"That has to be it!".
Belamis thought, and she looked around, trying to make out if there were surveillance system. There were no signs of people around. Belamis drew her sword, and then proceeded slowly.
She approached the building slowly...and saw an entrance.
"Why was there no people guarding the place ?" Belamis thought.
"It doesn't feel right ..." She proceeded slowly.... then suddenly there was the alarm sounding.
Then guns emerged from their housing and started firing at Belamis.
Belamis said, "Damn....They found me..."
She went and dodge the shooting, and then people appeared from everywhere... Belamis leaped up and landed among them, and she welded the sword, striking a number of them down with its electromagnetic energy. The people surrounded her, but Belamis was unafraid, and she fought with might, grace and great sword skill, knocking scores of them down.
"Drop your weapons!!!" A voice demanded.
Belamis stopped, then the base wall opened up a big screen, showing Dr. Kitty behind bars, and people point their guns at her.
"Or else we will waste her!!" The voice continued.
Belamis looked...she put back her sword into its sheath, and raised her hands.
" are that cyborg...not so tough without your sword then...hahahahaha" The voice laughed... Belamis was angry but she restrained herself.
"Shoot her..." The voice commanded.
The people sprayed shots of electromagnetic blasts on Belamis...Belamis yelled in pain..
Dr. Kitty saw Belamis body taking all the blasts and yelled, "Stop...stop... please!!! No.... Belamis.."
Belamis took so many number of blasts that she fainted.
Belamis slowly regained consciousness, and she found her hands and legs were locked in shackles. She struggled to stand up, and saw Dr. Kitty was at the cell opposite to her, behind thick bars of metal.
"Belamis.!!!" Dr. Kitty said...her eyes filled with tears as she knew Belamis was hurt.
"I will try to free myself..." Belamis said, as she tried to pull.
Suddenly people entered the room, and then blows hit Belamis body and face.
"Not so easy..." A man, with blue skin and white hair, stared at Belamis, and using his baton and beat Belamis arms and body.
Belamis clutched her teeth and silently enduring the beating, staring at the man.
The man stopped beating, and stared back at Belamis.
"Who are you...?" Belamis said slowly... whilst Dr. Kitty pulled the sensor out... it was a miniature computer containing all data of Belamis, and could detect Belamis' body status and vital signs...this was the means that Dr. Kitty could do quick diagnosis on cyborgs away from her facilities.
"She was already injured before she came..." Dr. Kitty looked in shock...and sadness...the screen showed her multiple wounds from the shooting..."the energy blasts also strained her body...and her energy level is low too..." as she watched the sensor...then she looked at Belamis..clearly in pain, but she made no sound.
The man replied, "Captain Wakah, from the star system of Gorlinkor, out at the Leo number 10". It was a far away star system. "We came here for the Galaxy Energy, to ...say..leverage it ? Hahahaha..."
"You caused the Galaxy Energy disturbances ?" Belamis asked.
"We have control with another form of energy, a destructive form of energy...which we used ..." Wakah replied.
Belamis listened, "What do you want me for ?"
"You.... and those cyborgs are getting into our way. The cyborg technology depends on this woman..." as he pointed at Dr. Kitty, "...and of course we have to eliminate also the Galaxy Union, with its main commanding base on Earth."
Belamis listened and she got the idea...."I must warn the others..." She thought...and she looked at Dr. Kitty.
"This time we got the grand prize and also a bonus...." Wakah said, as he looked at both Belamis and Dr. Kitty.
"I am so bored in this desolate place..." Wakah pointed his baton and touched Belamis' left side, at her rib.
"Arhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Belamis exclaimed in pain, as Wakah's baton released a high voltage electric shock, Belamis body felt the strong electric shock and was in pain.
Belamis was shaking enduring the shock that torture her.......and Wakah took out the second baton, place it on Belamis' right side's rib ...
"Double!!!" The two baton released high voltage shock simultaneously. Belamis clutched her teeth and tried not to make any sound.
"No!!! Belamis !!!" Dr. Kitty watched, and she was very sad to witness Belamis in pain.
"Arh...ahr..." letting out only a soft groan, Belamis hold her fists tight, clutched her teeth, and the entire body was shaking to endure the excruciating torture.
"I am going to make it more juicy...wheel in that toy!!!" Wakah commanded. The soldiers pushed in a large machine, with dials..switches and controls, and had electrodes.
Electrodes were attached to Belamis body, pasted at a number of points.
"We called that our famous dishes for our captives..." Wakah laughed.
"This is a starter..." Wakah turned the dial and pressed the button...sending high energy electromagnetic blasts via the electrodes through Belamis body...
Belamis clutched her teeth...the electrodes were on her pain points, delivering pains all over her..
"Hahahahaha..., main course.." Wakah turned up the dial and send a even stronger blasts through Belamis body..Belamis was shaking in pain... Dr. Kitty looked and was teary... whilst Belamis fixed her gaze at Dr. Kitty....."even..even...pain from hell....I will not be afraid..." Belamis swore in her heart.
"The main course...." the power of the electromagnetic shock was turned up and the torture continued.
Belamis clutched her teeth..fighting the pain and to stay conscious..."...I cannot faint...I..."
Though she was in extreme pain, Belamis' mind was still very clear...she counted the number of enemies in the room.
Then the shock stopped... Wakah said, "No cyborg can endure this and still fight...let's have dessert!!!"
He turned the blast to maximum, and pressed the button.
This time Belamis let out a loud yell of pain. The electromagnetic blast was so powerful that Belamis felt all her body was like being cut or pierced through.
Dr. Kitty checked her miniature control, "..the energy in this electromagnetic blast could cause cyborgs like Kugo to explode... but Belamis is now flesh and blood with cyborg strength...she felt all the pain.." Dr. Kitty hands shook, and she could not bear to watch Belamis in pain.
Wahkah laughed loudly, and the others also laughed, and they surrounded Belamis.
"Arh...arh..." she endured...fighting to stop herself from screaming in pain..."...I cannot let Dr. Kitty worry...I am not going to ..." She watched as the guards around Dr. Kitty were all looking away.
"That's my chance!!!" She thought.
"Yaaaaaaa!!!" Belamis suddenly let out a loud cry, and she pulled the shackles with all her might, breaking the chains on those restraining her arms, and she lashed the chains at the other men. Those nearest to her got hit by the chains, and because of conducting, the electric shock on Belamis was sent to the other men, electrocuting them instantly. Then Belamis yelled and lashed her chains to the remaining ones, and killing them. Wakah pulled his guns, and shot Belamis at her right shoulder, Belamis lashed both chains on her arms at her, knocking off the gun from him, and pinned him down.
"Tell me...where are your remaining troops..." Belamis demanded.
"Go eat your shit..." Wakah swallowed poison and killed himself.
Belamis breathed heavily, she began to pulled her legs to free herself. Belamis broke the shackles on her legs, and she pulled open the shackles on her hands.
Dr. Kitty watched as Belamis exerted her muscles,"She was getting stronger and stronger.."
Belamis walked towards Dr. Kitty, but then fell to her knees. The high voltage shock and electromagnetic torture had left her body aching and weakened, leaving Belamis with very little energy. Belamis struggled to stand up......"Arh.arh..." she gave out soft sound as she struggled...
"Dr. Kitty... stand back..." Belamis said, she pulled her sword out. She used her bit of energy and energize the sword, then she strike at the bars....the bars were energized with electromagnetic energy...and her sword could not cut it.
Belamis looked, and put away her sword. Then she reached out her hands, trying to grab the bars.
"No...Belamis... the electromagnetic blast can kill you!!" Dr. Kitty said.
Belamis looked at her...eyes flickering... her eyes was filled with tears of compassion...."....just step back..." she grabbed the bars with her hands, and a high energy shock of electromagnetic energy strike her.
Dr. Kitty immediately checked her sensor, and Kitty began to weep...the sensor showed the degree of pain Belamis was enduring, and the index was very high...beyond any cyborg she knew of.
Belamis face twitched and she clutched her teeth, her body shaking in pain....then slowly she exerted her back muscle, as she pulled the bars with her arms.
Dr. Kitty saw her arms and body muscles as she exerted it....then the bars slowly gave away and bent...
"..almost ...almost..." Belamis thought... then suddenly Dr. Kitty yelled, "Look out"
Belamis gleaned back ... a number of soldiers entered and started shooting...without even a blink of her eyes she moved half a foot to her left and shielded Dr. Kitty with. Numerous shots were fired onto her back, buts and legs.
Then the shooting stopped. Belamis was bleeding all over.
The men walked closer, to check ...then Belamis yelled, as she pulled the metal bars loose, and hit the men with them. Then she drew her sword and strike them all down.
She looked back, as Dr. Kitty came out...then Belamis fell to her knees....she could barely stand up.
"The wounds..the wounds..." Dr. Kitty said, as she examined....there were at least 10 gunshot wounds.
Belamis released her bracelet control and took her fighting suit off..exposing her naked body...full of wounds, and bleeding.
Belamis knelt there, her head rested at Dr. Kitty's legs, as Dr. Kitty touched her hair gently. Belamis looked up...eyes again welled up in tears.
"We have to take the bullets out first..." Dr. Kitty said..."but we have no tools..."
Belamis pulled her sword, in a dagger form.."use this..."
Dr. Kitty she pulled out a needle shot gun, with a small bottle of drug on it, and said, "Let me apply anesthesia..."
"No.... they will numb my muscles..." Belamis shook her head and pushed away the needle, "...and that will slow down my response...we are still in a dangerous place..."
One by one, Dr. Kitty used Belamis dagger to extract the bullets...and Belamis endured the pain.
After the bullets were extracted, Dr. Kitty immediately applied a wound treating paste on Belamis' wounds..."That will stop the bleeding...".
Belamis invoked her bracelet and her suit was on again...then she struggled to stand up, but she bit her lips stopping herself from making any cries of pain.
Dr. Kitty helped her up...Belamis was shaking... she put back her helmet and cape on, and lower her shades...she did it so that Dr. Kitty would not see her eyes... in tears and fighting the pains.
"Stay behind my back.." Belamis said calmly, as though she was feeling no pains.. but Dr. Kitty knew very well...the sensor showed that Belamis body was seriously hurt and in great pain... but she knew Belamis was so tough in her outlook that she would not let people she loved knew about her pain.
Belamis walked ahead slowly... checking every turn that the path was clear and safe, before taking Dr. Kitty to proceed...Dr. Kitty clearly saw Belamis in pain, but Belamis was silent...she struck down anyone that tried to stop her...lucky they seemed to be regular soldiers, and did not pose a threat.
"It's near the exit..." Belamis said slowly, as she proceeded even more cautiously....and she looked back.
Through the shades... Dr. Kitty saw a pair of eyes full of compassion, looking attentively and caringly at her...Belamis said, "Stay behind me..." as she hold her sword tight...then she proceeded step by step...and exit the building...and a gigantic monster was waiting for them... lionlike beast breathed fire, and spit balls of fire at them.
Belamis yelled, "Look out.." She hold Dr. Kitty in her arms, and leaped away, trying to run away from that monster.
Belamis landed and dropped to her knees.. she could barely stood up, but her will power gave her the strength to hold Dr. Kitty and leap -- she then hid Dr. Kitty behind a large rock, and she got out with her sword..."stay there!!" Belamis shouted....
and she charged at the monster... the monster shot out a long blast of flame at Belamis...
"Belamis!!!!" Dr. Kitty shouted.. as Belamis endured the heat...then the beast hit her with its paws, then kept firing blasts of superheated flame on her...
Belamis fell onto the ground as she was already injured, the attack by the monster was too much .....
"Dr. Kitty..." Belamis thought....then she collapsed...the torture she endured was too severe, and she could not even exert an ounce of strength further.......she looked at Dr. Kitty" cannot let anything happen to her..." then the beast headed to Dr. Kitty..."...NO!!!!!!!" a pain ripped through Belamis heart, there's a surge of emotion..." cannot hurt Dr. Kitty ..unless over my body!!!" then her forehead glowed....the star shape control activated.
Dr. Kitty watched .."..she is transforming again..."
First Belamis' suit was off...leaving her naked..her eyes turned white, shooting out bright light beams, and so were her finger tips and toes....then she transformed into the giantess...she roared and put her arms around the monster, pulling it back.
The lion like monster turned and jumped onto Belamis, and then bite her on her shoulders...Belamis groaned in pain, and she stood up, pushing back...she glanced back....her lips moved...but she could not make a word...her eyes were if she was trying to tell Dr. Kitty to run away...
Dr. Kitty saw Belamis giantess form was much more muscular and strong, and the muscle definition was clear and vivid...but she also saw her wounds were still bleeding...
Belamis roared as she braved her pains and she pinned the monster down....then she turned it over and lift the monster up with her bare hands, and toss it away....the monster hit back with the balls of hot flame, hitting Belamis' whilst she shield with her arms.
Then suddenly, two energy beams hit the monster.
"Belamis!!" Kugo finally arrived.
"Ku...go..." Belamis replied.
"I'll take care of that brute!!" Kugo transformed to his giant form, and fight the monster with his Astro-Lance, whilst Belamis picked up Dr. Kitty and sheltered her.
Kugo shot the monster with Astro Lance, destroying it. He then turned towards Belamis.."My goodness!!! you are seriously wounded..."
The two transformed back to human size, Belamis on her knees, she could not find the strength to stand up...she was exhausted and seriously wounded.
"I will call the Earth to send us a rescue craft to pick us up!!" Kugo said, whilst Dr. Kitty tended Belamis' wounds.
Kugo called Earth, and looked at Belamis, in tears...."Belamis....Belamis..."
Belamis invoked her bracelet and suited up...and stood up....., and put her helmet on..
"No..Belamis you mustn't move now..." Kugo gently sat her down.
"Take care of Dr. Kitty..." Belamis spoke softly, gazing at Kugo. Belamis' voice was weak but shaking, she was begging Kugo, "I can take care of myself...don't worry.."
"No..stop being so stubborn...." Kugo said, as he helped Belamis stand up, supporting her..."you need rest!!!" He picked her up and placed her inside her jet, where she could sit... "you must not move..." Kugo said.
"Kugo..... protect Dr. Kitty..." her eyes in tears...and voice was shaking.
Kugo looked Belamis in her eyes, and lifted the shades over her eyes, and gently kissed her lips.
"I know....I know..." Kugo nodded, "...but you are now seriously hurt...listen to me...."
Belamis looked at Kugo.. he was clearly worried and sad...she touched Kugo face with her hands..."I will fight...and I will live..." Kugo kissed her lips, and said, "stay here".
As the Earth rescue ship arrived, Kugo went to Belamis, "go inside..." Belamis replied.."No....I will stay here and steer my jet back home..."
Dr. Kitty saw Belamis was so insistent, she walked up, and said, "..then at least, let me treat you wounds here..." She looked at Belamis... Belamis nodded, and stood up, she took her suit off, exposing her naked body ...she was facing Kugo...and Kugo could see her naked body.
Kugo heart felt pain as he saw all the wounds on Belamis.
"I applied some pain suppressant and stopped the bleeding....we would treat them when we are back on Earth.." Dr. Kitty said, and Belamis put her suit back on...Kugo gently eased Belamis to sit in her jet, and Kugo tried hard not to shed tears, as he looked at Belamis.
Belamis looked at Kugo and felt loved and touched.
Kugo asked, "You are sure you can steer the jet.." Belamis said, " was what I used to do in Gariusu...." She recalled how she and her fighting comrades were wounded..she braved her wounds and flew the carrier back to the base...."I will turn on auto-pilot and follow you..." She said.
"OK... but be careful.." Kugo said, "See you back on Earth."
They headed back to Earth....Belamis flying her jet in auto-pilot mode, and rested in her jet.
Kugo looked on, and in the video transmitter, checked Belamis situation.
"I am OK here...don't worry about me.." Belamis replied.
"She is very very tough..." Kugo thought. " don't need to toughen up like know.." He replied.
"I am in my fighting suit...I have to fight.." Belamis remarked.
"Then we must head home fast..." Kugo said.." and get you out those suits so that you can rest..."
Belamis smiled.
The crafts landed, Belamis got of her jet..and walked towards Dr. Kitty..and Kugo was standing with her... then Belamis collapsed.
"Belamis!!!" Kugo yelled.
"She was tortured...brutally tortured..." Dr. Kitty said, as she slowly stroked Belamis hair, and touched her face, as she lied in a coma, and Dr. Kitty began to cry.
"The electric shocks and high energy electromagnetic blasts would have been lethal to any cyborg... if you were there you would have blown up... but her body of flesh and blood could withstand them... but in great pain..." Dr. Kitty continued, and she was teary.
"She endured all the torture... so to rescue me.." Dr. Kitty continued.
"To her... you are like her mother...." Kugo continued.
"I know she will be willing to suffer any pain for you..." He spoke and touched Belamis face gently, and in tears.
"If anything happened to you.. Belamis will be awfully painful...I don't think she could endure that ....she loved her mother... and she loved you so much..."
"She suffered too much already.." Kugo held Belamis hand and watched her.
Dr. Kitty remembered reading the archives about Gariusu, Belamis' home planet, and there it contained a old epic legend, one phrase startled her, "the compassionate giants, they being kind, courageous, altruistic were forever cursed....condemned because of love....if they were loved they would be cursed with love..for they would suffer for love greatly...and endure the utmost suffering in whole cosmos for eternity if they were loved...." and along with those archives was horrid icons depicting the pain the giants endured.
Dr. Kitty was shaking...".that could not happen to Belamis..." She looked at Belamis .. she loved a daughter, the moment she rescue her from the dark space...Belamis' tenderness, strength, painful pasts, her love to Kugo and many things, created a bond with Dr. Kitty..."She is most kind, compassionate, brave and so much tenderness inside her....." then the words of the curse surfaced.
"It cannot be true...." As she watched Belamis in coma on the bed, Dr. Kitty's heart pounded in fear.
"You are sure they were from star system of Gorlinkor, out at the Leo number 10 ?" General Kahn asked, as he stood at the side of Belamis' bed, Kugo was there too.
Belamis was still resting after her serious wounds.
"I am sure they are the ones causing the Galaxy Energy disturbances..." Belamis she recalled what Captain Wakah said.
"They seem to be a warlike race..." Belamis continued... "..their target is Galaxy Energy.....the Galaxy Union armed force main commanders are here on Earth and a number of planets in nearby systems...but Earth was targeted because Dr. Kitty was the chief scientists here..."
"We will have enough armed forces to protect this facilities and our fleet will be in high alert.." General Kahn said.
"You rest well and recover... we need you at the front line..." General Kahn said.
He headed out.
Kugo saluted.
"I cannot rest for long... " Belamis said.
Dr. Kitty looked at Belamis, and thought about the legend about the Gariusu giantess.
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