(Picture one, showing Belamis' dramatic and tragic end -- my heart broke when I saw this ending...)
In the fan page of Starzinger, they posted a election by viewers to vote for the top 10 classical scene in Starzinger.
Remarkably, Belamis had 3 scenes in the top 10.
The scene showing her sacrificing herself came second, probably the most tragic and heroic one. The other was her last moments she spent with Kugo, the two were really talking to each other (seventh place), and eighth place when she mourned for the princess when Djoro shot the princess.
In the Fan Club page, many said they cried at the scene when Belamis died. I cried too, and perhaps most of us went through her struggles with her, wanted her to have a good life and a future, would not anticipate that she would make the ultimate sacrifice.

(Belamis and Kugo.....nobody would anticipate what was to happen next...so sad)
Considering there were Kugo the main character, Princess Aurora the second character competing, Belamis alone has 3 spots in the top ten (one shared with Kugo), two featuring her as solo act, says a lot about how viewers admired this character.
Even Princess Aurora was in 5 of the top 10, at best only 3 can be considered "her scene", because two was shared with several other characters.
I am sure many viewers were very sad to see Belamis end like that in Episode 64. In my mind there were even more classical scenes, depicting her inner struggles, and a glimpse of her true self -- one that is compassionate and kind.

(Number 8 at the top 10, another scene featuring Belamis)
You are right. Many followers of Starzinger still remember Belamis. She is well remember in some countries in Latin America. I don't think this character is known in the US, since I think just a few episodes where aired.
She was an important character.
I agree with the people who chose the best scenes with Belamis. I have an idea, What if we write about our favorite Belamis'scenes? For me, there are so many... I like all scenes with her but... a scene that I really like too is the one when Aurora tells Belamis "You are a woman." I like it because there she shows a hidden struggle: cyborg warrior vs woman. Very interesting. i will think about my top 10 scenes with Belamis...;)
USA has been notorious in ripping Japan anime apart to beyond recognition - if the full show was aired, Belamis would be popular in USA too.
You know what ? Almost a quarter of a century after Starzinger aired, there was an online vote in Japan (2009 ?) by cartoon fans for their favorite androgynous character (woman dressed in man's outfit) - the classic is Oscar in "Rose of Versailles" and is not included in the choice.
Number one is Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon), second is a cartoon not known outside Japan, the role is one character of the Three Musketeers, and Belamis came third.
Wow, Japanese fans still remember her.
You are right, if this show was aired in the US, surely she would be popular. That's why there's no Starzinger fanfiction in the US fanfiction site. There are no DVD's to buy...
I'm glad I did watch the show! ;)
I always thought I was a lonely crazy whit this.
Now I can see Iam not a lonely crazy...
Are three of us!!!
Im so happy that I think I´m gonna cry
Then I invite you to read my long novels of Belamis.
Belamis, as she did many times in the cartoon, survived. She shines by herself, and she got the chance to be a hero...
Comment freely on my novel.
Oh Baby; and what do you think I've been doing all day? hahahaha
I´m literally devouring your entire blog!!!
And the novel... I just love it
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