Belamis appeared to have been Lady Oscar (main character, the heroine of "Rose of Versailles", manga created by Riyoko Ikeda) who walked right into space. (Picture comparing Belamis and Lady Oscar, notice their startling resemblance!!!).
According to the fan pages introduction, she became a cyborg to protect her home planet.
She was one with great capability, her weapon is an electromagnetic sword, and she was quick and agile, which Jan Kugo could not even match.
(Episode 36, Belamis stood on Kugo's Astro Lance and walked on it to attack Kugo)
In the series she had an unfinished duo with Kugo, and they fought each other a few times, and very likely Belamis and Kugo were very close match.
We know she could move in great speed to out run attacks (Episode 36 at her debut, episode 47 and episode 59).
(Episode 36, Belamis moved at great speed so that Kugo's Trizer beam missed her)
Apparently she also has the capability to withstand blasts of high volt electricity, electromagnetic energy and heat that would otherwise be lethal to human being
We have reason to believe she possess superhuman strength as she can cut a giant jelly fish monster into two with her sword.
Her skills in sword fighting is also outstanding. The Japanese referred her as the Kenshi (劍士, swordsman).

She looked like the musketeer, wearing a cape.
She can fight with multiple sword welding opponents (Episode 47) at the same time, and is good with both hands.
Her sword styles is a mix of the Western swordsman plus the samurai type (e.g. Episode 50, her duo with a rebel soldier).
Belamis also seemed to be a trained military officer. She had a star shaped emblem on her chest, her cape, and she had a necklace with the same jewel. Probably it was the emblem of her army back in her home planet.
Not only can she fly a fighter jet with great skill, Belamis knew about military protocol, as she adjusted the saluting posture of her subordinate (Episode 46).
She appeared to have been a high ranking officer before she assumed Chief Captain (Commander Supremo) of the two forces of the King and Queen. She can direct squadrons of space fighters into groups to lure away the protectors of the Princess and capture the Princess, she know how to direct the space warship at the captain's seat (episode 47).
Belamis showed great leadership by her concern with the soldiers. Even she was attacked by several of them in the sword fight (episode 47) she did not harm them. She earned the loyalty of the forces and that loyalty saved her life -- when in episode 48, an officer attempted to usurp her leadership and hold her captive. A soldier released Belamis from her captivity, and then another shot the rebelling officer before he could shoot her.
The loyalty Belamis commanded among the forces was even more apparent. After the demise of the Evil empire of Queen Lacets and the King, the King's son regained control of the forces. Belamis and Kugo fought with the King's son, and the son was killed. Belamis then flew through the shootings from remnants of the empire's space fighters to urge the soldiers to give up. Recognizing their former Captain, the soldiers listened and gave up fighting.
(Episode, scene showing the rebelling officer holding Belamis at gunpoint, and took her sword)
If you compare her fighting capability with Jan Kugo, they were close match. Many times the anime showed them displaying formidable powers in their combat, there's no way of telling which one was better...until they really had a duo, which of course won't happen.
When I read this article for the first time, I didn't know who was Lady Oscar. So I searched because I needed to know to whom you were comparing our dear Balamia. OMG. I have to thank you for this! I watch all Rose of Versalles episodes on you tube and I have to say this: What a masterpiece! The art, the plot, the characters, the dialogues, the music... everything is excellent! Simple INTENSE! Sad story but sooo romantic and moving! At times when I was watching I felt like I was going to faint for André. What a sweet guy! Lady Oscar indeed resembles Balamia not only for the "look like a man" thing, but also on their qualities. At least Oscar, althought a little late, had the chance to tell André that she loved him. On the contrary, Belamis had a chance to be Kugo's friend and she rejected his offer to work as a team! (Every time I think about it I get MAD!)
Anyway, while watching, I regret not knowing how good this anime is!What a masterpiece I have been missing! Why did I never watch it before? What kind of huge crap I have been watching compare to Lady Oscar!!!!
So again, thanks...
Good grief... you don't know about Lady Oscar ? The cartoon was released around the same time as Starzinger. Lady Oscar was **the** classic androgynous character unsurpassed. I do think Belamis' character was influenced by Lady Oscar. In the original manga (comic) of Starzinger, Belamis was not such an important character and more feminine. In the cartoon however her character was developed much more - deeper personality, more tragic, struggles as well as more charming as the producers made her looked more tough - her hair, her eyebrows were styled to give her a tougher look.
I cannot help to compare Belamis and Lady Oscar because I came across them in the same year. I was attached to Belamis, then I saw the comic of Lady Oscar and found that they were so similar. Of course now I could tell the difference.
Lady Oscar was an aristocrat, born of noble blood. Belamis was a child of an outcast race.
While Oscar was being treated as a man by her father who gave her a man's name, and raised her as a man to succeed her father as leader of the Palace Guards, Belamis was raised a girl but was taught about military skills.
Belamis was fully aware of her own womanhood whilst Oscar forced herself to think she was a man until later in her life.
Lady Oscar was the captain of the Palace Guard that didn't need to fight all the time, but Belamis was a soldier that fought at the front lines...
I deliberately gave Belamis the same military rank as Lady Oscar. Both were promoted to Major Admiral....
I agree!
I want to say that, even though Lady Oscar is great, I still prefer Belamis!
Oh Yes!!! Belamis and Lady Oscar were almost the same!!!
I knew Lady Oscar several years after Starzingers, but when a saw her, inmediatelly have a resemblance of Belamis, Oscar remind me too much of Belamis caracter and her personality.
I have to say, I love this kind od heroin, I don´t like too much the sweet tender and crying girlie normal starring hahaha
In Japanese anime (cartoons) there is a kind of characters - androgynous female. These characters are females dressed and acted like man.
The all time classic is of course Lady Oscar, the pioneer is Prince Sapphire. Since then these kinds of characters caught on.
Of course!!! I saw Princess Sapphire.
here inmy country it was known as "La Princesa caballero" and yes, I love her too.
I love this caracters
Hey!! Thankyou for this blog is the only one I´ve seen on my life.
And I have searching!!!
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