Oct 11, 2011

The voice who gave Belamis her soul - 小原乃梨子 OHARA Noriko

小原乃梨子 OHARA Noriko was the one who acted Belamis' voice in Starzinger.

According to official material, she was introduced to the producers of Starzinger because of her fine voice acting in another Sci-Fi series 『宇宙円盤大戦争』.

Ohara was a famous and versatile voice actor, and voice acted many famous anime, and a number was also broadcasted outside Japan. She played voices of young boys, teenagers (both sex) and grown up women, and well known for her role as 野比のび太 (大雄) in ドラえもん (Doraemon 多啦A夢/叮噹), and nearly all the movies based on Doraemon, until 2005 (over 26 years).

Other significant roles included: Conan 高立 コナン (Conan the future boy 未来少年コナン 高立的未來世界),Peter in the series アルプスの少女ハイジ (アニメ) (飄零燕Heidi, Girl of the Alps), Marine Boy ドルフィン王子 (海底少年マリン, aired in TVB Pearl), and Oyuki おユキ in うる星やつら,in ATV Local, called 山T女福星 and many others.
She voice acted a lot of roles since 1965 and was still working, and as voice acting extended to video games in WII, PS2 NDS etc., she was also active in that arena.

She was recognized twice in the 2007 声優アワード (Awards for voice actors).

She teaches the art of voice acting, and also produces CDs where she read children stories.

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