Chapter 7 - Colonel Belamis
Before Belamis' home Gariusu was destroyed, Belamis was the graduate at the institute for astronauts. She graduated with the highest honor ever for any students, and for a woman, and she was awarded the single token of the highest honor -- the saber for a soldier.
With her top performance, she became the captain at Gariusu's elite squadron of space fighters when she joined Gariusu armed force to defend the planet. She was awarded several medals in recognition of her courage, and she was selected to join the elite unit -- the cyborg fighters.
Only the finest, the bravest can join, they were the "Blue Star Squadron". Their suit was marked with blue star emblem. Belamis had that star emblem on her cape, her chest and her necklace.
But this elite unit has a price to pay, men and women gave up their was a trauma for Belamis who had a beautiful body...
Dr. Kitty checked for all information about Gariusu which spread to other planets, and found out more about her background.
Kugo told Dr. Kitty all about Belamis' skills, how they met, including the unpleasant history of her being the Chief Captain of a evil force...
"When we were at opposite sides... Belamis was really a formidable rival... she was a fine commander...and a soldier of honor...even when we fight she stuck to her integrity..." Kugo said. "She was good at leading a fleet too...she could out smart even the three of us ...."
Dr. Kitty said slowly, "I know the General of the defensive force of Galaxy Union of Planet States....they may need a person like her...given the recent turn of events" as she recalled the recent resurgence of monsters...
There were already sporadic attacks at several places in the Galaxy, some were close to the Solar Systems. Kugo had to be at the outpost constantly, and cannot return to Earth that often to visit Belamis, though they often talked through transmission.
" will be marvelous if we can fight alongside each other..." Kugo chuckled....."We'd be invincible... my powers, her wits...hahahaha..."
General Gon Kahn looked over Belamis' files.
"Her profile is brilliant..." General Kahn remarked..."I trusted your testimony of her..Dr. Kitty"
.... "But is she willing to join ?"
"I will talk to her....." Dr. Kitty said.
"Joining the forces ? " Belamis asked.
Dr. Kitty nodded, "Your fine background and talent fits the bill......"
Belamis turned to the window, and was in deep thought.
She originally wanted to be a space explorer, so she got herself the training to become an astronaut. She did not really want to join the army in the first place, though eventually she became a high ranking officer at her planet.
She looked at the skies, she knew there was something lurking behind the she recalled the several attacks.
"You would stay on Earth for at least another year before they assign you to remote places in the galaxy."
Belamis nodded.
The general made a special recommendation for Belamis to the central commanding committee and chief admiral, based on endorsements by Kugo, Dr. Kitty, Princess Aurora and Drjorgo. They fully knew her capabilities.
"Colonel Belamis, report to duty!" The sergeant at the door yelled as Belamis, all in white uniform, salute to the General.
Just one look, the General could tell she was a trained officer.
"I have made a very rare exception.....accepting an officer from a .... previously existed armed force.....and made you colonel ...." The General remarked.
"...but you still have to prove to others your worthiness to take on this their captain."
Belamis replied, "Yes. I will give my protect Earth and other planets in the Union."
"Very good.. and fight well!" Belamis saluted and walked out.
Kugo in his uniforms, was also at the Earth base. He was thrilled about Belamis' appointment. He waited outside the building where the main commanders of Galaxy Union of Planet States Earth fleet were.
"Hahahahaha... Colonel... ha....hut!!!!!!!!!" Kugo saluted Belamis.
Belamis returned salute, and she took her cap off.
"I hate this cap..." Belamis remarked.....
"Hahahaha.... you look smart in those uniforms..." Kugo said, "Let me show you to the boy's club...". Kugo smiled.
They walked together leaving the building and to the armed force base, where the club is.
"I still remember fighting alongside with you....and before that..."
Belamis said, "I made a terrible mistake.."
"It's all in the did the most for us all...I just want to say.... you are a fine soldier....and I knew I when I first met you..." Kugo held her hands
"We will be invincible if we fought alongside...hahahaha" Kugo chuckled.
"By the way........" Kugo added..."Some of the guys are not happy at your appointment..we have women officers, but for you to became colonel...."
"We cannot control how others feel....I will do my best to show them I'm a good soldier and fighter..." Belamis said, as they strolled into the club.
The officers were playing cards, billiard balls, darts, and there was a bar, and a band playing.
Djorgo was there too.
"Hey guys!!!" He hailed at them.
Belamis nodded at Djorgo, and Djorgo stretched out his hand, and shook her hand.
"I really like to know the woman that Kugo loved..." He said.
The three sat down, "I buy you drinks this time..." Djorgo said.
A group of officers turned as the pair entered, and stared at them continuously.
The officers was at the same army unit as Belamis.
"So...that's the new boy... oh... girl..." one remarked, and they burst into laughter...
Belamis could tell they were not convinced that she deserve the appointment. In the past Belamis would have pick a fight, but she ignored them.
They ordered beer and soda. Belamis drank the beer.
Djorgo, "Even I can see they don't like you..."
Kugo chuckled, "...we used to hate you too..."
Belamis, "..but you get to know me..Kugo... and you ..." She looked at Djorgo..
"Yes......, it takes time".
They drank their beer and wine, talked happily.
"You are the most intelligent among you three..." Belamis said to Djorgo...
"What do you mean ? " Kugo asked...
"You do tricks.. Kugo.. but Djorgo was very clever..."
Djorgo, "Thanks... you are very intelligent too... your strategy and way to lead a force... you are real leader.. I think in time.." He looked at those unfriendly officers..." They will admire you... like I do now..."
"Thanks..." Belamis smiled... Djorgo was one that she could have an intelligent conversation with...
Then someone patted her shoulders..."hahaha.... tough guy, aren't you...?"
Djorgo remarked..."Good lord.. here they come..."
A tall and big officer was standing behind Belamis, and with him a number of officers. He was blond, with facial hair.
"No.... not that tough..." Belamis remarked, as she sipped her beer.
"Hey boy... you drinks soda.." Referring to Kugo. Djorgo was having wine.
"Yep... so ? " Kugo remarked.
"We knew you are cyborgs, so are we..." The big guy said.
"Yea......" The other officers remarked.
"Colonel...." The big guy remarked.... "you just pop out of nowhere and become my superior ..." He was a major, and probably waited to be promoted...
Belamis stood up, and said, "Let's get out of here..."
"Good decision" Djorog smiled.
"Not so quick, boy!!!" The big guy stopped them..
"I am not a boy, and neither is them..." Belamis said calmly, "...and please excuse us..."
Belamis, Kugo and Djorgo walked straight ahead, and ignore them.
"...I smell something bad...." Djorgo said..
The officers surrounded them..
"Now.... you guys won't want to mess with her..... if you provoked her...this place will be a war zone.....I cannot be responsible for what happen next..." Kugo chuckled...he knew Belamis all too well...
"I agree!!" Djorgo said.
"Is that a threat ?" The big one asked.
" it's just a friendly reminder..." Kugo was then thrown 10 feet away knocking down chairs and tables.
The big guy hit him.
"Oh dear.... this is going to be a war zone..." Djorgo remarked.
Belamis took her jacket off, inside she wore a short sleeved shirt, and her arms was strong.
"I don't fight... I am not into this..." Smiled Djorgo.
"I quit that fighting stuff a long time ago since mine last fight in college..." She was remembering her happy days...
"No...." Medora screamed, as five men surrounded her...."Come with us sweetie..." The five men wanted to force Medora to go with them...some where dragging her into an alley...
Then punches threw, people fell and thrown to the wall...
"You dirty mice! Get the hell of of my sight!!!" Belamis yelled.... in military uniform, she alone fought with five men... her face took a few punches too..there were bruises.....
"Oh...your face...Belamis..." Medora said....
"It's nothing..." Belamis remarked...
"No.... it will ruin the graduation can't be prom queen!" Medora said.
"Hahaha...." The two laughed...
"Medora..." Belamis thought.
Then punches threw....
"Wow..." Djorgo watched... "This is even better than the sports channel...." He went to a corner and grab a drink..."hahaha, those guys are going to have a headache over weekend.. perhaps a few teeth off..."
Kugo sat on the floor watched, as Belamis and those people exchanges punches.
"See!!! I told you!!!" As Belamis alone fought with seven guys...He grab some peanuts and watched as if it was a show...and laughed with Djorgo.
Belamis was quick, and was able to dodge the punches.
"Hahahahaha....she alone could take care of you... " Kugo laughed.
"I sure don't want to get into the way.." Djorgo chuckled.. ."..Belamis like to handle things herself..."
"Ha...yah.." Belamis dodged blows and return her strikes, and she also tossed them over with judo like moves.
Then two guys pinned Belamis down from behind and started to punch her..
"Hey ....!!! That's my girl..." Kugo yelled in anger....Then a guy hit him...
"...ah...oh..." Djorgo remarked, "....this place will get a renovation..."
"Ouch...!!!! That does it!!! You are not going to hit her!!!!" He joined the fight.....
It was all over in 20 minutes... the whole place was turned upside down. The group of officers were lying around unconscious.
Belamis and Kugo looked, and smiled...
Djorgo said, "Look what you have done to the club......."
Belamis and Kugo laughed...
"You are already so tough, and we two together is invincible..." Kugo chuckled...
"They pick the wrong persons to have a bar brawl...." Djorgo said, smiling...
"Let's run..." Kugo said. They left the club....
"You two are going to be grounded... I'm sure..." Djorgo, "..but that will give you guys at least another week together on Earth...hahaha..." He winked..
Kugo and Belamis laughed...
"What the hell is this ???? First day of your reporting give me a bar brawl????" Belamis' superior yelled.
Belamis, face still had the bruises, stood there, and said, "Self-defense..."
"And you ???" The officer turned to Kugo...
"Er.... they hit my girl..." Kugo said.
"Seven people were in the two are to be grounded and serve detention for 2 weeks, not to leave your camp!!!" The officer yelled.
Kugo shrugged...
"Is that clear ????!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Yes, sir..." Belamis and Kugo saluted, and left the room.
"Hee I can spend time on Earth with you..." Kugo chuckled.
And at the corridor, they met the big guy. "My name's Loken.... Captain Loken...."
He saluted Belamis. Belamis saluted....
"What do want ?" Kugo demanded.
"I got 4 weeks of detention.. .thanks to both of you..." Loken remarked...
"Some tough girl...." As he recalled how Belamis punched him and took his punches...
"Let's see how you do in real battle..." Loken said.
Kugo remarked, "we will see...."
Then an alarm sounded.....
Kugo, Belamis and Loken rushed to duties.
General Kahn and the chief of staff briefed the troops: "We have a situation..."
They put up the screen, "The remote outpost at Pluto was now attacked....they reported that there were numerous monsters..."
In the other end was Djorgo voice, "I am sending you the data .... it is going to be nasty... you have to be prepared...."
The screen showed the star map, the outpost, and damage report...
Belamis quickly grasped what happened...
"..Is it really that bad ?" Kugo asked..
Belamis nodded.
Loken watched silently... he saw Belamis' capability of reading the situation.. and was impressed...
General Kahn, "That would require a team of cyborgs to be out there because the platoon at Pluto suffered a great loss of personnel and fighters...and judging from the damage, the enemy or enemies have strong fire power...enough to take down even a space battle ship..."
In no time, Kugo and Belamis were suited.
Kugo looked at Belamis, and smiled, "Still the same smart and cool look!!!"
Captain Loken was also suited.
"Let's hear it from you... Colonel!"
Belamis then addressed the squad of cyborgs.
She took her helmet off, and let them saw her face.
"Yes....I am a woman...but also a fighter like you..." She spoke as she glanced around.
"This mission....can mean the end of us all...." She spoke slowly, and looked into each of the member's eyes.
"We are handle the toughest missions...the most dangerous situation....and face the prospect of never returning home... and leaving our loved ones forever..." She looked at Kugo.
"My mission, is to accomplish what the general ordered...and to have you all safely returned ..." Belamis spoke, and she drew her sword and held it up.
"I....Belamis, cyborg warrior from Gariusu, is your comrade too, and I will not let anyone of you die..."
The squadron saluted.... Loken saluted.
"Come.... my brothers... Let's take them down!!!" Belamis shouted.... the squadron yelled, "YEAH!!"
"You are such a good leader..." Kugo said to Belamis...."You are a fine commander..."
"Now I am going to see how you do!" Loken said, "... yet what you said were well said..., Commander". He saluted and hopped into his jet.
The squadron of space fighters took off, Belamis' jet and Kugo's probe leading the group.
Belamis was the Colonel and thus the commander of the squadron.
She commanded, "Fall in to position and formation, full speed ahead to Pluto..."
The squadron of 10 fighters sped to Pluto...
In no time, they were there... and there were clear signs of a fierce battle.... debris of space fighters everywhere..
"Holy shit....!!!" Kugo muttered.
Loken looked on and said, "This is going to be was worse than I thought...."
Belamis nodded.
"Commander Belamis! Monsters...!!!" One of the member yelled.
Belamis looked at her screen...there were at least 50 of them...."Damn....we are out numbered.....". She thought...
Kugo exclaimed in excitement.."Woooahhhhhhhhh!! Let me go first!!"
"Kugo, you lead the left wing of the squadron with 3 fighters, and attack those monsters from their left side..." Belamis commaned..."Aye Aye..." Kugo replied.
"Loken, you lead the right wing and attack the right side...4 fighters will go with you" Belamis continued.. "and I would face them head on.... NOW!!!"
The squadron splitted, and Belamis accelerated her jet and headed to the front of the pack of monsters... "I will try to charge them and split them up...then we can take them out one by one... using our weapons.."
Loken looked, and watched in silence....
As Belamis flew closer she saw one of them a giant octupus like monster. Belamis opened fire....hitting the tentacles...then she drew her sword and leaped out of her jet....hitting one...
Loken fired his missils and took them down, and covered Belamis. Belamis looked back, and nodded in acknowledgment.
At the other end Kugo was slashing the monsters....and the other fighter jets were firing...
Loken came out of his cockpit, his weapon was a giant trident spear, and from that spear beams of energy blasted the monster.
The squadron of fighters sprayed bullets, fired missiles and power laser guns taking down the monsters as they were split from the main group...
"Watch it...." Belamis shouted.. as she weld her sword and cut one of the monsters behind Kugo..
"Thanks..!!!" Kugo replied as he sped away to hit another monster....
Loken watched Belamis fought, and he knew he saw a fine fighter..."She is really brave....I would thought she is a guy...."
Then suddenly Loken's fighter was hit.... he tried to stabilize it and two monsters surrounded him.... he got out and fought them, welding his trident...then one monster sprayed a kind of corrosive fluid on him... he yelled..
Belamis heard the yell, and flew in her jet ..she fired upon the monster..freeing Loken and his fighter...
"Are you alright ?" Belamis asked, pushing up her shades to check out...
"Slight injury... no worries.." He replied...
Belamis nodded..."Take care..." She immediately flew her jet and continued fighting....
Loken looked at Belamis....and watched her fought in style and also with bravery...."I never thought a fighter can be so beautiful and graceful...."
The remaining octupus like monsters suddenly gathered...there were 10 of them...they assembled into a much much larger beast.... it welds all its 80 tentacles and firing beams to the squadron...
"Holy shit....." The squadron fell back because the firing was intense.
Belamis and Kugo joined, and looked at that gigantic beast.
"Damn....we cannot split them... but we can't take it down either..." Loken said.
"It's very big..." Kugo remarked.
"Kugo, come with me... we have to do this together..." Belamis said.
Kugo nodded..."Where should we attack...?"
Belamis commanded, "I need you to cover me.....Loken, you and the other fighters keep shooting and diverting the monster, and cover me and Kugo..."
She turned to Kugo, "'s head..the is all exposed..."
Kugo looked, "Yes...there were no weapons there to protect it..."
"Let's split and meet again up there" Belamis said.
Kugo commanded, "Star Probe, go! and Warp!!" He flew at one side approaching the giant monster.
Belamis flew her jet and approach from the other side.
"Keep on firing....rockets...laser canons!! Cover them!!" Loken commanded, as he fire blasts from his spear.
Kugo and Belamis flew near the head, firing shots to deflect the blasts from the monster.
"Kugo.... we have to hit the monster together ..." Belamis said, as she looked at Kugo.
Kugo nodded.
Then when their space ship were both at the top, Belamis shouted, "Kugo, go!"
The two leaped out of their space ships, in a nose dive posture....
Belamis drew her sword, Kugo pull out his Astro-Lance...
They met at mid-air, then they hold hands.....they looked at each other...
Kugo said, "Let's do it"
They pointed their weapons and yelled..
The pair's weapons cut into the monster... Belamis sword energized with electromagnetic power...Kugo's Astro-Lance firing out energy blasts...
They held their hands tight.... and blasted through the monster.... drilling hole through it..
When the both exit from the monster's body, they landed on each of their space crafts, and looked at the monster as they flew away
The monster then exploded..
Kugo yelled in excitement..."Woooooooooaaah ho....!!! We did it!!!"
Belamis nodded and said, "Thank you ... my brothers...let's head back to Earth..."
The mission was a success. Belamis, Kugo and Loken were awarded medals for their bravery.
After the award, Loken came towards Belamis....
"You deserve your rank...." Loken replied, as he saluted Belamis.
Belamis returned salute.
"We have to fight alongside a lot...... the threat to us is not yet over." Belamis replied. "How's you injury ?" She asked.
"It's OK. I have fully recovered. Thank you." Loken replied.
Kugo called from a distant, "Hey....guys....let's have a drink ?"
Belamis, "Like to join us ?"
Loken, "No, thanks ..."
They saluted each other and Belamis ran to join Kugo as Loken left.
Notes: the idea about Belamis graduated from an institute for astronaut training was inspired by a novel written by her fans called スターライト Miracle続編, depicting a scene from her childhood and her days at the college, with the friend mentioned in episode 40, Medona.
From the original Starzinger series, it was clear that Belamis was a fine pilot. In episode 36 her debut, cyborg Djorgo and Kugo were amazed by her near acrobatic skills in flying her jet through a space storm. In episode 52 and 53, she faced the battleship from Prince Garma alone, braving the giant canons and landed her jet after it was hit. These all suggested Belamis was well trained in piloting, as well as a military officer.
1 comment:
Uuuuuuuuhhh!!! Oh I'm imagining it all!
Certainly this girl inspired me
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