"It has to be it..." Kugo said.
Idina nodded.
Kugo said, "Now!" He shot a Trizer Beam at the person's mask.
The mask dropped.
person turned - behind the mask was a beauty - long black hair, fair
skin, pink lips, sapphire eyes.
"I don't know what you are talking about, I am Blue Snow! Fight!" Blue Snow welded her sword at Kugo.
"No...No.." Kugo retreated.
Then Kugo saw a snake crawling to Idina, the snake was hissing at her!
out!!!" Kugo yelled...
A sword was thrown by Blue Snow and pinned the snake, killing it instantly.
Blue Snow ran towards Idina and picked her up, and said in a gentle voice, "Little one.. are you hurt ?"
Blue Snow gently hold Idina up, and checked her, and breathed a sign
of relief, "Thanks heavens.. you are unharmed, little one..." She
stroked the hair of Idina gently.
Idina reached her little hands towards...Blue Snow bowed her head towards Idina and let Idina touched her face.
"She has to be Belamis...I can bet my head on it.." Kugo thought....
"Be..la..mis ???" Idina babbled.
"Pick a color!" Mimi hold up the jars of paint.
Idina stuck her little hands into a jar of yellow paint, and began rubbing it on Blue Snow's cheeks.
Blue Snow laughed, "No..no.. not here..."
Idina gazed into Blue Snow sapphire eyes, and touched the scars on Blue Snow's breasts..
The girl ran and jumped up, Blue Snow caught her in her right arm, and hold her.
"Blue Snow!!!! My hero!!" The girl exclaimed.
to see how strong my right arm is ? Mimi ?" Blue Snow smiled. She
extended her right arm, and the little girl hanged on to Blue Snow's
strong right arm.
"Mother!!" Blue Snow carried her mother in her arms.
Penelie...the mother, gently stroke Blue Snows hair, and said, "No worries.."
"I will find the cure for you.." Blue Snow replied...
"I knew a place..." Blue Snow dragged Kugo out.
They were at the top of a tall tree overlooking the woods..........
Blue Snow kissed Kugo They stripped, and they made love to each other...
"Roooaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!" It was a loud roar.
The people were stunned.
"Good gods of the mountains.... Blue Snow turned to a giantess...???!!!!" Toto yelled.
"Blue Snow... she is a goddess? " Little Mimi said.
The giantess leaped and wrestled with the giant serpent attacking the village.
Kugo pulled out his Astro Lance, defending the village alongside with the giantess...
"Mother..." The giantess shielded the woman...
"Blue Snow!!" The woman, her mother uttered.
"Roooaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr!!" The giantess roared and the roaring stunned the invaders.
"Shoot the giantess!!" The commander said.
Is it a sequel, following the events of the first? Bring it on!
So read on... after the events of the first series... you will see another new adventure...
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