Sep 29, 2011
ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul
Belamis was silently watching over the orphanage and also the facilities. She knew there were threats lurking, but had no idea of who they were and what they wanted to do.
She sat at branch of the tree overseeing the facilities, and also she could see the hill where the orphanage was. She hold the samurai sword tight, and stay vigilant all night and day.
Meanwhile, more and more data from Belamis' body was back.
Dr. Kitty compared the data, correlated them, and looked at the detailed analysis of Belamis genetic information.
"Gariusu giants ?" Dr. Kitty read the data.
Assistant Professor Dodge remarked, "what is it ?"
"Its a legendary race at Belamis' home planet. Gariusu giants were a group of Gariusu beings, but they could transform into strong muscular giants. They are a altruistic, peaceful and compassionate race, and they protected the planet's civilization for thousands of years, but they were not seen for almost 2000 years." Dr. Kitty read from the print out.
"Thanks to technology, these legendary giants left behind genetic markers, so their descendants could be identified.... because these giants possess great powers, the authorities at Gariusu decided it was too dangerous use their cyborg technology directly on them...because the cyborg implant would eventually became part of the host's body, and greatly enhance the host's strength, making them literally invincible...if planted on such giants the giants would be almost immortal..." Dr. Kitty continued reading, and examining the screen, depicting how the nanobot cyborg implant would merge with flesh and blood, and also the scan image of Belamis body when they first find her.
"They designed a unit to inhibit two features. One is to suppress the merging of the nanobots, the others, is to prevent the host from unlocking the giant powers..."
It showed a unit identical to the implant in Belamis' forehead.
"Belamis was identified as one of those descendants, and so she got this implant.."
Dr. Kitty gazed at the star shape implant.
"Apparently the implant is not working..." Assistant Professor added...."The nanobots already merged with her body..."
"That explained Belamis' remarkable strength .... her body was completely merged with her own cyborg nanobot implants now." Dr. Kitty remarked.
"The implant would be able to determine if the host possess the altruistic character..." Then Dr. Kitty stopped... the data ended there.
Belamis jumped down from the tree, and walked around.
Then suddenly, she heard explosions from the downtown area.
"What is it ?" She raced towards the downtown area.
Dr. Kitty ran out, "What is it ?" She also heard the explosion at the downtown area.
"Belamis would be there..." Dr. Kitty thought, she grabbed a sensor device and went.
There were explosions, people screaming and running. Three flying monsters were spraying out laser beams, there were explosions, buildings was on fire.
Belamis horror.....then she again had flashbacks......
The flying monsters were so similar to the ones that destroyed her city, killed her mother and friends....
Belamis pulled out the sword and ran head on ......."I cannot let this happen to Earth.." She thought.
Dr. Kitty arrived, and saw Belamis, and Belamis was fighting the three bird like monsters.
The three monsters flew down and hit her again and again, sending her crashing to the ground. Dr. Kitty was hearing Belamis roaring in frustration..she saw in Belamis' eyes a look of both anger and sorrow.
"There's something wrong about Belamis...." Dr. Kitty wondered....
Suddenly the monsters turned and fired lasers and hit buildings near Dr. Kitty.
"Get out of here!!!!" Belamis came rushing and pushed away Dr. Kitty, and yelled "!!"
In Belamis' mind her nightmares of how her mother killed surfaced... her demons of the past were back, and it was these memories that haunted her.
The buildings were damaged by the blasts from the monsters, and some large boulders fall on Belamis, pinning her down.
Dr. Kitty ran and the flying monsters pursued.
Belamis watched and again the scenes of her planet under attacks by monsters were flashing back...her eyes welled up tears...she struggled to free herself, but more heavy boulders fell onto her and she could not move.
The laser beams nearly hit Dr. Kitty, and Dr. Kitty fell on the ground. The monsters turned...people were running, Belamis eyes she thought she saw the horrid scenes of her home planet under attack, and she felt a pain ripping through her heart...but the boulders were heavy...Belamis couldn't move a bit...
Belamis eyes focused on Dr. Kitty, then a beam of the monster's laser hit somewhere near Belamis, and the place was on fire.. then another blast hit ..Dr. Kitty fell onto the ground.... at this instant she gave out the loudest cry......full of sadness, anguish and pain: Aaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Kitty heard it, and felt the pain in the cry...."Belamis....."
Then suddenly Belamis' forehead glowed...Dr. Kitty watched with sheer shock...
Belamis eyes shot out bright white beams, then her body, her fingertips, her feet all beamed out strong white lights....and her body started to get bigger. As Belamis' body got bigger, her clothes ripped open, exposing her muscles. Within a few seconds, Belamis was transformed to a giantess, standing around 45 meters.
Belamis' clothes were ripped as she transformed, and so she was naked, showing her breasts, and even her body hair covering her private parts were visible, but there were no elements of lust but a purity of innocence of her nakedness.
Her hair became silvery white, and her body a shade of gray, and her muscles were clearly visible, strong and firm.
Belamis roared, then she exerted her muscles, the sound was audible, and her pectorals exerted and her breasts became turgid, and veins appeared on her arms and pectorals. The giantess was strong and full of strength.
But Belamis appeared confused as she looked at her hands and around.
Belamis was not sure what happened... suddenly everything around her was like size of toys...then she saw the flying monsters were heading towards Dr.Kitty again.
She gave out a low sound cry, "Ma ma...", and immediately rushed forward, shielded Dr. Kitty with her body; the laser blasts of the monsters hit her back.
"Arhh...." Belamis moaned in pain, and she gazed at Dr. Kitty, whilst shielding her.
Then she used her giant hands to pick up Dr. Kitty and placed her at a spot far away, safe from the blasts.....She sustained serious wounds on her, the pain was great...but she looked at Dr. Kitty, she recalled the devastation of her home planet, and then tears started to roll down from her eyes.
Dr. Kitty looked at the giantess, teary and compassionate, ..." that you ?" She said.
Belamis looked at Dr. Kitty, her look was gentle and compassionate, she was not sure if Dr. Kitty was her mother. She did not remember she was on Earth, her mind was confused... she felt the same love, her heart ached.... She the giantess form, she seemed to understand Dr. Kitty. Then Belamis reached out her hands and tried to touch Dr. Kitty...
Then suddenly two of the monsters, one at each side, grabbed her arms with their claws, and pull Belamis up into the air.
Belamis could not move her arms, and her body was unprotected from attack...the third came charging and sank its sharp claws into Belamis chest...
"Arh...." Belamis groaned in pain.... the monster clutched the claws tighter, sinking the claws deep into Belamis breats and piercing her pectorals, and blood began streaming down.
Then the monster, with its claws still deeply hooked into Belamis' muscles, flew in reverse direction....pulling hard, trying to rip her pectorals off.
"No....!!!!" Dr. Kitty screamed... the monster would rip Belamis flesh off raw....
Belamis let out a growling sound, like a beast. She was in pain...and tears streamed from her eyes as those painful memories of her past surfaced....the scenes of her mother's death was echoing in her head...her body was in great pain..but it was no comparison to the pains in her soul.
The monstrous bird pulled even harder, and the wounds on her breast bleeded...the pectorals of Belamis was pulled and ripped open.
Belamis felt her pectorals would be torn off...."Mama.." She softly murmured... as she glanced at Dr. Kitty.
Dr. Kitty heard clearly that Belamis was calling her "mama.." and Belamis' muscles were being tore apart.
"She had mistaken me to be her mother..." Dr. Kitty thought, "It was Belamis heart being ripped apart as she relived her trauma of her mother's death....".
"Ma Ma..." Belamis thought, and her body shook in pain.
"Belamis..." Dr. Kitty screamed... as she watched sorrowfully as Belamis was being tortured...
Belamis heard Dr. Kitty...her body was shaking as she endured the pain her teary eyes, she saw Dr. Kitty... her memories of her mother's death was her worst nightmare, she would not let it happen to Dr. Kitty.
She gazed at Dr. Kitty, and suddenly roared loudly in anger....then Belamis clutched her teeth and exerted her already torn pectorals to resist the pull by the monster.
Then Belamis exerted her abdomen, delivering a kick to the monster's belly, then pull the other two and hit them.
The monsters had to let go of Belamis and Belamis fell onto the ground, hitting the ground with a big crash.
Belamis tried to stand up, but then fell onto the ground again, her pectorals were torn apart...blood was streaming out her torn pectorals ...she pressed her left hand over her right chest, which had four deep wounds, being ripped opened by the claws, some of the flesh of her own pectorals were hanging, blood dripped onto the ground, as Dr. Kitty watched...
"She was seriously wounded on her pectorals..." Dr. Kitty thought.
The star probe stopped at the facility, and out came Kugo in his full cyborg armor.
Professor Dodge came out, "Why are you here?"
Kugo replied, "Djorgo found out something, and so I came back to Earth..." Assistant
Then they saw the explosion at the downtown area.
Kugo yelled, "That is it!!!" He hopped on probe and raced downtown.
Belamis body was bleeding, but in her heart she was aching as she fought the demons from the flash back in her memories.
The monstrous birds alternately flew and struck her with the sharp claws on her back, cutting her deeply, and Belamis groaned in pain.
Belamis could not fly, and could only return punches or kicks, but they all missed.
Kugo arrived and saw Dr. Kitty, Dr. Kitty came.
"What is happening ?" Kugo exclaimed.
Then his transmitter sounded, "Kugo....that almost the same type that destroyed Belamis' planet..." It was Djorgo.
Dr. Kitty suddenly realized, "Belamis became so full of anguish was because it reminded her of her painful past..."
Kugo watched..."That was Belamis ??"
Kugo watched the giantess fighting the monstrous birds.
She was a strong goddess like being, with strong and firm muscles, totally naked, body covered in blood and dirt, fighting the three monsters...and he saw in Belamis eyes tears...
"She's going to be killed..." Kugo wanted to go forward and help her...
Dr. Kitty stopped him.."Kugo... let Belamis do this herself...she is not fighting the monsters... but her demons of the past in her..."
They watched Belamis fought, and Belamis let out cries of sorrow, anger and sadness from her...
Then Belamis roared and leaped up high. She leaped up high enough and deliver punches to hit two of the flying monsters, injuring their wings. The two monsters fell onto the ground....
The last one, the one which injured her badly, came diving from height at great speed, aiming its claws at Belamis. Belamis growled, then she jumped, the monstrous bird slashed her back but she did a somersault kick and hit the monster, sending it to the ground.
As the monster hit the ground, Belamis raced towards it, then the monster roseits head and poke its pointed beak, which pieced into Belamis left side, opening up a deep wound, and she moaned in pain.
But Belamis used her hand chop and broke the beak. Then she pressed the monstrous bird down, and gave a loud roar. She raised her right hand, and was about to use her hands to rip the monster's throat...
Dr. Kitty yelled, "No....Belamis..don't kill it!!!"
Belamis' hand stopped at mid air, and she saw Dr. Kitty..."Mama.... ...Dr. Kitty..." She was confused. Apparently her verbal capability was impaired, and she could only give out broken words.
Belamis used her left hand to kept the monstrous bird down, and breathed heavily,and she muttered, ""
She was reliving her painful moments at her home planet, where similar looking monsters took away her friends and her mother.
Kugo immediately transform to his gigantic form, and walked to Belamis.
"Belamis, it's me..." Kugo said.
Belamis turned and looked.
"Belamis...can you understand me ?"
Belamis nodded, then spoke, "Ku...go...".
Dr. Kitty walked closer, and looked at the giantess form of Belamis.
Though her eyes were white, it was clearly Belamis face, and she saw in her eyes the sorrow and pain, and her face covered both with dirt, blood and tears.
"Belamis... it's over now....we are saved us..." Dr. Kitty said.
Belamis breathed heavily, and there was a low growling sound from her...she was shaking, still struggling in the horrible memories of loosing her mother. She was crying.
"Her emotions are freely expressed...not holding back as in her human form.." Dr. Kitty thought.
"These creatures were beautiful birds before they became monsters..." Dr. Kitty said softly...."They are victims too...."
"We can restore those birds to their original form...and you will she how beautiful they were." Dr. Kitty continued.
Belamis listened, and remembered. In Gariusu there were giant birds which were gentle and beautiful, and as a kid she even rode on one of those birds and played with them. It was these birds that turned into monsters and killed her friend Medora and her mother.
Kugo watched.
Belamis eyes gradually started to give a mellow look, her face relaxed.
She returned from her memories to the here and now, and she looked at those birds, gradually let go of the one she was holding.
Then Belamis pulled the broken beak out from her side, then blood flowed out from her wound, and she gave a soft moan of pain. She pressed her hand on her wound.
She walked towards the two other injured ones, and she gently pick them up and placed the three together.
Kugo and Dr. Kitty was relieved...Belamis was calming down.
Then something happened. Belamis body began to radiate a yellow light..sending energy to the birds.
The three monstrous bird gradually transformed... and melt into three beautifully feathered birds.
"Galaxy energy???" Kugo asked...
Dr. Kitty was amazed too. "No, but similar in form." She replied. She knew only Princess Aurora could release Galaxy energy, but in pulse. Belamis was radiating the energy from her body.
As the birds transformed, the anger, pain and sorrow in Belamis' face melted away...her face was peaceful, full of compassion.
Belamis peered at Dr. Kitty and the people, and smiled.
The birds make a most beautiful sound, flew around Belamis, gently stroking Belamis body with their soft feathers, as though they wanted to comfort her and thanked her.
Belamis patted the birds gently and smiled back, and she hugged the birds.
"It's so wonderful..." Thought Kugo.
The birds then fluttered their wings and flew away.
Belamis watched the birds flew away.
Then she thought saw her mother like an angel, flying alongside with the birds. Belamis thought that her mother was talking to her, "My daughter, grief and mourn for me this last time, and live a happy life. I live in you forever, whenever you show compassion and kindness."
Belamis eyes streaming with tears, and she fell onto her knees, "Ma ma..."...
She looked at Dr. Kitty, and in her voice she uttered, "Doc..tor....Kit...ty...". She turned to Kugo..and said in a low voice..."Ku...go..." and she began to collapse.
Kugo caught her in his arms, and hugged her.
Then in a flash, the two returned to human size.
Kugo hold Belamis with his arms, he took his helmet off and kissed Belamis' forehead.
"I am here...Belamis...its me...Kugo....I am here...hang on!!!". Kugo wept as he hold the naked body of Belamis, which was now bleeding all over.
Then Kugo carried Belamis and Dr. Kitty took her gown off and covered Belamis.
Then they headed back to the research facilities.
Belamis wore a peaceful face as she lied in a coma. Kugo looked on, worried and sad.
Belamis body was bandaged all over. She sustained horrid wounds with her pectorals, and there was a deep hole on her side poked by the beak.
Dr. Kitty had to stitched her torn muscles up, and performed a long operation on her.
In the long coma, Dr. Kitty stayed by Belamis bedside.
Belamis often murmured, calling "mama", and Dr. Kitty would hug her, hold her hands, and wiped Belamis' tears.
Kugo never saw Belamis injured in such a way, and this hurt him too.
"If I had come back earlier..." Kugo said. "What make her change to the giantess form?"
"I am not quite sure what happened..." Dr. Kitty examined Belamis, and in tears.
"Her giantess form...." Dr. Kitty continued, "appears to be her hidden powers, previously suppressed..."
As she gazed at the screens showing Belamis control unit in her head, and also the image of her muscles and bones.
"In the giantess form, she was even more stronger than her human form, her muscles are more sculpted, visible and strong." Dr. Kitty said as she reviewed the data captured when Belamis was fighting in her giantess form.
"She stood 45 meters, estimated weigh is about forty thousand metric tonnes..."
She remembered the glow at Belamis forehead.
After that glow at her forehead, as if her body was unlocking some energy, Belamis transformed to a giantess.
"According to what we found out so far..." Dr. Kitty added, "It appears that Belamis could not invoke the giantess form at will....that transformation is not predictable."
"At that moment, Belamis wanted to save you and others.."Kugo remarked. "I think this has something to do with it."
"Yes. It was that moment that triggered the transformation... I was in real danger...the monsters could have killed me" Dr. Kitty recalled. That situation was really dangerous, had it not been Belamis transforming to the giantess and shielded her, she would have died.
Dr. Kitty continued, "That control unit in her head is linked to her mind....and according to this..." ...
Dr. Kitty read slowly..."The control unit will not release the lock if it detected anything sinister in the host's built in some form of guard to ensure its host is a truly altruistic and compassionate being before allowing the host to transform..."
Kugo said, "If what you say is true, then Belamis is truly a compassionate and altruistic person...otherwise she won't transform."
"The energy she similar in form and wavelength to the Galaxy power which Princess Aurora has" Dr. Kitty analyzed the data..."It has healing powers.."
"...but...when Belamis emitted it..she did it at her own expense, she was giving out her own life force....and if she kept on non-stop she will die..." Assistant Professor Dodge added.
"You mean...she can even heal people but she will die if she .." Kugo asked.
Dr. Kitty nodded.
"Belamis.." Kugo looked at her, and recalled her bravery in the past.
Belamis was in a coma for four days and night before she woke up.
She opened her eyes, and saw Dr. Kitty and Kugo.
She looked at Dr. Kitty and Kugo, and wanted to raise her hands to touch her, but her wounds was jolted as she used her arms..she moaned.
"Don't move..." Dr. Kitty said softly..."You wounds are not healed yet.."
Belamis heart was at peace... finally she dealt with her pains.
"Dr. Kitty..." Belamis said... then Dr. Kitty gently touched her face, and suddenly Dr. Kitty felt dizzy, and she collapsed -- Dr. Kitty did not sleep for nights.
Belamis jumped out of her bed, hold Dr. Kitty in her arms, and cried "Dr. Kitty!".
Tears streaming from her eyes, and her body was shaking.... "Dr. Kitty... Dr. Kitty.." Belamis carried Dr. Kitty to the emergency room, ignoring her wounds. She ran bare footed, her upper body was not dressed, but only cover with bandages on her chest and body.
Kugo followed her.
She placed Dr. Kitty on a bed, where doctors quickly came and checked.
Belamis then fell onto her knees. Kugo came and helped her up, "Be could have tore open your wounds.."
Belamis clutched her teeth, sweat formed on her forehead. She was in pain.
"She have been caring for you for 4 days and night without sleep..." The doctors said.
Belamis looked, and held Dr Kitty's hand, as she braved her pain.
"No matter what... even...even being tortured for eternity... I cannot let anything happen to Dr. Kitty..." Belamis thought to herself.
"You were amazing...." Kugo spoke tenderly, touching her hair.
"What happened...?" Belamis asked.
"You are like a goddess." Kugo said, "You transformed...., tell us how it feels.."
Belamis closed her eyes, and recalled.
"I felt a deep pain in my heart... I cannot let what happened to mother happen to Dr. Kitty" as she looked at Dr. Kitty, who was in a coma.
"I thought...I have to save Dr. Kitty and the others...even if it mean my death or infinite pains...the emotions in my heart was raging..."
Kugo hold her hand tighter.
"Then there was a short moment of black out.... and when I was able to see things again...I felt strange...all of the people turned into dwarfs... my body full of strength. I felt I have to roar, and I roared. I am not sure what happened to me. Because the monsters were attacking, all I was thinking then was to protect Dr. Kitty and the people..." Belamis continued.
"I was like dreaming and awaking at the same time..." Belamis said.
"The memories... of mother.. keep flashing back as I fought the monsters. When I saw you I remembered I am on Earth. I am not at my home planet."
"Did you hear us when we talked to you ?" Kugo was referring to Belamis in her giantess form.
"I recognize you and Dr. Kitty." Belamis said. "I can hear you talk to me."
Kugo kissed Belamis cheek.
Belamis looked at Dr. Kitty and Kugo, "You are both my loved ones.... I am willing to die for you."
"Dr. Kitty, was like my mother. She raised me and Princess Aurora..... I cannot imagine if anything happened to her..." Kugo replied.
”Dr. Kitty is like my mother too." Belamis replied.
"If I were at your position I would be doing what you did, but when I saw you wounds..." Kugo voice was filled with sadness. "I saw you in deep pain...I didn't arrive in time to help...."
Belamis looked at Kugo, "If you were at my place, my heart would break too..."
Kugo held Belamis' hand, and Belamis held his hand hard.
"I cannot imagine life ...without you ...and knowing that you suffer..." Kugo remarked, gazing his lover.
"I feel the same....... that fear of loosing you made me run away from your that I have the love...I cannot loose it...I will protect it...." Belamis replied.
After a few hours Dr. Kitty regained consciousness.
Belamis refused to stay in bed and insisted she took care of Dr. Kitty. It was Kugo who talked her back to rest.
"You must both rest. " Kugo said.
In Belamis mind....she would suffer anything for Dr. Kitty,
Here I introduced a new fighting form of Belamis -- a giantess form, alluding to the same idea from the Ultraman series and those spawned from it thereafter.
Yet this form, for the moment, would only be a strong and muscular form of Belamis, standing 45 meters tall, with no fancy weapons or powers, except her remarkable strength and her ability to radiate her life force to heal people.
I included a twist too: her transformation will not be triggered by will like Kugo can or those Ultramans (and the likes). In other words, though Belamis knew she had such powers, she could not invoke it at will.
Only extreme emotional commitment and a selfless and genuine will to sacrifice, can start her transformation, something I borrowed from a TV series aired during the same period - The Incredible Hulk. In the "Hulk" TV, Dr. David Banner cannot control his metamorphosis, only when he saw the people he cared about in danger or he faced mortal danger, would he transform. Dr. Banner's change was triggered by anger, but Belamis transformation would be triggered by her deep love, compassion, grief of having witnessed those she love being harmed, and her altruism. Hence in her first transformation, she was triggered by the deep grief of loosing her mother, and witnessing Dr. Kitty in mortal danger that grief re-surfaced, her deep emotional commitment and sorrow unlock her powers. Merely a need for her to survive would not trigger her transformation, it had to be her concern with others, which would be more consistent with her character.
In this giantess, Belamis intelligence was intact, she was conscious in the giantess form, she could understand people talking to her, but she could not articulate and would often confuse Kitty as her mother. She could only speak short words or names, nodding or shaking her head, using hand gestures and facial expression to convey her thoughts to others, and without her fighting suit and helmet, her body was vulnerable, and also she lost all her defense in her emotions, and her emotions were free to express, and in an innocent form, she became a gentle and brave giantess... as we will soon see.
Belamis ベラミス -- her impact

(Picture one, showing Belamis' dramatic and tragic end -- my heart broke when I saw this ending...)
In the fan page of Starzinger, they posted a election by viewers to vote for the top 10 classical scene in Starzinger.
Remarkably, Belamis had 3 scenes in the top 10.
The scene showing her sacrificing herself came second, probably the most tragic and heroic one. The other was her last moments she spent with Kugo, the two were really talking to each other (seventh place), and eighth place when she mourned for the princess when Djoro shot the princess.
In the Fan Club page, many said they cried at the scene when Belamis died. I cried too, and perhaps most of us went through her struggles with her, wanted her to have a good life and a future, would not anticipate that she would make the ultimate sacrifice.

(Belamis and Kugo.....nobody would anticipate what was to happen sad)
Considering there were Kugo the main character, Princess Aurora the second character competing, Belamis alone has 3 spots in the top ten (one shared with Kugo), two featuring her as solo act, says a lot about how viewers admired this character.
Even Princess Aurora was in 5 of the top 10, at best only 3 can be considered "her scene", because two was shared with several other characters.
I am sure many viewers were very sad to see Belamis end like that in Episode 64. In my mind there were even more classical scenes, depicting her inner struggles, and a glimpse of her true self -- one that is compassionate and kind.

(Number 8 at the top 10, another scene featuring Belamis)
Sep 28, 2011
ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul
Belamis continued her discipleship with the blind old man in the shed.
The old man strike her with the sword.
Belamis' exercise this time was to withstand the strikes. The blows hit her body at parts that hurts.
She remained still.
After the whole session, she was shaking...
"I can feel from the 'qi' you projected.... you are able to take the pain without stirring your soul..." He walked towards Belamis, rubbing the parts he strike her with pain relieving ointment.
Belamis sat there, and remained silent.
"There's still some demons from the past in you...I know..." The old man said.
Belamis sat in silent, her eyes sparked...there were tears.
The old man massage her shoulders and arms, and said, "All I can do is to teach you how to use your inner strength and develop your awareness....but to deal with your demons, you have to do it yourself...."
Belamis stared at the skies.....thoughtful in her eyes.
It was another day at the research facilities.... Dr. Kitty performing other tests, and Belamis, was assisting her. Dr. Kitty discovered she had good scientific background and technical training, and so she made Belamis her assistant.
Dr. Kitty was analyzing the data collected from the last monster attack. Belamis was watching attentively too.
"There is disturbance in the cosmos... the Galaxy Energy was restored, but someone managed to create partial disturbance... .and the monsters were a result of these disturbance..." Dr. Kitty remarked...
"Monsters...." Belamis wondered, and looked at the data.
"Yes.... they were similar to those appeared when the Galaxy Energy was deteriorating.....before Princess Aurora restored it..."
Belamis looked at the data, and pondered deeply.
At somewhere remote...the threat was watching.
"We have to act quickly..." The people watched the screen, showing Belamis fighting..
"They seemed to have a cyborg too...."
"No worries....we'd take care of her..."
Belamis was working at the orphanage and spending time with the blind old sword master as usual.
Then there was a big bang sound..
Belamis dashed out the shed and looked.
"Monster..." Belamis exclaimed... the monster was heading was at the could threaten the orphanage.
"Shifu, go! It's dangerous!! I will stop it!!!"
She stood up, and was about to rush to face the monster...
"Take this with you...."
The old man opened a chest, and took out an ancient samurai sword...
Belamis looked, the old man picked up the sword and placed it in her hands...
"You will need this..."
Belamis pulled the sword from the sheath, it was a finely crafted sword...the blade was was of the finest steel..
Belamis hold it hard on her hand, and said, "Thank you, Shifu..." and she knelt down...
The old man hugged her..."Go....." Belamis eyes welled up in tears....she was now a cherished student ....
Belamis rose and rushed to meet the monster...
When Belamis arrived, there were enemies waiting for her...
Belamis looked at the monster, and ran towards it....she didn't know what to do, and she looked at the samurai sword...
It was the same monster which injured her the last them...the monster eyes fired blasts of deadly laser.
Belamis leaped and dodged all of the blasts, the monster turned to her, and tried to strike her with its front paw...
Belamis yelled with a loud roar.... she pulled the sword out... and suddenly it was energized..... Belamis jumped and severed the monster's front paw with it....
The monster roared in pain and fell, it tried to hit Belamis with the other paw, but Belamis was able to dodge the attack.
Then suddenly she felt pains at her back.... three arrows hit her....
She turned back, there were a group of people holding cross bows pointing at her....
They fired....
Belamis welded her sword and hit all of the arrows...
Then they turned to shoot people...
"No...!!!!" Belamis ran, welding her sword to stop.... and at this moment she didn't remember to protect herself...
A number of arrows hit her....
Belamis clutched her teeth and welded her sword....slaying those that tried to shoot the people...
She saw the monster trying to get to the people...
"Arrrhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" Belamis cried.... with at least 8 arrows already pierced her body, she welded her sword, and cut that monster's head...
The monster fell and was dead.... Belamis breathed heavily...., and she fell on her knees... the wound from the arrows was painful...
Dr. Kitty and the old man raced to the scene....
Dr. Kitty saw the arrows on Belamis, and cried..."Belamis..."
Belamis turned, looked at Dr. Kitty, the old man walked towards her, placed his hands on Belamis's shoulder, and said, "The arrows have arrow heads which cut you must not pull them out..."
They took her back to the research facilities, and the old man got Belamis to sit down.
"Take her clothes off..." The old man said.
Dr. Kitty gently took Belamis' jacket and her shirt off, exposing her naked upper body. The arrows penetrated her, the wounds were bleeding.
"The arrow heads had hooks, we cannot pull them out like this" The old mam used his hands to touch Belamis body, then feeling the arrows.
Dr. Kitty looked at the old man...the old man said,
"This is our ancient way of extracting this kind of arrow.... Belamis...hold still..." He turned to Dr. Kitty, "Hold her hands..."
Dr. Kitty held Belamis' hands.
"It will hurt a bit..."
Belamis nodded....then the old man placed his hand on one of the arrows, instead of pulling he pushed further...Belamis felt the pain of the arrow going through her body... but she believed her kendo master, she endured... the arrow was pushed and pierced through her body...
"" Belamis gave a soft groan as the first arrow head came out of her body.
"We have to push all of the arrows out like this, then cut the arrow head... before we pull them out" The old man continued.
He pushed another arrow and it pierced through Belamis' body and came out the other end, blood was flowing out her wounds, dripping down from the arrow heads onto the floor.
Belamis held Dr. Kitty's hands all the time, and her eyes gazed at her... Belamis's thought she saw her mother's face again during the ordeal...
One by one the old man pushed the arrows through Belamis body, a total of 7 arrows were pushed.
The last one was one that entered from Belamis back...the old man pushed....Belamis felt the arrow pushing through her body..she fixed her gaze at Dr. Kitty, only that could help her to ignore the pain...
Dr. Kitty heard the sound of it piercing through Belamis body... then the last arrow came out...through Belamis' left went through several points where her nerve endings were concentrated, and thus it hurt most.
Dr. Kitty looked at Belamis, her eyes were focused to her, the pain on her body was intense, but her face was calm.
The old man said, "You have learned well, you are able to clear you mind and focus.."
"Hand me the sword.." said the old man.
Belamis handed that ancient samurai sword to the old man.
"Hold very still" the old man said.
Belamis looked up at her kendo master.
Then the old man weld the sword.
A number of clang sounds, all 8 of the arrow heads were on the ground....even the one at Belamis' left nipple was neatly cut from the arrow, without cutting Belamis flesh...
Belamis didn't blink at all, and remained perfectly still.
The old man nodded and smiled, "You achieved the Fudōshin of kendo...."
He reached his hand out and pulled one arrow out from Belamis body.
Dr. Kitty immediately applied cotton wool on her opened wound where the arrow was, to stop the bleeding and clean the wound.
One by one, the old man pulled the arrows out, with Dr. Kitty making basic treatment on the wounds.
Finally the last arrow was extracted... Belamis looked at Dr. Kitty and the old man...then fainted...
At the research facilities, Dr. Kitty tended Belamis' wounds, and Belamis was lying on a bed, covered with a quilt.
"Who attacked you ?" Dr. Kitty asked softly.
"I don't know..." Belamis answered, and she stared at the ceiling, wondering about it.
"Could those people be the ones behind the monster?" Assistant Professor asked.
Dr. Kitty and Belamis looked at each other.
"Belamis, you have to be careful.." Dr. Kitty added, "They targeted you..."
Belamis eyes glared...she was worried about the orphanage, and wanted to go back, she tried to get up but her wounds were hurting.
"Belamis, don' are severely injured.." Dr. Kitty urged...
Belamis reluctantly lie down...she could not wait another day.
Just two days, Belamis felt she had enough rest. The wounds still hurt but she just put on her clothes, still wearing the bandages on her.
Dr. Kitty saw her and said, "You wounds just closed up... be careful or you would tear them open again..."
Belamis nodded.
She returned to the hill top orphanage, joining the children there.
The old man came, Belamis turned and looked at him, then she followed him to the shed again.
He got that same samurai sword, then placed it in Belamis' hand.
"It is yours now... this sword has now a worthy kenshi, a swordsman, who can use it altruistically ..." The old man remarked..
Belamis knelt down, and took it with both hands.
The old man stroke Belamis soft hair, and said, "I teach everything that I can teach you... and you have learned well... I am so proud to have you as my disciple.."
Belamis looked a her shifu (teacher), said, "I...I.."
"You...give me so much happiness and joy too...." As he recalled the few short months with Belamis. "You are fine girl as well as a fine kenshi... be strong and also be tender..."
Belamis nodded.
Belamis rose...she then put down the sword, and cleaned the shed as she used to, and worked at the small plot, the vegetables grew and there were crops to harvest too.
"Let me harvest the vegetables and crops.." Belamis said.
She took the sickle and the basket, cutting the vegetables and the rice.
"Let's take them to the orphanage..and share with the kids there." The old man smiled.
That night, Belamis, the kids and the old man had a hearty dinner of fresh vegetables.
As usual, the students surrounded Belamis, not wanting to sleep. They loved it when Belamis could use lift 3 or 4 of them just with one arm, and more would climb up on her back.
Yet...some sinister people noticed.....
"This is her weak point...."
Belamis slept on the wooden was late at night...then she heard something.
She immediately sat up, and looked around.
Then screaming....from the children's quarters!
"No..." Belamis exclaimed in horror...she grabbed the sword and rush to the orphanage quarters where the children were sleeping.
There were 5 or 6 dark shadows, they held guns, and one of them grabbed a little girl.
"Belamis!!!" The children yelled.
Belamis gave out a loud roar in anger, put the sword out.
The attackers pointed their guns to Belamis but Belamis was speedy, she headed to the person who had the girl and welded the sword, severed that person's arm, and the girl ran towards Belamis. Belamis grabbed their little girl with her left arm, and yelled gave her to a bigger child, "Take her away!!! ....All of you run!"
The children ran out from another door behind their quarters.
The attackers started shooting, but Belamis welded her sword so quickly that her sword hit and deflected the blasts.
The attackers gasped....
Then Belamis yelled....suddenly like the last time, Belamis felt a surge of energy in her, and it flowed from her body and energized the sword....
She welded the sword, and sliced towards the attacker....cutting their guns...
The attackers ran, terrified...they had never seen such things before...
Belamis did not chase after them, she checked out the kids.
"Are you all OK...?" She remarked and looked around, all of them were present...
She breathed a sigh of relief....
She headed back to the shed and sat down, then she felt an intense pain.
She took her clothes off, there her bandages were soaked in blood at her wounds. She exerted herself too much, and those movements had ripped her wounds open again.
She took a deep breath, sat down holding the samurai sword with her, and she stayed up all night.
"We will have soldiers nearby guarding this place..." The officer said to Dr. Kitty.
"Belamis, they obviously is trying to hold the children hostage...they know you cared about them." Dr. Kitty said.
Belamis looked at the hill top, lost in thoughts. She did not tell Dr. Kitty about her wounds.
"We would place heavy guards nearby, and have choppers around surveying the place. The place should be safe." The army officer added.
"I cannot go back there....if I was with them those people might harm the children ..." Belamis remarked. "We must find out who they are ..."
She looked at the samurai sword, and thought to herself, "I would protect the children...and this place...even if it means pain on me..." as she put her hand on her body, where the wounds from the arrows were.
The Dr. Kitty noted her a small patch of blood stain on her jacket... it was new stains...
Dr. Kitty gently said to Belamis, "Come back to the facilities first..."
Belamis followed.
In the facilities, Dr. Kitty changed her blood soaked bandages, and applied treatment. The bleeding stopped, the wounds were forming scar tissue, but could still be torn open if Belamis moved too vigorously, especially if she was to fight again.
Dr. Kitty took away Belamis' blood stained clothes, and found her clean shirts to put on.
"Even if I tried...I cannot keep you here for long..." Dr. Kitty spoke softly as she stick a final bandage on Belamis, and fixed it into position. Belamis put on the clean shirt, with the bandages underneath, and she bowed her head.
"I cannot keep myself away from it..." Belamis remarked..."I loved them....this is now my new home...". She put her jacket on slowly, for she didn't want to tear her wounds and that would worry Dr. Kitty.
She then picked up the sword...."When I became a cyborg, I used a saber as my weapon..."
"Even if I have to fight without weapons, even only with my naked body..I will go...." Belamis looked at Dr. Kitty...
"You are now my only family now.." She looked at Dr. Kitty, eyes welling up in tears.
"Belamis..." Dr. Kitty spoke.. as she watched her headed out.
Sep 26, 2011
ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul
"She's alive ???" Exclaimed Kugo, now at a remote outpost at the edge of the galaxy.
"Yes...I want you to know it". Dr. Kitty replied.
"How's she ? Is she OK ? " An excited Kugo asked.
"You will have to find out yourself..." Dr. Kitty smiled at the other side of the visual monitor.
Then the communication session ended.
Kugo turned around and Djorgo was smiling.
"What's that smile suppose to mean ?" Demanded Kugo.
"Hmmm...... ever since you thought Belamis blew herself up... you talked less crap, and more often you are serious....."
"What is that suppose to mean then ?"
Djorgo grinned, "You are the only one that knew she would sacrifice went after cried for her...not just for loosing a friend...."
"..every month you pay a visit the the Great Planet, placing flowers at her make shift tomb... white lilies... purple peony..."
"What are you getting at!!!!???" Kugo was blushing ...
"Even the Princess noticed....that day, the way you looked at her, and she looked at you...the way you talked to her.... hahahaha..."
"She's a very good friend...!!!"
"Yeah yeah yeah... V-E-R-Y G-O-O-O-D friend..... combat partner...and more..." Djorgo replied with a sly smile"....the first day you met her you already cared about her a lot!! hahahaha"
"She is a virtuous person, a fine warrior.... I respected her...I was glad she is alive now...that's all it is...." Kugo said.
"Oh.....ho ho ho.... a scrapbook full of drawings of her sword, her cape, her helmet, her jet, her faces...."
"You son of a bitch!!! You looked at my scrapbook ????!!" Yelled Kugo.
" didn't sneak up and peek at left it wide open in the control room...and when I returned it to you your face blushed...hahahahaha".
"So what ?!!!" Kugo yelled.
Djorgo cleared his throat, then straighten his face and said, "Look, you don't get to meet a girl like that in this vast cosmos that easily!!! Now you even have a second chance after you nearly lost her!!!"
Kugo was speechless.
He started to recall their first encounter, their initial opposing battle when Belamis was the Captain of the enemy army, that last time she was fighting alongside with him. The day she nearly died, they actually talked.....
"I was always wondering....why is she always on my mind....even from day one I met her....I can't help thinking of her....and felt a heart ache..." Kugo thought to himself, as he recalled that day Belamis flew on her jet towards the monster.
Kugo signed....He regretted that he did not go a step further to stop her, and he secretly wished he realized that earlier, and he would not have let her go....
"You are a lucky guy, my friend." Djorgo said.
"You are the only man in her heart. You are the only person that she will open up to.. her heart belongs to you already. Even the Princess knew it".
Kugo stammered.."I...I...."
"Come on, lover boy, if you let her go this time you'd be the biggest fool of the entire universe ...hahaha..."
"Stop it!! Jerk..." Kugo shouted. His heart was pounding....."Belamis....Belamis..."
"Just go, a few days without you is no problem....I'll tell the others when they are back..."
"Don't what ? I am saying I will tell them you are taking a few days off..that's it!"
"Thanks!" Kugo signed...
"Don't thank me...".
Kugo was in his probe, about to switch to warp speed.
"Hey lover boy...stay tuned...I will find you a few dating tips in my computer for you! You are a rookie in dating...hahahaha" Djorgo said in the transmission.
"Knock it off!!!" Kugo snapped. "Thanks....Djorgo".
"Good luck this time, friend. Even I think she's a fine two fought when you met...neither of you are her best match... and she deserves a man like you..."
The probe switched to warp speed and was dashing through hyper-space. It will be at least 2 days to reach Earth.
"Damn the warp speed!!!!" It's too slow for Kugo.
Bang! The door flung open.
"Where's she ?" Demanded Kugo.
"Who's 'she' ?" Assistant Professor Dodge replied with a sly smile. Even Dr. Kitty giggled.
Dr. Kitty, "Easy, she is working as a volunteer at a orphanage. She comes back to sleep during weekends..."
"Where's the place ???" Kugo cannot wait ....
"You just slam right in like that ?" Dr. Kitty smiled and said.
"Oh....oh..." Kugo was embarrassed..." ...."
Dr. Kitty had knew Kugo had a crush on Belamis, and Kugo's look was unmistakable.
Kugo treated the Princess as more of a sister who he would protect, but Belamis was a different story. Kugo was confused about his feelings towards the two women, until that fateful day, when he didn't stop Belamis in time, he knew he lost more than a good friend and combat partner.
Kugo in deep thought...
"Ever since that day...I kept thinking of her.... I cried at her tomb too...what is that feeling of lost and emptiness ? Her face is always coming up in my mind....I cared about her a lot....Why is it I am the only person who realize that she's was going to sacrifice herself?...."
Kugo didn't know, from the very beginning they met each other, Kugo was attracted to her, and she was in his heart too. Kugo was connected to her.
"That's the place". Dr. Kitty replied.
Kugo looked up the hill.
"Up these steps... I have told the lady here, she will not tell Belamis that you will come... you can watch her from afar..." Dr. Kitty said.
Kugo went up the steps, and carefully stay out of Belamis sight as he watched from a distance.
He thought he saw an angel or a goddess. It was the same Belamis as he knew it, beautiful, long black hair, blue eyes like the heavens, a confident look, kind...this time was more.
Before this Kugo always saw Belamis in her fighting suit, all the time in her helmet..."Her beautiful.." As he watched Belamis long and pitch black fine hair, hanging to her shoulders...Belamis was also often in a soldier like demeanor before... now Kugo saw her gentle and mellow side..
He also remembered her tough demeanor, pushing him and others away, not letting others into her.
" are warm-hearted, kind, loving and needed love inside....but why did you push me back ?" As he recalled on the Great Planet, she turned down his invitation to go together...
"Perhaps...she thought I loved the Princess.. perhaps..." Kugo recalled, looking at Belamis.
"Belamis... please, don't push me back again...." Kugo said to himself, as he watched.
"Hahahahaha" she laughed with the kids...
Kugo thought that he saw Belamis he watched her played with the children, doing the chores at the orphanage, carrying the disabled children around...
"She was such a kind and compassionate girl....I knew right at the beginning...that was what my hunch told me.. she was not that ruthless and evil captain..." He recalled slowly..."She was just...just angry and sad ...about her suffering...".
He kept on watching, careful not to let Belamis spot him, and smiled at every move of her.
"She so kind and generous, and full of poetic justice..." He recalled several of their encounter...Belamis stretched her arms, children jumped on and hang from her strong arms, each of her arms was supporting 5 or 6 small children...
Kugo thought, "She was kind and gentle....that is Belamis..."
Kugo was very happy as he watched Belamis, and he wished he could just keep on watching Belamis like that forever.
Belamis cleaned the houses, wiped the floors, and in the old man's shed she kneel on the floor and mobbed it with her hands, then she was on the fields working...
Kugo watched...and the he watched the more he loved her...
It was an uneventful day, Belamis was about to head back to the research facilities, as she walked to the steps a person shook her emotions..
It was no other person than Kugo, waiting for her. Kugo was in uniform, not in cyborg armour.
"Look....a guy is waiting for Belamis..." Some children whispered, as they watched Belamis walked towards Kugo...."He's handsome..."
They stood face to face, gazed at each other. Belamis emotions were violently surging, her eyes glittered..with tears in it, but she would cry.
" are you ?" Kugo finally blurped...
Belamis smiled...her eyes still in tears, that question was both easy and difficult to answer, but she saw the caring eyes of Kugo, and was deeply touched.
"I am" She said, smiling. "You are in the army ?"
"At the outpost, serving as a lieutenant...."
Belamis walked towards Kugo, then both turned together towards the steps almost in perfect sych, then they held hands and walked side by side...Belamis hold Kugo's hand tightly, Kugo hold Belamis' hand tighter...
"Now are not fighting.. that's the real you..." Kugo thought.
"Wooooh.....her boyfriend!!" The children exclaimed....
The pair walked slowly down the steps. The moment of their togetherness was beyond words.
The first time they hold hands, instead of shaking hands as friends.
Neither said a word as they descended down the 1000 steps, but they looked each other in their eyes.
Belamis felt heavenly.....her eyes beaming....
"I finally can meet Kugo as a woman..." She thought, as she believed she lost all her cyborgness.
As they got to the bottom, Belamis said, "Where are we going then ?"
Kugo stuttered...""
"You used to talk non-stop", smiled Belamis.
"Yeah...I know a place!" Replied Kugo.
Kugo of course check this place out just before he came to the orphanage to pick up Belamis. This was his first date with a girl too...thanks to Djorgo's tips...
Kugo took Belamis to a seaside fair, where it was traditional Japanese festival. They strolled along the stalls, watched road performances, watched the fireworks, played at some games...laughed wildly...
After they spent time at the fair, they took to the seaside, sat at a rock, and gazed at the fireworks.
"They looked like explosions..." Said Belamis.
"Are you OK ?" Kugo was worried that it might bring painful memories back.
"Funny.....they were so beautiful now..."
The two gazed at the skies.
Belamis then turned her eyes to the sea, and said, "...its so beautiful...and great to be alive...."
Kugo looked at her, and put his arm round her, and said, "Belamis...", she looked at her eyes, blue as the dark blue night key, and asked..."Why...why did you do this...? You didn't have to...."
Kugo was recalling the months he visited Belaims make shift tomb at the Great Planet. He spent hours beside the little tomb, bringing with him white lilies, purple match the colors of Belamis' outfit...
For countless days Kugo asked the same question..."Why...why did you do this....???" He shed silent tears as he sat before the "tomb" for her...
Belamis looked at him, and slowly replied..."At that time.......I had lost all will to live....I had a lot of heartbreaks....and when I saw Princess came to you...I thought I would never have a place in your heart..."
She remembered before she flew to the photon monster she took her helmet off and let her long hair visible...a display of her womanhood....
"I only wanted to die...and hope you remembered me forever...."
Kugo kissed her...and said, "Please....promise me... don't ever do that again..." He was referring to her act of sacrificing herself.
Belamis eyes was welling with tears and looked at Kugo.
"I remember how you flew behind me...calling at me to turn back..." as she recalled her struggles...
"At that time I could not find a reason to go on....there was too much miseries..." Her voice was shaking, eyes welling up in tears.
"But fate was kind to me this time..."
"My fighter was on fire... then it exploded...the explosion sent me flying away....I was knocked unconscious..." Belamis said.
"All of us were focusing on the photon master....we didn't notice...." Kugo added.
"I was hit by the blasts of the photon master....but the vital units of my cyborg body was not I didn't explode...." Belamis said.
"You are a good person at heart.... moreover you have a spirit that refuse to die... I know you won't just die like that......." Kugo replied.
Belamis looked Kugo into his eyes, and said, "I promise...I will not leave you like that anymore......after drifting in space alone...without you.....I cannot imagine being without you..."
Kugo was touched, hold her hand, Belamis hold his and hold hard, Kugo said, "That is a promise... you are a soldier and a fighter! You have to keep your words!"
Belamis laughed.
They stood up and walked around aimlessly, just being together for them after death nearly parted them makes the moment precious. They then sat down at a bench.
"I'm tired..." Said Belamis.
Kugo looked at the night sky, then suddenly he found Belamis rested her head on his shoulders. She was asleep.
Kugo smelled Belamis long fine hair, stroke it, this was a moment beyond words.
"It smells good..." Kugo murmured. There were also the smell of sweat on her...she had been working all day.
"She is flesh and blood now...a woman..." Kugo put his arm around her....then he felt her left shoulder and arm. Belamis jacket was off, and something startled Kugo.
"A scar ????" It was the scar from the would Belamis sustained when she fought with the monster. Kugo saw it was a new scar.
His heart trembled...but dare not ask....then his heart ached....
"She suffered a lot...."
The scar triggered Kugo love for her, he hold her tight, then said, "Sweet dreams...dear..sweet dreams...".
"Her hair was long....". He watched them grew since their first encounter, from medium length just touching her collars, to shoulder length, then all the way hanging down to her back..
"She was alone all the time in space, who would tend her hair ?"
"I cut and braided them with my sword..." Belamis whispered....She was awake...and heard Kugo talking to himself.
"Of course...there's no place to get a haircut in outer space..."
Belamis bursted in laughter and opened her eyes.
"That's funny...." She smiled, her eyes beaming.
"If it gets too long, it would get in my way when I fight or when I put on my flight helmet..."
"I like that look when you wear it long down to your's naturally beautiful..."
"Really ?"
They talked and talked all night, Kugo cracking jokes, and Belamis laughed...
Then they chased each other around at the beach...Belamis always outrunning Kugo...
Kugo suddenly picked up Belamis, hold her in his arms and ran.....he laughed...
Belamis also laughed... Kugo put her down...then Belamis chased the seagulls, and leaped up high....her hands touching the feet of the seagulls flying up high.. and as she fell from above, Kugo caught her in his arms, and he had a deep kiss on her... the two bathed in romance....
Then they sat at the beach, and Belamis began telling Kugo her stories.
Kugo, "I don't know who my parents were...."
"You are an orphan ?" Belamis asked.
Kugo nodded, and he told Belamis how he was also raised by Dr. Kitty.
Belamis took a deep breath.... thinking about the children in the orphanage. She looked at Kugo, put her arms around Kugo shoulder...
"Tell me about your mother..." Kugo said.
Belamis nodded.
"She...was the most beautiful woman..... at least in my eyes..... kind and gentle...I was a tomboy..."
Belamis lost in her memories of childhood..
"I was so much loved by her....I was raised like a soldier, I have a strong body, and she gave me a tender soul..." as she looked towards Kugo, and telling her little things about her mother.
"All was changed...when..." Belamis remembered the fateful days of her planets destruction, the monsters attacking, her mother's death, her friend died in her arms... and she told Kugo all of them .... holding back her tears ...
Kugo looked at her into her eyes..., and said, "I promise I will not leave you....never..."
Belamis eyes were teary...and then tears streamed out her eyes...
Kugo also had tears in his eyes and flowing...
Then Kugo kissed her at her lips....the two kissed intensely.....
Soon it was dawn.....the two didn't sleep. They strolled along, not knowing when or wanting to stop.
Then some music caught Belamis' ears..
"That was beautiful.....where was it coming from ?"
Kugo looked, it was from a street corner, a person was playing a guitar.
The pair walked towards the guitarist.
Belamis looked at the guitar, and said, "Can I try ?"
Kugo asked, "You know how to play one...?"
"It looks like those lute in my home planet..." Belamis remarked as she put her hands on the frets and the strings, plucking the strings....
" is almost the same..."
Then she sat down and hold the guitar, and began plucking the strings with her fingers...
Kugo watched, again adoring her.
"Mother taught me this..." Belamis said...
She got the hang of the instrument, then slowly playing chords and tunes...and humming a melody softly and tenderly
Kugo was mesmerized and listened...."I don't know she can be so emotional and tender..."
Then Belamis whistled the melody along.....
When the song ended...she returned the guitar and was silent.
"That was beautiful....what is it ?" Kugo noticed that Belamis was disturbed...
"The song....was the last song I sang to mother....." Belamis replied....
Kugo put his arms around her, they hugged each other, each feeling the others body, their heartbeat...
Finally, Kugo must return to his duties.
"Goodbye..." Belamis said.
"We will see each other again soon...I will try to take days off and see you!" Kugo replied.
Belamis nodded.
She returned to her quarters at the research facilities... on her bed there was a new guitar, with a beautiful ribbon tied on it, and a red rose.
She picked it up, and found a note, with a digital recorder along with it.
The note read:
"I want to hear you play this...and sing to me... here are the songs... when I come back to Earth again, I want you to sing to me, you have to do this for me! Kugo"
Belamis smiled, and switched on the digital recorder, there were a lot of songs in it...she listened, picked up the guitar, and started playing....
Dr. Kitty heard the guitar playing, and Belamis humming along.
"She has opened herself up now...."
"Monster ??? She was hurt by a monster ??" Kugo yelled....
"Yes....she tried to protect our facilities and the orphanage.." Dr. Kitty replied from the other end.
"Why...why didn't you tell us about the monster ???" Kugo asked.
"It's OK back on Earth, we have the Earth's cosmos fleet and armed force guarding us." Dr. Kitty said, "There is no immediate danger at all."
"Was she badly hurt then ?" Kugo changed the subject...he was more concerned with Belamis.
Dr. Kitty bit her lips, then said, "She was very brave. She tried to lure the monster away from people, and risking herself...."
Kugo was lost in thoughts...."It was the same Belamis I know...the same brave soul....not a bit of her changed..." As he remembered the times she braved monster's attacks when she fought alongside with him.
"She was hurt badly on her side and her left arm and shoulder.." Dr. Kitty added,
"but she is very strong and tough...."
"But she could not fight!!!" Kugo was worried...The last time he was with her, he saw with his eyes that her body was indistinguishable to human flesh and blood, and the scar told a lot about her body.
"When I met her, she was a space fighter with her sword, her jet, and her body was protected with armor...this time she was all flesh and blood..." Kugo said.
"Belamis is not the same kind of cyborg as you or Djorgo...her body is changing, getting stronger and stronger....she healed quickly from her wounds" Dr. Kitty said.
"She may not have her sword or her fighter jet with her, but it seems..."
"No....I can't let her risk her life like that!" Kugo said, as he stood up, "I have to go back to Earth!"
Djorgo put his hand on Kugo's shoulder, "Perhaps...this is what Belamis wants after all ..."
"She is a fighter, a warrior, one that will risk to protect people she loved....and Earth is now her new home..." Djorgo continued. “She have loved ones there which she wanted to protect …”
Kugo turned, and suddenly those image of her in the orphanage re-appeared. She was happy there, she loved the children...he also remembered her courage...not afraid of fighting even the most formidable monster...
"You know her well, and if you try stop her ......she will be REALLY mad at you.....I don't think this lover's fight is pleasent...." Djorgo said, "you know you have an unfinished fight... if you two fight it will be a war zone...hahaha" Djorgo chuckled....
Kugo nodded...,"You are right. If I were her, I would want to protect Earth, Dr. Kitty and others with the powers she had...she made Earth her home now...she will not let anything happen to Earth ..."
"And you know sometimes she would not listen to others...not even you...when she is determined ..." Djorgo added.
Kugo knew Belamis well. If she decided to do something she would stop at nothing...she had that kind of hard neck determination that was sometimes difficult... "She is very stubborn sometimes....that was charming too..." Kugo thought....
"..if she made Earth her home, she will protect it even at the pains of death..." as he remembered that horrid scar on her left arm, and of course how she would sacrifice for others.
"You don't have to worry, we are safe here on Earth." Dr. Kitty said, and she signed off.
"I don't know about others, but if it is Belamis, I will not worry at all..." Djorgo added, "She will do everything to protect Earth...and I know she can."
Kugo nodded, and thought, " take care things back at Earth...and take care of yourself...".
Most Belamis' fans knew Belamis loved Kugo...and many believed from tell tale signs in the series, Kugo was also attracted to her...the misfortune of fate put them in opposing sides until late in the show, Belamis refuse to serve that evil forces. I, perhaps many viewers, had high hopes that Belamis would keep appearing...
Kugo and Princess Aurora's relationship was more of a subordinate obeying his superior, i.e. Kugo served the Princess, so often he had to obey her. The Princess could punish him by making his head band to tighten round his head.
However with Belamis he was much more relaxed, and could joke and talk a lot, and he was an equal with her.
This chapter echoed the theme of a short novel written by fans, obviously those who loved Belamis deeply, and those who wished she and Kugo could be together.
The novel depicted a sad Kugo bringing flowers to small tomb at the Great Planet. The tomb was created in remembrance of Belamis.
In this novel, Kugo revealed his love to Belamis, and he knew Belamis loved him, but regretted he didn't stop Belamis in time. Belamis was referred to as a strong warrior, superior at strategy, kind to those who lost their home planets, and was their worthy opponent.
The novel in the first link spelled out what fans all anticipated: Beramisu has never disappeared from the heart of Kugo...and the Princess Aurora was envy about this. She knew if Belamis was alive, she would be the one walking with Kugo...
I expanded on this theme, and decided to write about Kugo and Belamis relationship, more than friends, but deeply in love with each other, and to a point that neither can live without the other.
孫 行者聞到她頭髮上的味道,他輕輕撫摸她一頭長髮,感動無限幸福。「她好香呢…」孫行者還聞到她身上汗水的味道,比拉絲勤奮勞動了一天,全身出汗,沒有洗澡。孫行者心想:「她全是血肉之 軀,是個女人…」想著就用手臂抱著她的手臂和肩膀。比拉絲外衣脫了下來。這時候孫行者發現比拉絲左臂有東西,他心頭一震。