Chapter 29 - Redemption
Kugo and Belamis were on their way back to the Galaxy Union fleet, and they stopped over another planet.
Belamis hopped out of her jet, then suddenly a stone was thrown at her, hitting her back.
"What is that ?" Kugo shouted.
It was the planet where Kugo and his companies saved a kid with a sickness, and when Belamis was leading the Lacets Legion troops to surround that planet.
Belamis ordered the Lacets Legion forces to stay and keep an eye on the planet and inform her when Kugo and Queen Cosmos left, and she pursued Kugo. While Belamis was away, Queen Lacets ordered the troops to attack the planet inhabited by peaceful people, behind Belaims back, and when Belamis chased Kugo back and saw it, she immediately ordered the troops to pull back. Later Belamis and Queen Lacets had an argument over this incident, and it was this incident that triggered the Queen to plot against Belamis and caused the death of her friend Sherius.
Belamis looked and remembered the planet. She had pleaded the Queen not to attack the place, and therefore she ordered the Lacets troop to stay put and wait for her orders.
The planet was attacked, and people remembered, and they knew it was Belamis who was the captain of the Queen Lacet's troops.
"You evil one!" One man shouted, throwing a stone at Belamis.
Belamis was stunned, then later realized why they hated her. The attack destroyed a village and left a lot injured. Belamis bowed her head.
"Stop ! It wasn't Belamis' idea!" Kugo protested, as he pulled out his Astro-Lance.
"No... Kugo... Indeed... I served an evil empire before..." Belamis replied calmly.
Under the calm face, Belamis was shouldering a lot of guilt for having served as the Chief Captain for both Guima and Lacet's Legion. She refused to defend herself. Then rocks hit her head and body.
"You are one of the evil legions!" The people shouted, hurling rocks at Belamis.
"No... stop!!! Belamis is not a bad person..... she...she nearly got killed to save the Galaxy!" Kugo protested.
Then a youngster ran forward and shouted, "I am going to avenge for my family!" He ran towards Belami, staring at Belamis, then suddenly he pulled a dagger and stabbed Belamis on her chest.
Belamis stood there in shock, as the dagger sank into her chest. Belamis did not move or even defend herself. Her face twitched as she felt the pain on her chest.
"No!!!" Kugo shouted.
Belamis looked at the youngster in his eyes, and said, "If this can... can ease your pains..."
Then Belamis closed her eyes. The youngster pulled out the dagger and stabbed Belamis chest again, then he was stopped by the rest of the people.
Belamis had two holes on her chest, blood flowing out the wounds. Her eyes filled with tears.
The crowd looked on, and saw Belamis' valor - she stood there and let herself be stabbed twice, without fighting back. They then stopped throwing stones at her. Then Belamis fell onto her knees.
Kugo helped her up, and shouted, "Belamis is not a bad person....she didn't ordered the attack on your planet!!! I knew her! She won't harm innocent and defenseless people..."
Belamis replied, "No.... Had I not joined the Lacet's Legion, the destruction to this place would not have happened.... I am responsible..."
The youngster who stabbed Belamis paused, and looked at Belamis. Before him was a warrior of integrity, courage and valor, a far cry from the evil person he imagined.
Then an elder emerged, walked towards Kugo and Belamis, and said, "I trust you both.... Come to my place to stay."
Belamis stayed to let her wounds heal. She laid on a bed, with her suit off, and her chest wrapped in bandages.
Kugo looked on, and said, "Even if you are a cyborg, that stabbing hurts too..."
"Who is that youngster ?" Kugo asked.
"He's Nedlin, one of the villagers.... when Lacet's Legion forces attacked... he lost his family" The elder replied.
Belamis listened, and felt very sorry for Nedlin.
Kugo noticed Belamis' expression, and replied, "You did not order the attacks!"
Belamis replied, "No matter what, it's me who joined Lacet's Union that led to the forces surrounding this planet..."
"You cannot keep taking all the blames onto you!" Kugo said.
"I volunteered to be a cyborg, sworn to help all those who lost their planets...and I joined a forces that was the opposite of all my ideals..." Belamis replied.
Kugo saw there were tears in Belamis eyes.
Belamis encountered a machine monster created by Lacet's Legion, and as she destroyed it, she wept. Belamis had always blamed herself for joining the Lacet 's Legion.
"Belamis.... you did all you could... you are not a saint... you nearly killed yourself for the sake of those who lost their planets when you face off the photon monster at the Great Planet..." Kugo replied.
Belamis looked at Kugo, and hold his hands.
As Belamis rested, Nedlin, who attacked Belamis was pondering outside the house where Belamis stayed.
"She did not defend herself...and let me stab her twice... She doesn't look evil at all..." He thought.
It was late at night, the youngster sneaked in, holding a laser gun in his hand.
"You are coming for me ?" Belamis said. The youngster startled, and pointed the gun at Belamis.
Nedlin said, "My family died when Lacet's Legion forces attacked our planet...You are their captain..." He replied.
Belamis felt a heartache, and she looked at the Nedlin.
"Will killing me... avenge the lost of your family ?" Belamis asked slowly, and she walked to Nedlin.
Nedlin shouted, "No... don't come near! I will kill you."
Belamis looked straight into Nedlin's eyes, and said, "For every moment till now I regretted joining Lacet's Union..." Belamis walked closer, until the gun touched her chest.
"What.. What are you doing..???" Nedlin yelled.
Belamis moved the gun and let it point to her forehead. Belamis said, "Shoot me right at this point....that will kill me..."
Nedlin pointed the gun at Belamis forehead.
Kugo and others heard the noise and came, and saw all that.
"Stop it!" Kugo shouted.
"No...Kugo... Let Nedlin decide." Belamis shouted.
Nedlin pointed the gun at Belamis forehead, and his hand shook. He moved his finger and began pulling the trigger.
Then Nedlin dropped his gun, and fell to his knees.
Belamis bowed her head.
"Belamis... you are not a bad are a true warrior...." Nedlin said. He saw in Belamis' eyes kindness and courage.
Belamis looked at him, and nodded.
Then there was a loud bang.
"Monsters..." Kugo said.
Belamis looked at Nedlin, and remarked, "I will protect this place... and all Galaxy..." Then she ran out.
Belamis' wounds on her chest were still hurting, but her thought of defending this planet which was once attacked by Lacet's Legion, caused her to ignore her pains.
The attacking monsters were like giant octopus, with their mouth spitting flames. Belamis hopped to her jet and started attacking. Kugo followed in Star Probe. There were four monsters.
"Belamis, let's go!"
"Kugo, go together." Belamis replied, and hopped to her space bike and flew along side with Kugo.
"Does you wound hurt ?" Kugo asked.
"It's OK."
The pair approached the monsters. Kugo charged ahead, again not wanting Belamis to risk herself.
The monsters fired at Kugo.
Belamis used her sword, and shouted "EM-Thunder" and shot out blasts to cover Kugo.
The four monsters were fierce, and they lashed their tentacles at Kugo and Belamis.
Kugo was hit, and he nearly fell to the ground. Belamis shouted, "No..." As Belamis used her sword, she pulled her wounds and hurt..."Arrh..." That slowed her a bit and the monsters' flames hit her too.
Kugo saw Belamis was facing the four monsters alone, and flew to help Belamis.
Then one monster shot out ink from its jet and hit Kugo.
"Ouch...!!" Kugo yelled. The ink were not normal ink, but corrosive. Kugo fell to the ground.
"Kugo!" Belamis yelled. Then one of the monsters grabbed Belamis with its tentacle and began to squeeze.
The other monsters shot Kugo with flames, and Kugo couldn't get up.
Belamis forehead glowed as she saw Kugo in danger. She transformed to her giantess form.
Belamis roared, and broke free from the tentacles. The wounds on her chest were torn open, and she was bleeding.
Nedlin saw the battle, and the blood on Belamis' chest. He immediately raised his gun and started shooting at the monsters.
Belamis ran and shielded Kugo with her body, and picked him up. Then she saw Nedlin.
The monsters turned to him and began shooting flames at Nedlin. Belamis ran and sheltered him.
Nedlin saw Belamis protected him.. and immediately he knew Belamis was not responsible for the death of his family.
"Belamis... forgive me.." Nedlin said.
Belamis heard, and nodded. She picked Nedlin up, and placed him and Kugo away from danger.
Then Belamis roared, and leaped to the air. She grabbed one of the monsters, and threw it at the other one. Then two monsters used their tentacles and grabbed Belamis. The tentacles wrapped round Belamis limbs, and one tentacles round her neck. The tentacle round Belamis neck began to tighten, and whilst those on her limbs were pulled in four directions.
Belamis felt her neck was squeezed, and she growled. Her arms and legs were pulled in four directions, as if the monsters were pulling her apart. Belamis suddenly glowed in a bright light - she let out a strong burst of energy, immediately killing the two monsters at her vicinity. That outburst used up a lot of Belamis' life energy, and Belamis fell to the ground, very weak.
The remaining two monsters attacked her. One used all its tentacles to grab hold of Belamis, then the other, used its beak, poked into Belamis chest, and began pulling her muscles.
Belamis roared. Then Kugo got up, and yelled, "Belamis!!" He charged with his Star Probe, and cut the tentacles grabbing Belamis, then shot the monster that grabbed Belamis with Trizer-Beam, destroying it.
Belamis grabbed hold of the other monster, pulling out its beak, then the monster strangled Belamis body with its tentacles. Belamis felt the crushing force on her body as all eight tentacles tighten and squeezed.
Belamis roared, and exerted her muscles, and she broke free, tearing the tentacles apart, and then Kugo finished off that monster with Astro-Thunder.
Belamis body was wounded, and she breathed heavily. Kugo flew and hover before Belamis' face.
"Belamis..." Kugo said, watching Belamis body covered in blood and dirt.
Belamis smiled, and replied, "Ku...go..." She reached out her palm and touched Kugo, before she turned back to human form, standing naked and body bleeding.
Nedlin approached, and looked at the naked Belamis. Belamis looked at him.
Nedlin said, "Forgive me..."
Belamis replied, "Not a problem.." Then she collapsed.
Four days later, Belamis recovered, and she was about to leave.
Nedlin, the people came, with gifts for Belamis and Kugo.
"You don't have to give us all that..." Belamis said.
Kugo added, "It's our duty to protect you..."
"No.... we misunderstood Belamis.... and treated her badly..." The people replied. Nedlin bowed down his head.
Belamis approached and placed her hands on Nedlin's shoulder, "I am OK. I am not mad at you..."
Nedlin replied, "Thank you again."
Belamis smiled, and nodded.
The pair then departed.
May 31, 2012
May 23, 2012
ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul
Chapter 28 - adventure on a planet
Belamis and Kugo were about to head back to the forces, when Kugo found his Star Probe had engine problems.
"Let's land at that planet and check." Belamis said.
The pair landed at a planet. There Belamis helped Kugo to repair his craft.
Then suddenly, there were loud thuds...
"Monster!" Kugo yelled.
A giant gorilla like beast emerged, walking to them.
Kugo pulled out his Astro-Lance.
Belamis shouted, "No!"
Belamis saw that there were two kids with the giant gorilla. That giant gorilla displayed no aggression, and even looked a bit cuddly, though it was really enormous, standing nearly 60 meters tall.
Kugo also looked, and immediately saw that the animal was not aggressive.
Belamis walked to the kids.
"Don't be alarmed. Big Tom is our friend...." One of the kids, a twelve year old boy said.
"Yes. Big Tom is a gentle boy!" The other, a girl around the age of six added. She jumped to the giant gorilla's palm, and the gorilla smiled, gently touched the girl.
Belamis looked at that giant gorilla. Big Tom gazed at Belamis, and chuckled.
Belamis walked to the giant gorilla.
"Be careful!" Kugo said.
"No worries..." Belamis replied.
The giant gorilla smiled, and touched Belamis left shoulder with his palm, very very gently.
Belamis, with her helmet off, smiled, and walked onto the giant palm, and the gorilla gently picked her up, holding Belamis with the girl.
"Big Tom likes you!!" The girl said.
"What's your name?" Belamis asked.
"I am Mei, he's my brother Zok. Big Tom grew up with us when he's a baby". Mei said.
Belamis looked at the giant gorilla Big Tom. Big Tom was interested and curious.
Belamis leap up high, and Big Tom held out his other palm, and let Belamis land on it.
Belamis and Kugo laughed. Kugo said, "Here I come!" He jumped up, and landed beside Belamis.
Zok, the boy said, "Big Tom has a hunch to tell good people from bad... you two are good people!"
Big Tom made a soft growl, and that was a friendly voice. Belamis smiled.
"My space craft has engine problem, we probably will stay for a few days." Kugo said.
Belamis smiled, and said, "I like Big Tom too... he's a good guy."
"Hey!" Kugo protested.
Big Tom indeed was a gentle beast, despite his size, he was gentle. He looked at Belamis.
"Big Tom really liked you at first sight......" Mei said.
Belamis, after some thought, said, "I think I have some wild blood in me..... I am not afraid of him."
Kugo looked at Belamis, and said, "Wild blood ?"
"I am a member of Gariusu giant race....our ancestors lived in the wilds... even my biological parents... we have an instinct to connect to animals in the wild... like Big Tom." Belamis remarked, as she touched Big Tom's hand.
"Big Tom regarded you as his friends now..." Zok said.
Indeed, as Belamis and Kugo were sitting at Big Tom's chest with the two kids.
Belamis looked at this peaceful moment, and said, "This place is like heaven....I never thought I could make friend with a giant and magnificent beast like Big Tom."
Mei replied, "We liked you both... you are really a couple ... perfectly matched..."
Kugo and Belamis looked at each other.
They remembered fighting alongside each other in an ancient planet to defeat a strange sphinx. It was their first time fighting alongside, and the two had mutual understanding.
It was the forth day Kugo and Belamis stranded on the planet, and finally Kugo's Star Probe was fixed.
"We had to leave..." Kugo said.
"I want to say goodbye to Mei, Zok and Big Tom....." Belamis said. Then suddenly there were loud screams.
"What is that ?" Kugo said.
Zok and Mei were running towards Kugo and Belamis.
"What is it ?" Belamis asked.
Mei wept. Zok in tears, replied, "I don't know what happened... Big Tom suddenly went berserk... "
Kugo and Belamis looked at each other.
"Come with us." Belamis said. Kugo and Belamis each took a kid on their crafts, and flew to the scene.
There the giant gorilla Big Tom was roaring. He looked fierce and his original gray color fur turned into black, and he was wrecking havoc around.
"What the heck...." Kugo remarked.
"Galaxy Energy ..... Golinkor created the disturbances....Big Tom, like other animals affected by the disturbance....became...a monster..." Belamis replied.
Belamis reached for her sword, then Mei placed her hands on Belamis right hand.
"Please..... don't harm Big Tom." Begged Meil
Belamis in her helmet, lifted the shades and looked at Zok and Mei.
The two kids were begging her. Belamis looked at the two kids, and nodded, "I promise... I would not harm Big Tom. He is my friend too."
"Kugo.... we must save Big Tom..."
Belamis then landed her jet.
"You two stay here." Belamis said. She summoned her space bike, and space bike had it wheels out, and became a motorbike.
Belamis mounted on space bike. Mei grabbed hold of Belamis hand, and said, "Please...."
Belamis in her helmet with her shades down, gazed at the girl. She lifted the shades and looked at Mei.
"I promise... I will save Big Tom..." Belamis replied.
"Kugo..... let's go!" Belamis said.
Belamis started her space bike and raced to the scene with Kugo.
"Belamis, what are you going to do ?" Kugo asked.
Belamis looked.
"Kugo, I will draw Big Tom's attention, you cover me..."
Belamis accelerated her space bike, and stopped before Big Tom.
Big Tom was roaring. He changed into a black and gigantic gorilla. He saw Belamis, and raised its fists, and strike.
Belamis steered away, and drew the attention of Big Tom to follow her.
"Belamis! It's dangerous..." Kugo yelled.
"Kugo.... you protect the villages and cities... I will try to lure Big Tom away from populated areas...." Belamis replied, as Big Tom chased her.
Belamis looked back, and she steered her spacebike. Big Tom was deformed into a large monster gorilla, and he spitted balls of flames at Belamis.
"I have to lure him far away from populated areas!" Belamis thought.
That giant gorilla chased after Belamis.
Then Belamis turned, and faced the gorilla. She reached for her sword, then Belamis stopped and did not pull our her sword.
"No... I cannot do it... I promised Mei and Zok." Belamis thought.
Then suddenly Mei ran out, shouting, "Tom.... don't do it!" She had followed Belamis all the way.
"No!!! Get away!!!!" Belamis shouted.
The giant gorilla growled and spit out balls of flames at Mei.
Belamis invoked her ultraspeed move and shielded Mei.
"Belamis...." Mei looked, as Belamis took the blast.
"Go ....I promise I will save your friend!" Belamis said, as she gasped.
Then a multitude of blasts came firing at Belamis and Mei.
"No!!!" Belamis yelled, as she carried Mei and jumped away.
Belamis placed Mei aside, and charged, dodging Big Tom's bursts of flames.
Then suddenly Big Tom raised its fist and hit the other side, shaking the ground. The ground cracked opened, and Mei nearly fell into the deep crack. Mei held on the edge and screamed.
Belamis moved with her ultraspeed, and pulled Mei up. Then Big Tom spitted flame ball at them. Belamis pushed Mei away and took the blast. As Belamis took the blast, the giant gorilla stomped on her.
Belamis moaned, and Big Tom grabbed Belamis with its hand and squeezed.
"Arrrh...." Belamis yelled in pain and felt she's going to be crushed.
Kugo and Zok came too, Zok ran to try and save his sister.
Kugo raised his Astro-Lance and tried to shoot, but then hesitated.
Just this brief hesitation, Big Tom hit Kugo with his fist and sending Kugo to hit a tree, and Big Tom spit out series of flame balls at Kugo.
"Ku...Ku..go..." Belamis looked, and then her forehead glowed and Belamis lost her suit.
Then Belamis transformed to her giantess form, breaking away from the grip of the gorilla.
Belamis, in her giantess form, exerted her muscles, and she grabbed the hands of Big Tom.
Big Tom was three times Belamis' size, and was a mountain of muscles, and he exerted his muscles, and wrestled with Belamis.
Belamis roared, and pushed back.
Mei and Zok watched in total amazement, as Belamis was using her strength to battle with Big Tom.
Kugo got up and shouted, "Belamis!!"
Belamis was strong and muscular, and she exerted hard, trying to push back Big Tom.
Then Big Tom growled, and suddenly opened his jaws and bit Belamis at her right shoulder.
"Arr..." Belamis groaned, as she felt the sharp teeth sank to her shoulder, and the teeth was grinding at her shoulder bone, making sound of gnawing.
"No!!!" Kugo raised his Astro Lance and wanted to shoot.
Belamis braved the pain on her shoulder, shook her head...""
The monstrous gorilla pulled, and there was a ripping sound, a part of Belamis shoulder's flesh was ripped off.
Yet Belamis was very brave, she took that brief moment, and strike with her fist at Big Tom's face. Big Tom stepped back.
Belamis put her hand on her injured shoulder, and she shook and breathed heavily. The wound was horrid, and blood was flowing out.
Belamis roared, and charged the gorilla, knocking it down.
Belamis leaped and tried to attack, then Big Tom raised its palm and the sank the sharp claws onto Belamis' wounded shoulder, into her wound.
Belamis felt painful, and groaned, but she pushed back the giant hand, braving her pain, and pulled the arm of Big Tom, tossing him over her back and threw it onto the ground. Despite the size of Big Tom, Belamis could lift him up, even Belamis was severely injured.
Belamis lifted Big Tom up and threw him onto the ground, then she did it again and again, and the crashing sound of Big Tom hitting the ground was deafening.
Then after nearly twenty tosses, Big Tom laid on the ground and growled. He could not get up, and Belamis breathed heavily, she finally subdued the giant gorilla with her strength.
Then Belamis radiated her own energy, changing Big Tom back to the gentle giant gorilla.
As Big Tom changed back, he saw Belamis wounded, he made a soft growl, and tears rolled out of his eyes as he saw Belamis was seriously injured. He hugged Belamis.
Belamis smiled, and hugged the gorilla back.
Mei and Zok yelled, "Big Tom.. You are back!!!"
Kugo shouted, "Belamis!!!"
Belamis turned, and said, "Kugo..." Then she collapsed and fell to the ground, and turned back to human from.
Big Tom looked at Belamis, naked and lying on the ground. Belamis opened her eyes, smiled and said, "Friend... I am OK...."
Kugo picked Belamis up and carried her in his arms, saddened by the wounds she sustained.
Belamis stayed another four days to let her wounds heal.
By the day Belamis and Kugo left, Mei, Zok and Big Tom bid farewell.
Kugo, Belamis hugged the kids.
Then Belamis looked at Big Tom, and said, "Big Tom, protect your friend!"
Big Tom chuckled, and as he did when he first saw Belamis, patted Belamis shoulder gently.
Belamis smiled, so did Kugo.
The pair then boarded their crafts and left.
Belamis and Kugo were about to head back to the forces, when Kugo found his Star Probe had engine problems.
"Let's land at that planet and check." Belamis said.
The pair landed at a planet. There Belamis helped Kugo to repair his craft.
Then suddenly, there were loud thuds...
"Monster!" Kugo yelled.
A giant gorilla like beast emerged, walking to them.
Kugo pulled out his Astro-Lance.
Belamis shouted, "No!"
Belamis saw that there were two kids with the giant gorilla. That giant gorilla displayed no aggression, and even looked a bit cuddly, though it was really enormous, standing nearly 60 meters tall.
Kugo also looked, and immediately saw that the animal was not aggressive.
Belamis walked to the kids.
"Don't be alarmed. Big Tom is our friend...." One of the kids, a twelve year old boy said.
"Yes. Big Tom is a gentle boy!" The other, a girl around the age of six added. She jumped to the giant gorilla's palm, and the gorilla smiled, gently touched the girl.
Belamis looked at that giant gorilla. Big Tom gazed at Belamis, and chuckled.
Belamis walked to the giant gorilla.
"Be careful!" Kugo said.
"No worries..." Belamis replied.
The giant gorilla smiled, and touched Belamis left shoulder with his palm, very very gently.
Belamis, with her helmet off, smiled, and walked onto the giant palm, and the gorilla gently picked her up, holding Belamis with the girl.
"Big Tom likes you!!" The girl said.
"What's your name?" Belamis asked.
"I am Mei, he's my brother Zok. Big Tom grew up with us when he's a baby". Mei said.
Belamis looked at the giant gorilla Big Tom. Big Tom was interested and curious.
Belamis leap up high, and Big Tom held out his other palm, and let Belamis land on it.
Belamis and Kugo laughed. Kugo said, "Here I come!" He jumped up, and landed beside Belamis.
Zok, the boy said, "Big Tom has a hunch to tell good people from bad... you two are good people!"
Big Tom made a soft growl, and that was a friendly voice. Belamis smiled.
"My space craft has engine problem, we probably will stay for a few days." Kugo said.
Belamis smiled, and said, "I like Big Tom too... he's a good guy."
"Hey!" Kugo protested.
Big Tom indeed was a gentle beast, despite his size, he was gentle. He looked at Belamis.
"Big Tom really liked you at first sight......" Mei said.
Belamis, after some thought, said, "I think I have some wild blood in me..... I am not afraid of him."
Kugo looked at Belamis, and said, "Wild blood ?"
"I am a member of Gariusu giant race....our ancestors lived in the wilds... even my biological parents... we have an instinct to connect to animals in the wild... like Big Tom." Belamis remarked, as she touched Big Tom's hand.
"Big Tom regarded you as his friends now..." Zok said.
Indeed, as Belamis and Kugo were sitting at Big Tom's chest with the two kids.
Belamis looked at this peaceful moment, and said, "This place is like heaven....I never thought I could make friend with a giant and magnificent beast like Big Tom."
Mei replied, "We liked you both... you are really a couple ... perfectly matched..."
Kugo and Belamis looked at each other.
They remembered fighting alongside each other in an ancient planet to defeat a strange sphinx. It was their first time fighting alongside, and the two had mutual understanding.
It was the forth day Kugo and Belamis stranded on the planet, and finally Kugo's Star Probe was fixed.
"We had to leave..." Kugo said.
"I want to say goodbye to Mei, Zok and Big Tom....." Belamis said. Then suddenly there were loud screams.
"What is that ?" Kugo said.
Zok and Mei were running towards Kugo and Belamis.
"What is it ?" Belamis asked.
Mei wept. Zok in tears, replied, "I don't know what happened... Big Tom suddenly went berserk... "
Kugo and Belamis looked at each other.
"Come with us." Belamis said. Kugo and Belamis each took a kid on their crafts, and flew to the scene.
There the giant gorilla Big Tom was roaring. He looked fierce and his original gray color fur turned into black, and he was wrecking havoc around.
"What the heck...." Kugo remarked.
"Galaxy Energy ..... Golinkor created the disturbances....Big Tom, like other animals affected by the disturbance....became...a monster..." Belamis replied.
Belamis reached for her sword, then Mei placed her hands on Belamis right hand.
"Please..... don't harm Big Tom." Begged Meil
Belamis in her helmet, lifted the shades and looked at Zok and Mei.
The two kids were begging her. Belamis looked at the two kids, and nodded, "I promise... I would not harm Big Tom. He is my friend too."
"Kugo.... we must save Big Tom..."
Belamis then landed her jet.
"You two stay here." Belamis said. She summoned her space bike, and space bike had it wheels out, and became a motorbike.
Belamis mounted on space bike. Mei grabbed hold of Belamis hand, and said, "Please...."
Belamis in her helmet with her shades down, gazed at the girl. She lifted the shades and looked at Mei.
"I promise... I will save Big Tom..." Belamis replied.
"Kugo..... let's go!" Belamis said.
Belamis started her space bike and raced to the scene with Kugo.
"Belamis, what are you going to do ?" Kugo asked.
Belamis looked.
"Kugo, I will draw Big Tom's attention, you cover me..."
Belamis accelerated her space bike, and stopped before Big Tom.
Big Tom was roaring. He changed into a black and gigantic gorilla. He saw Belamis, and raised its fists, and strike.
Belamis steered away, and drew the attention of Big Tom to follow her.
"Belamis! It's dangerous..." Kugo yelled.
"Kugo.... you protect the villages and cities... I will try to lure Big Tom away from populated areas...." Belamis replied, as Big Tom chased her.
Belamis looked back, and she steered her spacebike. Big Tom was deformed into a large monster gorilla, and he spitted balls of flames at Belamis.
"I have to lure him far away from populated areas!" Belamis thought.
That giant gorilla chased after Belamis.
Then Belamis turned, and faced the gorilla. She reached for her sword, then Belamis stopped and did not pull our her sword.
"No... I cannot do it... I promised Mei and Zok." Belamis thought.
Then suddenly Mei ran out, shouting, "Tom.... don't do it!" She had followed Belamis all the way.
"No!!! Get away!!!!" Belamis shouted.
The giant gorilla growled and spit out balls of flames at Mei.
Belamis invoked her ultraspeed move and shielded Mei.
"Belamis...." Mei looked, as Belamis took the blast.
"Go ....I promise I will save your friend!" Belamis said, as she gasped.
Then a multitude of blasts came firing at Belamis and Mei.
"No!!!" Belamis yelled, as she carried Mei and jumped away.
Belamis placed Mei aside, and charged, dodging Big Tom's bursts of flames.
Then suddenly Big Tom raised its fist and hit the other side, shaking the ground. The ground cracked opened, and Mei nearly fell into the deep crack. Mei held on the edge and screamed.
Belamis moved with her ultraspeed, and pulled Mei up. Then Big Tom spitted flame ball at them. Belamis pushed Mei away and took the blast. As Belamis took the blast, the giant gorilla stomped on her.
Belamis moaned, and Big Tom grabbed Belamis with its hand and squeezed.
"Arrrh...." Belamis yelled in pain and felt she's going to be crushed.
Kugo and Zok came too, Zok ran to try and save his sister.
Kugo raised his Astro-Lance and tried to shoot, but then hesitated.
Just this brief hesitation, Big Tom hit Kugo with his fist and sending Kugo to hit a tree, and Big Tom spit out series of flame balls at Kugo.
"Ku...Ku..go..." Belamis looked, and then her forehead glowed and Belamis lost her suit.
Then Belamis transformed to her giantess form, breaking away from the grip of the gorilla.
Belamis, in her giantess form, exerted her muscles, and she grabbed the hands of Big Tom.
Big Tom was three times Belamis' size, and was a mountain of muscles, and he exerted his muscles, and wrestled with Belamis.
Belamis roared, and pushed back.
Mei and Zok watched in total amazement, as Belamis was using her strength to battle with Big Tom.
Kugo got up and shouted, "Belamis!!"
Belamis was strong and muscular, and she exerted hard, trying to push back Big Tom.
Then Big Tom growled, and suddenly opened his jaws and bit Belamis at her right shoulder.
"Arr..." Belamis groaned, as she felt the sharp teeth sank to her shoulder, and the teeth was grinding at her shoulder bone, making sound of gnawing.
"No!!!" Kugo raised his Astro Lance and wanted to shoot.
Belamis braved the pain on her shoulder, shook her head...""
The monstrous gorilla pulled, and there was a ripping sound, a part of Belamis shoulder's flesh was ripped off.
Yet Belamis was very brave, she took that brief moment, and strike with her fist at Big Tom's face. Big Tom stepped back.
Belamis put her hand on her injured shoulder, and she shook and breathed heavily. The wound was horrid, and blood was flowing out.
Belamis roared, and charged the gorilla, knocking it down.
Belamis leaped and tried to attack, then Big Tom raised its palm and the sank the sharp claws onto Belamis' wounded shoulder, into her wound.
Belamis felt painful, and groaned, but she pushed back the giant hand, braving her pain, and pulled the arm of Big Tom, tossing him over her back and threw it onto the ground. Despite the size of Big Tom, Belamis could lift him up, even Belamis was severely injured.
Belamis lifted Big Tom up and threw him onto the ground, then she did it again and again, and the crashing sound of Big Tom hitting the ground was deafening.
Then after nearly twenty tosses, Big Tom laid on the ground and growled. He could not get up, and Belamis breathed heavily, she finally subdued the giant gorilla with her strength.
Then Belamis radiated her own energy, changing Big Tom back to the gentle giant gorilla.
As Big Tom changed back, he saw Belamis wounded, he made a soft growl, and tears rolled out of his eyes as he saw Belamis was seriously injured. He hugged Belamis.
Belamis smiled, and hugged the gorilla back.
Mei and Zok yelled, "Big Tom.. You are back!!!"
Kugo shouted, "Belamis!!!"
Belamis turned, and said, "Kugo..." Then she collapsed and fell to the ground, and turned back to human from.
Big Tom looked at Belamis, naked and lying on the ground. Belamis opened her eyes, smiled and said, "Friend... I am OK...."
Kugo picked Belamis up and carried her in his arms, saddened by the wounds she sustained.
Belamis stayed another four days to let her wounds heal.
By the day Belamis and Kugo left, Mei, Zok and Big Tom bid farewell.
Kugo, Belamis hugged the kids.
Then Belamis looked at Big Tom, and said, "Big Tom, protect your friend!"
Big Tom chuckled, and as he did when he first saw Belamis, patted Belamis shoulder gently.
Belamis smiled, so did Kugo.
The pair then boarded their crafts and left.
May 20, 2012
ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul
Chapter 27 - a break away from the fighting
Golinkor forces were not seen for months. Kugo and Belamis took a few days off duty.
They flew side by side in a craft.
Suddenly Kugo remarked, "Hey... stop here!"
Belamis stopped, and asked, "What ?"
Before them was a planet, and Kugo landed his craft, and Belamis followed.
The planet was filled with flora. Kugo ran to a spot. Belamis followed.
There stood a small tomb, with a cross marking it.
"Shireius...." Belamis remarked. Shireius was an officer at Lacet's Legion Foreigner's Legion. Belamis cared about the Foreigner's Legion, and she gave Shireius her necklace as a gift.
Queen Lacet's plotted against Belamis and Kugo by killing all of the Foreigner's Legion, and making Belamis thought that Kugo killed them.
"How did you..." Belamis remarked.
"I remember that look on your face when you fight me..... you are furious and wouldn't listen to me. She must be somebody significant to you enough to make you act that way..." Kugo replied.
"I happened to stumble at this place when I was patrolling round here... and saw this tomb... I remembered that you said you were fighting me before her body.... I found her dead before you arrived..." Kugo remarked.
Belamis approached the tomb which she made for Shireius, and looked. She remembered their friendship.
Shireius and Belamis belonged to adjacent star systems, but they met at college, then after college Shireius returned to her planet.
They both ended up joining Queen Lacet's forces, with Shireius joining first, and Belamis later.
"Is that yours ?" Kugo came, holding a necklace in his hand. Belamis looked, it's the necklace she gave Shireius as a gift.
"It's the emblem of my own army..... every Gariusu soldier has one of it.." Belamis took the necklace and gazed at it. "We received this when we sworn in to be a member of the army..." Belamis continued.
"I gave it to Shireius, because she's like my only family left after my planet blew up." Belamis said. She lost her friend Medona, then Shireius.
"Queen Lacet's did that took me a long while to realize it.." Belamis continued.
Belamis then looked around, and she started to pick flowers among the flora. Belamis loved flowers, despite her tough outlook. Kugo watched Belamis, and again admiring her tenderness - rarely shown but beautiful.
Belamis picked many flowers, and made it into a bouquet.
"It's beautiful..." Kugo remarked.
Belamis smiled, and placed it at the tomb of Shireius.
Belamis hold the necklace in her hands, and hang that necklace onto the cross marking the tomb.
"Shireius..... rest in peace.... all people who once lost their planets now find new homes..." Belamis said. She kneel down, and said to Kugo, "In Gariusu, we did this to fallen soldiers...". Belamis bowed her head. Kugo also kneel down, and bow his head. The two observed a moment of silence.
Belamis then stood up, and signed....
Kugo held her hand, and said, "You are a loyal friend...."
Belamis looked at Kugo, and fixed her gaze at his eyes. Belamis felt so happy.
Then Kugo held Belamis left hand, and put a ring on her middle finger.
"What's that ?" Belamis asked. Belamis did not know the custom of the ring on Earth.
"Er... er..." Kugo stuttered. Djorgo coached Kugo on the ways to court a girl, but apparently he forgot that Belamis was not from Earth!!!
Belamis looked at the silver ring on her middle finger.
"Belamis...I ... I want to be with you" Kugo said.
"I know..." Belamis replied.
" not only that... I ..." Kugo never anticipated that Belamis had no idea about the ring on her middle finger meant a proposal for marriage and engagement, and got tongue tied.
"What is it ?" Belamis asked, in an innocent manner.
"I...I" Kugo was embarrassed, and could not say the four words.
"I know you want me to be with you... I want to be with you too...." Belamis replied.
Kugo blushed......and stuttered, "Belamis... will...will..." He then fell onto his knees.
"What is it ?" Belamis remarked.
"Will you...." Kugo stuttered, and he kissed Belamis hand.
Belamis blushed.
Kugo took a deep breath, and yelled, "Belamis, will you marry me ??"
Belamis was stunned. She never thought Kugo would ask.
"Belamis.... after the war... after the battles....... we will have our wedding..." Kugo said.
Belamis' head was spinning....
"Belalmis ?"
Belamis looked at Kugo, and her heart was warm. Tears welled up in Belamis' eyes.
She nodded.
" have to say it...out loud..." Kugo begged.
Then the two kissed intensely.
Belamis turned to the tomb of Shireius, and said, "Shireius, you be our witness...."
Kugo and Belamis knelt before the tomb, Belamis said, "We are engaged..."
The pair then left the planet.
Yet.... great dangers lurking before the lovers....
Golinkor forces were not seen for months. Kugo and Belamis took a few days off duty.
They flew side by side in a craft.
Suddenly Kugo remarked, "Hey... stop here!"
Belamis stopped, and asked, "What ?"
Before them was a planet, and Kugo landed his craft, and Belamis followed.
The planet was filled with flora. Kugo ran to a spot. Belamis followed.
There stood a small tomb, with a cross marking it.
"Shireius...." Belamis remarked. Shireius was an officer at Lacet's Legion Foreigner's Legion. Belamis cared about the Foreigner's Legion, and she gave Shireius her necklace as a gift.
Queen Lacet's plotted against Belamis and Kugo by killing all of the Foreigner's Legion, and making Belamis thought that Kugo killed them.
"How did you..." Belamis remarked.
"I remember that look on your face when you fight me..... you are furious and wouldn't listen to me. She must be somebody significant to you enough to make you act that way..." Kugo replied.
"I happened to stumble at this place when I was patrolling round here... and saw this tomb... I remembered that you said you were fighting me before her body.... I found her dead before you arrived..." Kugo remarked.
Belamis approached the tomb which she made for Shireius, and looked. She remembered their friendship.
Shireius and Belamis belonged to adjacent star systems, but they met at college, then after college Shireius returned to her planet.
They both ended up joining Queen Lacet's forces, with Shireius joining first, and Belamis later.
"Is that yours ?" Kugo came, holding a necklace in his hand. Belamis looked, it's the necklace she gave Shireius as a gift.
"It's the emblem of my own army..... every Gariusu soldier has one of it.." Belamis took the necklace and gazed at it. "We received this when we sworn in to be a member of the army..." Belamis continued.
"I gave it to Shireius, because she's like my only family left after my planet blew up." Belamis said. She lost her friend Medona, then Shireius.
"Queen Lacet's did that took me a long while to realize it.." Belamis continued.
Belamis then looked around, and she started to pick flowers among the flora. Belamis loved flowers, despite her tough outlook. Kugo watched Belamis, and again admiring her tenderness - rarely shown but beautiful.
Belamis picked many flowers, and made it into a bouquet.
"It's beautiful..." Kugo remarked.
Belamis smiled, and placed it at the tomb of Shireius.
Belamis hold the necklace in her hands, and hang that necklace onto the cross marking the tomb.
"Shireius..... rest in peace.... all people who once lost their planets now find new homes..." Belamis said. She kneel down, and said to Kugo, "In Gariusu, we did this to fallen soldiers...". Belamis bowed her head. Kugo also kneel down, and bow his head. The two observed a moment of silence.
Belamis then stood up, and signed....
Kugo held her hand, and said, "You are a loyal friend...."
Belamis looked at Kugo, and fixed her gaze at his eyes. Belamis felt so happy.
Then Kugo held Belamis left hand, and put a ring on her middle finger.
"What's that ?" Belamis asked. Belamis did not know the custom of the ring on Earth.
"Er... er..." Kugo stuttered. Djorgo coached Kugo on the ways to court a girl, but apparently he forgot that Belamis was not from Earth!!!
Belamis looked at the silver ring on her middle finger.
"Belamis...I ... I want to be with you" Kugo said.
"I know..." Belamis replied.
" not only that... I ..." Kugo never anticipated that Belamis had no idea about the ring on her middle finger meant a proposal for marriage and engagement, and got tongue tied.
"What is it ?" Belamis asked, in an innocent manner.
"I...I" Kugo was embarrassed, and could not say the four words.
"I know you want me to be with you... I want to be with you too...." Belamis replied.
Kugo blushed......and stuttered, "Belamis... will...will..." He then fell onto his knees.
"What is it ?" Belamis remarked.
"Will you...." Kugo stuttered, and he kissed Belamis hand.
Belamis blushed.
Kugo took a deep breath, and yelled, "Belamis, will you marry me ??"
Belamis was stunned. She never thought Kugo would ask.
"Belamis.... after the war... after the battles....... we will have our wedding..." Kugo said.
Belamis' head was spinning....
"Belalmis ?"
Belamis looked at Kugo, and her heart was warm. Tears welled up in Belamis' eyes.
She nodded.
" have to say it...out loud..." Kugo begged.
Then the two kissed intensely.
Belamis turned to the tomb of Shireius, and said, "Shireius, you be our witness...."
Kugo and Belamis knelt before the tomb, Belamis said, "We are engaged..."
The pair then left the planet.
Yet.... great dangers lurking before the lovers....
May 16, 2012
ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul
Chapter 26 The battle at the Planet of Doom and encountering Krausman again.
Kugo recovered gradually. Belamis wished she could stay beside Kugo, but she had her duties as the Chief Commander of the fleet.
Belamis examined the data about Golinkor. There on the screen was the planet like facility - they now called it the "Planet of Doom". This thing was the size of the Earth's moon, and had destructive powers that could vaporize all planets in the Solar System. From the latest intelligence, it was heading towards the Solar System.
Lester, Greg and other officers briefed Belamis the situation. Their fleet lost another battleship, and many fighters, leaving them only three battleships, 54 fighters and only three cyborgs - Belamis, Kugo and Djorgo.
Belamis ketp a straight face, and said, "Continue...".
"Captain Belamis..." Greg began, "...when the remaining forces from Galaxy Union arrived, our chances of beating them are not really good..."
"Golinkor's battleships have powerful energy weapons... one blast or two are enough to wreck any of our battleships..." Greg continued, "and now we are going to take on the Planet of Doom...."
"Captain.... time and time again you risked yourself....destroying the enemy battleships with your powers..." Greg remarked..."but..."
"Go on..."
"Captain... we don't want you to risk yourself......" Greg said.
"Listen...." Belamis began.
"I am a warrior of the Galaxy Union... to protect the Galaxy is my duty... even if I have to die in the process of it..." Belamis replied.
"I know you all are loyal to me.. care a lot about me..." Belamis said, and she was moved by the care they displayed.
"I am with you all.... no matter what..." Lester said.
"We are with you... Captain." The rest said in unison.
"Thank you ... all of you.." Belamis replied.
"Let's get back to the war scenario.." Belamis continued.
"There's the Planet of Doom. According to our latest data, Golinkor forces had at most two fleets left, so it's the logical next step for them to deploy Planet of Doom..." Belamis continued.
"Our next battle will be against the Planet of Doom." Belamis said.
"With our current battleships ?" Lester asked.
"No.... with me and Kugo..." Belamis replied.
"Djorgo, you pick it up from here.." Belamis said.
Djorgo was at another ship, and in the transmission said, "Let's look at the latest analysis."
"Planet of Doom is a strong fortress, and could move like any battleship, capable of using warp flight...."
"It had a strong defense systems of sensors and powerful cannons and energy weapons...any battleship would be destroyed before it can get close enough."
The screen showed its destructive powers.
"It could send out a strong blast of energy at planets, and any planet got hit will be vaporized. The Planet of Doom is a horrible weapon."
"The source of its destructive powers lies in its core - the central reactor, which is a combination of nuclear fission and antimatter energy fuel source, churning matter and antimatter, to produce the vast energy of destruction."
Belamis listened.
"This core reactor is heavily guarded, because of its vast energy reserve, the Planet of Doom needed a lot of power to maintain its equilibrium. For if the antimatter and nuclear fission started to stray away from equilibrium, it would become unstable, it would set off a chain reaction that can annihilate itself."
"The main control room... depicted here...." Djorgo continued, as he sent out a schematic diagram, ".. is where all the action is. This room is guarded, has all the controls to the core, and from here it was where the energy blast can launch, but it is also from here... that you can shut it down or destroy it.."
"The Golinkor forces had to have means to enter and access this room.... the people there cannot stay there forever, and here we can find a way to compromise it." Djorgo said.
"Any huge fortress like that has to have a vulnerability..." Djorgo said.
"It's here... the opening of the cannon..." Djorgo said.
"The opening??? Where they fired the destructive blast ?" Lester said.
"They will never think that we approach that way..." Belamis added.
"From initiation to fire.... it takes 5 seconds." Djorgo said, "If they should fire, then we have a craft that can get in during that 5 seconds.... which is Jan Kugo's Star Probe."
Belamis looked at Kugo.
"We have a backup plan, Belamis' jet Blue Star could also fly in high speed alongside with Kugo's craft." Djorgo continued.
"This mission will be Kugo and Belamis going together." Djorgo announced.
The room stirred.
Belamis walked towards Kugo, and the two stood side by side and held hands.
Their romantic relationship was no secret, most knew they were together.
"The mission is critical, and only they... our best cyborg warriors, have the best chance." Djorgo said.
"Let's look at the game plan.." Belamis remarked.
"The Planet of Doom will be nearing one of the outer planets at our Galaxy, where our outpost is. However, the energy weapon can only be deployed within a 100,000 space mile range, so before it enters the range, we have 20 to 30 minutes to stall it. With Belamis' piloting skill, she could pilot her jet pass through the enemy fire."
"What about Kugo's craft ?" Someone asked.
"Belamis will pilot it too..." Djorgo replied.
"How ?" The other asked.
"Belamis programmed the onboard computer of Star Probe to synchronize with her fighter... she will be flying both craft at the same time..." Kugo said.
"What ?" The who crew were surprised.
"Belamis is our best pilot... she could pilot two craft at the same time..." Djorgo said.
"The two crafts will fly at top speed pass enemy fires... Kugo will cover whilst Belamis control both crafts." Djorgo continued. "Our ships will also cover them."
"Once they get in.... they will head to the core, and plant bombs there..."
"How would they get out?"
Djorgo was silent.
Belamis said, "We will find a way..."
Kugo said, "Belamis and I are survivors...we can do it..."
The crew was silent. This mission could be a no-return mission for them.
Belamis spoke, "We all come all the way to this point, we must fulfill our mission to defend our Galaxy. Me...and Kugo, have our roles, and you too, have your roles. It does not matter if I and Kugo live or die... but it matters if Galaxy is safe."
Kugo hold Belamis hand. Belamis continued, "This is our crucial battle, the only chance...". Belamis drew her sword and raise it up, and said, "Come... let's swear ! We are going to lay down our lives for our home Galaxy!"
The crew shouted in unison, "We swear!"
The fleet proceeded, and soon four other battleships from Galaxy Union joined. All the battleships were under Belamis' command.
Belamis sat at the main control room and looked. Kugo was in the visual transmission, "Belamis, I am ready.."
"I will join you shortly." Belamis replied.
"Lieutenant Tobit.." Belamis called. Tobit arrived.
"I will handover the command of the fleet to you now..." Belamis said, "Fight well."
Belamis then joined Kugo.
"Belamis, we are not going to separate...whatever!" Kugo said.
Belamis nodded, and asked, "Everything ready ?" Kugo said, "Yes."
"I take a final look." Belamis jumped into her jet and checked.
"Kugo.... you have to be my guard. When I am piloting, my hands are tied up, I have to concentrate, and by then, only you can protect me.." Belamis said.
"You have me to count on." Kugo replied.
Belamis and Kugo looked at each other. Then Belamis jumped out of her jet, Kugo hold her hands, and they kissed intensely.
"Belamis, we stay together." Kugo remarked.
Then the public announcement system broadcast, "Captain Belamis and Jan Kugo ready to launch!"
Belamis and Kugo jumped to their crafts.
"Blue Star, Star Probe...... take off!!!" Belamis shouted. She started the engine, and her left hand controls started the engine of Star Probe. The two crafts took off.
"Planet Doom is 30 seconds before firing range!" Lieutenant Tobit declared.
Belamis piloted Blue Star and Star Probe with both her hands. Kugo stood on Star Probe and pulled out his Astro-Lance.
Belamis looked at Kugo, who was critically wounded and recovered not long ago. Kugo lost his ability to change to a gigantic form, and could have been killed -- all for protecting Belamis. Kugo looked at Belamis, and said, "I will never hesitate to protect you...."
"Planet Doom is 10 seconds before firing range!" Lieutenant Tobit again announced.
"Go!" Belamis said, and she accelerated her jet and Star Probe.
Sure enough, Planet Doom began firing at them.
Belamis concentrated, and piloted with great skill.
Kugo remembered their first encounter again - they saw Belamis' jet flying round in a space storm, dodging the flying rocks and debris with great acrobatic piloting skills.
"I am her only defense now..." Kugo thought. He raised his Astro Lance, and began shooting Astro-Thunder to counter the enemy fires.
Piloting two crafts was a difficult feat, but Belamis could fly them as though they were one, and she accelerated both of them further, heading to the opening of the cannon of Planet Doom.
Krausman was there in command, and saw Belamis' jet.
"Here she comes again..." He thought, and remembering Belamis giantess form.
"Captain, they are heading our way."
"All guns, aim at the two crafts, ignore the rest!" Krausman commanded.
Back at Galaxy Union fleet, Lieutenant Tobit commanded, "All guns and cannons, aim at Planet Doom's guns!"
The Galaxy Union fleet fired, a few of the Planet Doom's guns were damaged.
Krausman commanded, "Start the sequence to ready our big cannon!"
"Captain! The two crafts...."
"What ?"
"They entered via the cannon's opening!"
Belamis and Kugo was in, and headed straight to the core via the cannon's opening.
"Kugo, I will release control now!" Belamis said.
Immediately Belamis controlled her jet, and Kugo regained control of his Star Probe. The two crafts flew side by side, heading to the core.
Kugo steered Star Probe and went ahead of Belamis' jet.
"Kugo!" Belamis shouted.
"Belamis, I will go ahead of you... you cover me from behind!" Kugo replied.
Before that, it was always Belamis who went ahead of Kugo into dangers. This time Kugo would not want Belamis to be the one getting into the danger.
"Belamis ... your fighting powers exceeded me, you must reserve your power for the most important task." Kugo said, in a cool-headed voice rarely heard from him.
Belamis looked at him.
"When we are separated... don't wait for each other..." Kugo said.
Belamis replied, "We will accomplish the mission separately... but we will see each other after the mission."
Kugo and Belamis gazed at each other.
They were nearing the core. Golinkor forces never anticipated anyone would go in from that opening, so there were no defense here. Kugo and Belamis met no resistance.
Then they stopped at the end, where there's a valve like structure.
"Behind it... is the core reactor." Belamis said.
Belamis and Kugo each leaped out of their crafts. Belamis drew her sword, and took her cape off. The two looked at the valve before them.
"If we blew a hole to this valve, the core will leak out energy." Belamis said. Belamis carried with her four detonators, powerful enough to blast through the thickest walls made of several feet of steel.
Kugo looked around. Belamis went ahead and attached the detonators to the valve, and set the timer.
Suddenly blasts of electromagnetic energy hit Belamis.
"Arrrhhh..." Belamis yelled and fell to the ground.
"Belamis!" Kugo ran ahead.
"No...don't come near!!" Another blasts fired, hitting Kugo.
Kugo was immobilized immediately.
"Kugo!!" Belamis shouted.
Then from a trap door, Krausman and several soldiers emerged.
Belamis struggled up, and hold her sword.
"Amazing. You could withstand such high power electromagnetic energy!" Krausman remarked.
"You are also clever... to have thought of coming this way, where we have virtually no defense." Krausman remarked, as he pulled out his giant trident.
"We, of course, will not allow you to blow up Planet Doom... and you can't - we are here to stop you. I had to halt the firing sequence of this cannon to face you. You two are trapped in here, and will be blown to dusts if you cannot leave on time."
Belamis looked at Kugo, lying unconsciously. She stood before Kugo, protecting him.
Krausman remarked, "I will not harm your friend. I want to fight you, as a soldier." He then commanded his soldier, "You leave now, only team one stay behind!"
"Belamis, I can see what is in you. if you use your most powerful weapon, and if it come to pass, my man can only survive if they run now." Replied Krausman.
"You cared a lot about your man." Belamis said.
"I see you cared a lot about your partner there..." Krausman replied, looking at Kugo.
"I loved Kugo, and I will not let anyone harm him!" Declared Belamis.
"I will not harm Kugo...." Krausman replied, and he ordered the soldiers, "Me and Belamis is having a fight as soldiers. None of you shall interfere NOR harm Kugo!"
"Thank you." Replied Belamis.
Krausman hold up his trident, and Belamis drew her sword.
"You are not going to change into that giantess form, are you?" Asked Krausman.
"I am not.... I am a knight and soldier, I will defeat you in a level playing field." Belamis replied.
"Good..." Krausman replied and charged forward with his trident.
Belamis raised her sword.
The trident and the sword clashed.
Belamis was holding on. Krausman pressed hard with his trident to overpower Belamis, but Belamis was strong and holding on.
Then suddenly Maka appeared.
"You fool!!!" He pulled his gun and aimed at Belamis.
"Stop it!" Krausman yelled.
Maka pulled the trigger.
Krausman jumped forward and shielded Belamis, the shot hit Krausman's left arm.
Belamis was angered, and she yelled, "You dirty rat!" She charged forward and used her electromagnetic sword at Maka.
"Damn!" Maka yelled.
Belamis had Maka cornered, and pointed her sword at him.
"Belamis! No!" Krausman yelled.
Belamis turned.
"Let him live." Krausman said.
Belamis nodded, and used her sword to strike Maka down, with the energy just enough to stun him.
Belamis looked at Krausman, and said, "You are a person with knightly character. I don't want to fight with you. I have to protect my Galaxy, if you and your troops stop attacking us, we can live peacefully together."
Krausman replied, "Our system's resource are almost depleted. We have no choice but to look elsewhere."
"That doesn't mean you have to attack us!" Belamis replied.
"I have the President's order. I must obey." Replied Krausman , as he lifted his trident, and fired blasts of energy at Belamis. Belamis dodged.
Belamis remembered how she served the evil forces of Lacets and Guima legion, and she knew that Krausman was deluded.
"Krausman! Listen to me! Your race can survive without invading other galaxies!" Belamis replied.
"I lost my wife and children already!" Krausman replied, "...our planet's own star is dying."
Belamis heard it, and she looked Krausman in his eyes. "Krausman, I lost all of my family, friends, and home."
Krausman heard. He knew that Gariusu systems, where Belamis was born, grew up and lived, were no longer.
"I made a terrible mistake to join a force of aggression. Don't repeat my mistake!" Pledged Belamis.
Krausman listened, and looked into Belamis‘ beautiful blue eyes. Krausman was in love with Belamis, but he was more loyal to the Golinkor forces.
"Belalmis, I have to go on attacking your Galaxy, for me people." Krausman replied.
Maka suddenly stood up and shot Belamis.
"Look out!" Krausman yelled and shielded Belamis. He took the shot, and was seriously wounded.
Belamis yelled, and used her electromagnetic sword and strike Maka down.
Belamis went to Krausman side, and hold him.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because you once let me off the hook. Now I owe you nothing."
Belamis looked at Krausman, then suddenly she used her electromagnetic sword and hit him.
Krausman let out a cry and fained. Belamis had use the minimal energy level with her sword and stunned Krausman.
"Sorry for that...". Belamis said.
The other soldiers went up, Belamis looked at them, "None of you can beat me, and I can beat you all down. Back-off!!"
The soldiers were intimidated by Belamis' valor, and ran away, taking the unconscious Maka with them.
Belamis then immediately helped Kugo into his Star Probe, and Krausman into her jet, and programmed her jet to control both crafts. She then started the two crafts and began to flew away in top speed.
Belamis turned, as she,Kugo and Krausman were leaving Planet Doom
"The detonators will explode now!" Belamis reported back to the Galaxy Union fleet.
"Get out of there quickly!" That's the voice of Djorgo.
Belamis just kept the crafts flying, and she turned and looked.
There was a low thundering sound from Planet Doom, then it got louder and louder, until a series of explosions were heard.
Then a big crack appeared on the surface, and a loud bang - the Planet Doom exploded first, then imploded as the antimatter in it annihilated all of its substance.
Belamis breathed a sign of relief, and looked at Kugo, who was safe.
She looked at Krausman in her craft.
Back at the Galaxy Warrior, Krausman was taken in as a prisoner of war.
"Treat him well." Belamis commanded.
Krausman stood before her, handcuffed, with Galaxy Union soldiers pointing guns at him.
Krausman began, "We are proud warriors, we won't allow ourselves be taken prisioner."
"Then I have to offend you.... you are our prisoner. However I am a soldier of chivalry, you will not be ill-treated, only locked up in a prisoner room." Belamis replied.
Krausman looked at Belamis, and said, "I don't get it... you could have left me behind and be destroyed along with Planet Doom."
"I will not kill people when they cannot fight back." Belamis replied. "Take him to his cell."
The soldiers escorted Krausman to the cell.
Kugo and Djorgo watched as they stood beside Belamis.
"Good for you ... still the same chivalry soldier .." Djorgo remarked.
Kugo looked at Krausman, and he sort of figured that Krausman had a crush on Belamis as he noticed the way Krausman looked at Belamis.
The campaign was a runaway success. Planet Doom housed nearly 80% of all Golinkor forces, the destruction of it meant not just Golinkor lost a fearful weapon, but a large part of its forces.
"From our estimate, Golinkor forces only have a single armada of battleship." Greg reported.
Belamis fully understood, that single armada was a force to be reckoned. It had at least 10 battleships, and each of them alone could destroy any Galaxy Union fleet using their immense energy weapons, despite the loss of Planet Doom.
"Where are they now ?" Belamis asked.
"Don't know..." Lester added.
"They are hiding to wait for a chance to hit back..." Djorgo replied. "They suffered a big loss this time".
The Golikor President, the ministers, all brothers of President, and Maka the Chief General were at the flagship. They hid themselves in a dark nebula.
"Damn.... it' is Belamis again..." The President grunted.
The Prime Minister, a tall and large man, spoke, "Brother, we still have our core intact. You and us."
"President, we could still destroy the Galaxy Union fleet, provided that... we deal with Belamis first. If Belamis is gone, there's no way they could stop us."
Back at Galaxy Warrior, Belamis went to visit Krausman.
Krausman saw Belamis came, he went to the door.
Belamis looked through the iron bars of the prison cell, and said, "I just wish I don't have to keep you here."
"You are the Commader, and I am your enemy and prisoner." Krausman replied.
"I will release you now." Belamis said, as she opened the door of the prison cell.
"What ?"
"I used my discretional power to release you. I believe you are not a threat to us." Belamis continued, and handed Krausman's giant trident back to him, and she turned the other way, "Follow me."
Krausman took back the trident. He could have attacked Belamis from behind her back, but he could not bring himself to do it. He respected and loved Belamis.
Krausman followed, where Belamis took her to the main deck, a craft was there.
"Go ..... and find another home.." Belamis said, "I don't want to meet you in battle again.."
Krausman looked at Belamis, both a beautiful woman and a soldier of honor. He saluted her, and boarded the craft.
Kugo recovered gradually. Belamis wished she could stay beside Kugo, but she had her duties as the Chief Commander of the fleet.
Belamis examined the data about Golinkor. There on the screen was the planet like facility - they now called it the "Planet of Doom". This thing was the size of the Earth's moon, and had destructive powers that could vaporize all planets in the Solar System. From the latest intelligence, it was heading towards the Solar System.
Lester, Greg and other officers briefed Belamis the situation. Their fleet lost another battleship, and many fighters, leaving them only three battleships, 54 fighters and only three cyborgs - Belamis, Kugo and Djorgo.
Belamis ketp a straight face, and said, "Continue...".
"Captain Belamis..." Greg began, "...when the remaining forces from Galaxy Union arrived, our chances of beating them are not really good..."
"Golinkor's battleships have powerful energy weapons... one blast or two are enough to wreck any of our battleships..." Greg continued, "and now we are going to take on the Planet of Doom...."
"Captain.... time and time again you risked yourself....destroying the enemy battleships with your powers..." Greg remarked..."but..."
"Go on..."
"Captain... we don't want you to risk yourself......" Greg said.
"Listen...." Belamis began.
"I am a warrior of the Galaxy Union... to protect the Galaxy is my duty... even if I have to die in the process of it..." Belamis replied.
"I know you all are loyal to me.. care a lot about me..." Belamis said, and she was moved by the care they displayed.
"I am with you all.... no matter what..." Lester said.
"We are with you... Captain." The rest said in unison.
"Thank you ... all of you.." Belamis replied.
"Let's get back to the war scenario.." Belamis continued.
"There's the Planet of Doom. According to our latest data, Golinkor forces had at most two fleets left, so it's the logical next step for them to deploy Planet of Doom..." Belamis continued.
"Our next battle will be against the Planet of Doom." Belamis said.
"With our current battleships ?" Lester asked.
"No.... with me and Kugo..." Belamis replied.
"Djorgo, you pick it up from here.." Belamis said.
Djorgo was at another ship, and in the transmission said, "Let's look at the latest analysis."
"Planet of Doom is a strong fortress, and could move like any battleship, capable of using warp flight...."
"It had a strong defense systems of sensors and powerful cannons and energy weapons...any battleship would be destroyed before it can get close enough."
The screen showed its destructive powers.
"It could send out a strong blast of energy at planets, and any planet got hit will be vaporized. The Planet of Doom is a horrible weapon."
"The source of its destructive powers lies in its core - the central reactor, which is a combination of nuclear fission and antimatter energy fuel source, churning matter and antimatter, to produce the vast energy of destruction."
Belamis listened.
"This core reactor is heavily guarded, because of its vast energy reserve, the Planet of Doom needed a lot of power to maintain its equilibrium. For if the antimatter and nuclear fission started to stray away from equilibrium, it would become unstable, it would set off a chain reaction that can annihilate itself."
"The main control room... depicted here...." Djorgo continued, as he sent out a schematic diagram, ".. is where all the action is. This room is guarded, has all the controls to the core, and from here it was where the energy blast can launch, but it is also from here... that you can shut it down or destroy it.."
"The Golinkor forces had to have means to enter and access this room.... the people there cannot stay there forever, and here we can find a way to compromise it." Djorgo said.
"Any huge fortress like that has to have a vulnerability..." Djorgo said.
"It's here... the opening of the cannon..." Djorgo said.
"The opening??? Where they fired the destructive blast ?" Lester said.
"They will never think that we approach that way..." Belamis added.
"From initiation to fire.... it takes 5 seconds." Djorgo said, "If they should fire, then we have a craft that can get in during that 5 seconds.... which is Jan Kugo's Star Probe."
Belamis looked at Kugo.
"We have a backup plan, Belamis' jet Blue Star could also fly in high speed alongside with Kugo's craft." Djorgo continued.
"This mission will be Kugo and Belamis going together." Djorgo announced.
The room stirred.
Belamis walked towards Kugo, and the two stood side by side and held hands.
Their romantic relationship was no secret, most knew they were together.
"The mission is critical, and only they... our best cyborg warriors, have the best chance." Djorgo said.
"Let's look at the game plan.." Belamis remarked.
"The Planet of Doom will be nearing one of the outer planets at our Galaxy, where our outpost is. However, the energy weapon can only be deployed within a 100,000 space mile range, so before it enters the range, we have 20 to 30 minutes to stall it. With Belamis' piloting skill, she could pilot her jet pass through the enemy fire."
"What about Kugo's craft ?" Someone asked.
"Belamis will pilot it too..." Djorgo replied.
"How ?" The other asked.
"Belamis programmed the onboard computer of Star Probe to synchronize with her fighter... she will be flying both craft at the same time..." Kugo said.
"What ?" The who crew were surprised.
"Belamis is our best pilot... she could pilot two craft at the same time..." Djorgo said.
"The two crafts will fly at top speed pass enemy fires... Kugo will cover whilst Belamis control both crafts." Djorgo continued. "Our ships will also cover them."
"Once they get in.... they will head to the core, and plant bombs there..."
"How would they get out?"
Djorgo was silent.
Belamis said, "We will find a way..."
Kugo said, "Belamis and I are survivors...we can do it..."
The crew was silent. This mission could be a no-return mission for them.
Belamis spoke, "We all come all the way to this point, we must fulfill our mission to defend our Galaxy. Me...and Kugo, have our roles, and you too, have your roles. It does not matter if I and Kugo live or die... but it matters if Galaxy is safe."
Kugo hold Belamis hand. Belamis continued, "This is our crucial battle, the only chance...". Belamis drew her sword and raise it up, and said, "Come... let's swear ! We are going to lay down our lives for our home Galaxy!"
The crew shouted in unison, "We swear!"
The fleet proceeded, and soon four other battleships from Galaxy Union joined. All the battleships were under Belamis' command.
Belamis sat at the main control room and looked. Kugo was in the visual transmission, "Belamis, I am ready.."
"I will join you shortly." Belamis replied.
"Lieutenant Tobit.." Belamis called. Tobit arrived.
"I will handover the command of the fleet to you now..." Belamis said, "Fight well."
Belamis then joined Kugo.
"Belamis, we are not going to separate...whatever!" Kugo said.
Belamis nodded, and asked, "Everything ready ?" Kugo said, "Yes."
"I take a final look." Belamis jumped into her jet and checked.
"Kugo.... you have to be my guard. When I am piloting, my hands are tied up, I have to concentrate, and by then, only you can protect me.." Belamis said.
"You have me to count on." Kugo replied.
Belamis and Kugo looked at each other. Then Belamis jumped out of her jet, Kugo hold her hands, and they kissed intensely.
"Belamis, we stay together." Kugo remarked.
Then the public announcement system broadcast, "Captain Belamis and Jan Kugo ready to launch!"
Belamis and Kugo jumped to their crafts.
"Blue Star, Star Probe...... take off!!!" Belamis shouted. She started the engine, and her left hand controls started the engine of Star Probe. The two crafts took off.
"Planet Doom is 30 seconds before firing range!" Lieutenant Tobit declared.
Belamis piloted Blue Star and Star Probe with both her hands. Kugo stood on Star Probe and pulled out his Astro-Lance.
Belamis looked at Kugo, who was critically wounded and recovered not long ago. Kugo lost his ability to change to a gigantic form, and could have been killed -- all for protecting Belamis. Kugo looked at Belamis, and said, "I will never hesitate to protect you...."
"Planet Doom is 10 seconds before firing range!" Lieutenant Tobit again announced.
"Go!" Belamis said, and she accelerated her jet and Star Probe.
Sure enough, Planet Doom began firing at them.
Belamis concentrated, and piloted with great skill.
Kugo remembered their first encounter again - they saw Belamis' jet flying round in a space storm, dodging the flying rocks and debris with great acrobatic piloting skills.
"I am her only defense now..." Kugo thought. He raised his Astro Lance, and began shooting Astro-Thunder to counter the enemy fires.
Piloting two crafts was a difficult feat, but Belamis could fly them as though they were one, and she accelerated both of them further, heading to the opening of the cannon of Planet Doom.
Krausman was there in command, and saw Belamis' jet.
"Here she comes again..." He thought, and remembering Belamis giantess form.
"Captain, they are heading our way."
"All guns, aim at the two crafts, ignore the rest!" Krausman commanded.
Back at Galaxy Union fleet, Lieutenant Tobit commanded, "All guns and cannons, aim at Planet Doom's guns!"
The Galaxy Union fleet fired, a few of the Planet Doom's guns were damaged.
Krausman commanded, "Start the sequence to ready our big cannon!"
"Captain! The two crafts...."
"What ?"
"They entered via the cannon's opening!"
Belamis and Kugo was in, and headed straight to the core via the cannon's opening.
"Kugo, I will release control now!" Belamis said.
Immediately Belamis controlled her jet, and Kugo regained control of his Star Probe. The two crafts flew side by side, heading to the core.
Kugo steered Star Probe and went ahead of Belamis' jet.
"Kugo!" Belamis shouted.
"Belamis, I will go ahead of you... you cover me from behind!" Kugo replied.
Before that, it was always Belamis who went ahead of Kugo into dangers. This time Kugo would not want Belamis to be the one getting into the danger.
"Belamis ... your fighting powers exceeded me, you must reserve your power for the most important task." Kugo said, in a cool-headed voice rarely heard from him.
Belamis looked at him.
"When we are separated... don't wait for each other..." Kugo said.
Belamis replied, "We will accomplish the mission separately... but we will see each other after the mission."
Kugo and Belamis gazed at each other.
They were nearing the core. Golinkor forces never anticipated anyone would go in from that opening, so there were no defense here. Kugo and Belamis met no resistance.
Then they stopped at the end, where there's a valve like structure.
"Behind it... is the core reactor." Belamis said.
Belamis and Kugo each leaped out of their crafts. Belamis drew her sword, and took her cape off. The two looked at the valve before them.
"If we blew a hole to this valve, the core will leak out energy." Belamis said. Belamis carried with her four detonators, powerful enough to blast through the thickest walls made of several feet of steel.
Kugo looked around. Belamis went ahead and attached the detonators to the valve, and set the timer.
Suddenly blasts of electromagnetic energy hit Belamis.
"Arrrhhh..." Belamis yelled and fell to the ground.
"Belamis!" Kugo ran ahead.
"No...don't come near!!" Another blasts fired, hitting Kugo.
Kugo was immobilized immediately.
"Kugo!!" Belamis shouted.
Then from a trap door, Krausman and several soldiers emerged.
Belamis struggled up, and hold her sword.
"Amazing. You could withstand such high power electromagnetic energy!" Krausman remarked.
"You are also clever... to have thought of coming this way, where we have virtually no defense." Krausman remarked, as he pulled out his giant trident.
"We, of course, will not allow you to blow up Planet Doom... and you can't - we are here to stop you. I had to halt the firing sequence of this cannon to face you. You two are trapped in here, and will be blown to dusts if you cannot leave on time."
Belamis looked at Kugo, lying unconsciously. She stood before Kugo, protecting him.
Krausman remarked, "I will not harm your friend. I want to fight you, as a soldier." He then commanded his soldier, "You leave now, only team one stay behind!"
"Belamis, I can see what is in you. if you use your most powerful weapon, and if it come to pass, my man can only survive if they run now." Replied Krausman.
"You cared a lot about your man." Belamis said.
"I see you cared a lot about your partner there..." Krausman replied, looking at Kugo.
"I loved Kugo, and I will not let anyone harm him!" Declared Belamis.
"I will not harm Kugo...." Krausman replied, and he ordered the soldiers, "Me and Belamis is having a fight as soldiers. None of you shall interfere NOR harm Kugo!"
"Thank you." Replied Belamis.
Krausman hold up his trident, and Belamis drew her sword.
"You are not going to change into that giantess form, are you?" Asked Krausman.
"I am not.... I am a knight and soldier, I will defeat you in a level playing field." Belamis replied.
"Good..." Krausman replied and charged forward with his trident.
Belamis raised her sword.
The trident and the sword clashed.
Belamis was holding on. Krausman pressed hard with his trident to overpower Belamis, but Belamis was strong and holding on.
Then suddenly Maka appeared.
"You fool!!!" He pulled his gun and aimed at Belamis.
"Stop it!" Krausman yelled.
Maka pulled the trigger.
Krausman jumped forward and shielded Belamis, the shot hit Krausman's left arm.
Belamis was angered, and she yelled, "You dirty rat!" She charged forward and used her electromagnetic sword at Maka.
"Damn!" Maka yelled.
Belamis had Maka cornered, and pointed her sword at him.
"Belamis! No!" Krausman yelled.
Belamis turned.
"Let him live." Krausman said.
Belamis nodded, and used her sword to strike Maka down, with the energy just enough to stun him.
Belamis looked at Krausman, and said, "You are a person with knightly character. I don't want to fight with you. I have to protect my Galaxy, if you and your troops stop attacking us, we can live peacefully together."
Krausman replied, "Our system's resource are almost depleted. We have no choice but to look elsewhere."
"That doesn't mean you have to attack us!" Belamis replied.
"I have the President's order. I must obey." Replied Krausman , as he lifted his trident, and fired blasts of energy at Belamis. Belamis dodged.
Belamis remembered how she served the evil forces of Lacets and Guima legion, and she knew that Krausman was deluded.
"Krausman! Listen to me! Your race can survive without invading other galaxies!" Belamis replied.
"I lost my wife and children already!" Krausman replied, "...our planet's own star is dying."
Belamis heard it, and she looked Krausman in his eyes. "Krausman, I lost all of my family, friends, and home."
Krausman heard. He knew that Gariusu systems, where Belamis was born, grew up and lived, were no longer.
"I made a terrible mistake to join a force of aggression. Don't repeat my mistake!" Pledged Belamis.
Krausman listened, and looked into Belamis‘ beautiful blue eyes. Krausman was in love with Belamis, but he was more loyal to the Golinkor forces.
"Belalmis, I have to go on attacking your Galaxy, for me people." Krausman replied.
Maka suddenly stood up and shot Belamis.
"Look out!" Krausman yelled and shielded Belamis. He took the shot, and was seriously wounded.
Belamis yelled, and used her electromagnetic sword and strike Maka down.
Belamis went to Krausman side, and hold him.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because you once let me off the hook. Now I owe you nothing."
Belamis looked at Krausman, then suddenly she used her electromagnetic sword and hit him.
Krausman let out a cry and fained. Belamis had use the minimal energy level with her sword and stunned Krausman.
"Sorry for that...". Belamis said.
The other soldiers went up, Belamis looked at them, "None of you can beat me, and I can beat you all down. Back-off!!"
The soldiers were intimidated by Belamis' valor, and ran away, taking the unconscious Maka with them.
Belamis then immediately helped Kugo into his Star Probe, and Krausman into her jet, and programmed her jet to control both crafts. She then started the two crafts and began to flew away in top speed.
Belamis turned, as she,Kugo and Krausman were leaving Planet Doom
"The detonators will explode now!" Belamis reported back to the Galaxy Union fleet.
"Get out of there quickly!" That's the voice of Djorgo.
Belamis just kept the crafts flying, and she turned and looked.
There was a low thundering sound from Planet Doom, then it got louder and louder, until a series of explosions were heard.
Then a big crack appeared on the surface, and a loud bang - the Planet Doom exploded first, then imploded as the antimatter in it annihilated all of its substance.
Belamis breathed a sign of relief, and looked at Kugo, who was safe.
She looked at Krausman in her craft.
Back at the Galaxy Warrior, Krausman was taken in as a prisoner of war.
"Treat him well." Belamis commanded.
Krausman stood before her, handcuffed, with Galaxy Union soldiers pointing guns at him.
Krausman began, "We are proud warriors, we won't allow ourselves be taken prisioner."
"Then I have to offend you.... you are our prisoner. However I am a soldier of chivalry, you will not be ill-treated, only locked up in a prisoner room." Belamis replied.
Krausman looked at Belamis, and said, "I don't get it... you could have left me behind and be destroyed along with Planet Doom."
"I will not kill people when they cannot fight back." Belamis replied. "Take him to his cell."
The soldiers escorted Krausman to the cell.
Kugo and Djorgo watched as they stood beside Belamis.
"Good for you ... still the same chivalry soldier .." Djorgo remarked.
Kugo looked at Krausman, and he sort of figured that Krausman had a crush on Belamis as he noticed the way Krausman looked at Belamis.
The campaign was a runaway success. Planet Doom housed nearly 80% of all Golinkor forces, the destruction of it meant not just Golinkor lost a fearful weapon, but a large part of its forces.
"From our estimate, Golinkor forces only have a single armada of battleship." Greg reported.
Belamis fully understood, that single armada was a force to be reckoned. It had at least 10 battleships, and each of them alone could destroy any Galaxy Union fleet using their immense energy weapons, despite the loss of Planet Doom.
"Where are they now ?" Belamis asked.
"Don't know..." Lester added.
"They are hiding to wait for a chance to hit back..." Djorgo replied. "They suffered a big loss this time".
The Golikor President, the ministers, all brothers of President, and Maka the Chief General were at the flagship. They hid themselves in a dark nebula.
"Damn.... it' is Belamis again..." The President grunted.
The Prime Minister, a tall and large man, spoke, "Brother, we still have our core intact. You and us."
"President, we could still destroy the Galaxy Union fleet, provided that... we deal with Belamis first. If Belamis is gone, there's no way they could stop us."
Back at Galaxy Warrior, Belamis went to visit Krausman.
Krausman saw Belamis came, he went to the door.
Belamis looked through the iron bars of the prison cell, and said, "I just wish I don't have to keep you here."
"You are the Commader, and I am your enemy and prisoner." Krausman replied.
"I will release you now." Belamis said, as she opened the door of the prison cell.
"What ?"
"I used my discretional power to release you. I believe you are not a threat to us." Belamis continued, and handed Krausman's giant trident back to him, and she turned the other way, "Follow me."
Krausman took back the trident. He could have attacked Belamis from behind her back, but he could not bring himself to do it. He respected and loved Belamis.
Krausman followed, where Belamis took her to the main deck, a craft was there.
"Go ..... and find another home.." Belamis said, "I don't want to meet you in battle again.."
Krausman looked at Belamis, both a beautiful woman and a soldier of honor. He saluted her, and boarded the craft.
May 7, 2012
ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul
Chapter 25 - the fearsome battle with Krausman and the Golinkor force
Kugo and Belamis cherished their time together. When others were resting, Belamis and Kugo was at the main deck. Kugo messaged Belamis body, and helping her to stretch.
"Keep pressing..." Belamis said, as Kugo assisted Belamis to stretch her muscles and tendons. After the stretching, they would engage in a mock fight, where Kugo used his Astro-Lance to combat Belamis' sword.
Then after the mock fight, Belamis would do press-ups, with Kugo sitting on her back, then they would switch position, with Kugo doing press-ups with Belamis sitting on his back.
After all that, the two would lie down on the main deck side by side, gazing at the stars.
"Belamis..... remember at the Great Planet..." Kugo said.
Belamis nodded. The two lied down on the deck of Queen Cosmos, looking at the Great Planet. Belamis remembered she almost died.
"Belamis, I will never let you go alone... " Kugo remarked.
Belamis looked at Kugo, and said, "I cannot stand to live in a world without you..."
They held hands.
Belamis was at the command room of Galaxy Warrior, and Kugo was at another ship.
The Earth's Galaxy Union headquarters had a message, "Our forces will regroup near Golinkor system, and launch the attack to stop their invasion to our Galaxy."
Belamis watched the data and the newly arrived information. Then she summoned all of the captains and commanders at the big meeting room. Among them was Kugo.
"Colleagues... another more fearsome battle awaits us. Like I told you before, we might all die in this attempt. Yet we must not turn away nor give up....our Galaxy's hope is on us now, and we must all prepare to fight till the end." Belamis spoke, with commitment and deep conviction, and she looked at each captains and commanders in their eyes.
"We have only a few battleships, and just under a hundred fighter jets, and less than 30 cyborg warriors..." Belamis looked at Kugo.
"All of us will have to be out in the battle ground...." Belamis said.
Then the screen was up, showing the positions of Golinkor system and the Galaxy union fleet.
"In 10 hours, we would be there..... we had to strike them by surprise..." Belamis said.
Then Belamis, and a selected group of commanders and cyborgs retreated to a meeting room.
8 hours later, at Golinkor's command center.
Krausman looked at the screen....
"Galaxy Union fleet.... Belamis...." He thought.
Krausman admired Belamis for her courage...but was also attracted by her beauty.
"She is a beautiful young woman....." Krausman thought.
"Captain, the Galaxy union fleet will close in in ETA 2 hours..." A soldier reported.
"Check all our ships, they must be ready to take on them!" Krausman replied.
At the other end Belamis was conducting her walk about around Galaxy Warrior, encouraging the officers and soldiers. Medora followed her. Belamis looked at Medora, and said, "I have to send you out on our evacuation module, and let you head to our safe zone ..."
"No! I won't leave you!" Medora exclaimed.
Belamis looked at Medora eyes, and said firmly, "I cannot let you risk your life here...."
"I can help you..I can use my Galaxy energy to heal you...." Medora was teary.... she knew under Belamis fighting suit were her body wounded over and over again, even at she spoke, Belamis still had wounds on her that were recovering.
Belamis stroke Medora's hair gently, and said, " are the source of Galaxy Energy, I have to make sure you are safe from any harm, but cannot be at your side to protect you..."
Medora cried and hit Belamis chest repeatedly with her fists, "No... No...No..." Belamis stood there and let Medora pounded her chests with fists.
At the evacuation module, Belamis watched, as Medora boarded with a number of wounded personnel, to be shipped to a planet where they were safe. Dr. Joey were among them to take care of the wounded people.
"Please take care of them..." Belamis said to Dr. Joey.
"Yes, I will..." Dr Joey nodded.
The evacuation module launched. It was a self-contained space craft, and could fly in warp speed for a quick evacuation.
Belamis looked on as the module left. "Medora.... " Belamis thought.
Kugo was beside Belamis, and patted her shoulders. Belamis held Kugo's hand.
The pair knew it would be a battle where both of them might perish.
The alarm sounded, and in the public announcement system the command room reported, "Golinkor forces detected!!"
"This is it." Belamis said. Kugo nodded. The two ran, holding hands and looked at each other. Then at a point, they let go of each others hands. Kugo jumped to his Star Probe and headed back to his battleship. Belamis ran back to Galaxy Warrior's command room as the Captain and Chief Commander of the fleet.
"Captain Belamis! The enemy fleet ahead!" Lester reported.
Greg added, "Four gigantic battleships, and their fighters are heading towards us."
Belamis wished she could join the others, but she had to remain in the command room.
"All space fighters and cyborgs, head out in full force to destroy the enemy fighters!" Belamis commanded.
"Main guns on all the battleships, aim at the enemy battleships. Machine guns and secondary guns, cover our fighters and shoot the enemy fighters!"
The battle began.... the numerous space fighters engaged. The cyborgs each rode their craft and joined the battle, among them Kugo and Djorgo.
Kugo was in his Star Probe, and yelled, "Here I come you bastards!" As he fired Astro-Thunder at the enemy space fighters. The cyborgs were equivalent to four or five normal fighters, and managed to destroy a large number of enemy fighters.
"Intense energy detected... they are firing back!" Lester yelled.
Galaxy Warrior took a hit, and shook.
"The shield could hold on just for another strike!!!" Greg said, "...if they hit us a third time..."
Belamis looked, their own fighters were busy ...
"Captain, battleship Pullux was hit!" Greg reported.
"Captain Belamis, our ship was severely damaged..." It's the commander of Pullux.
"Altair was hit too..." Lester reported.
Belamis looked on, the Golinkor battleships had canons capable of firing strong energy blasts that could destroy their ships, like previously.
Belamis took out her helmet, and said, "I will have to go..."
Belamis steered her jet and headed out at full speed.
"It's Belamis!" Kugo saw her jet coming.
Kugo flew towards Belamis and yelled, "Belamis! Let's fight together!"
Belamis saw Kugo, and nodded, and said, "Let's show them our powers!"
The two crafts flew side by side, "Kugo.... we must destroy the battleships..... target their guns!"
"Yeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhh!" Kugo exclaimed.
The two most powerful cyborgs in the Galaxy headed full speed to the enemy battleships.
"Captain Krausman!!! Two enemy crafts closing in!!" Soldier reported.
"Belamis....? and who is the person beside her ?" Krausman said.
"Jan Kugo..... her partner... the two are thought to be the strongest cyborgs at their Galaxy!!"
"Fire at them!!!" Krausman commanded.
Belamis and Kugo skillfully dodged the guns and blasts, and both turned towards a battleship.
"Kugo, let's go!" Belamis said, as she leaped out. Kugo leaped out, and the two held hands mid air, and pointed their weapons to one of the enemy battleships. The pair yelled, and fired blasts together, cutting through the enemy battleship together, and impaling it completely.
Kugo and Belamis landed at their crafts and flew away. The enemy battleship exploded.
"There are still four of them!" Kugo looked.
"Kugo... cover me!" Belamis said.
Kugo fired astro-thunder, and then he looked at Belamis.
Belamis raised her sword, and her body glowed...
"No!!!! Don't do that....!" Kugo knew Belamis was going to use her space sword hurricane.....
"I have to...." Belamis replied..."...cover me..."
Kugo reluctantly said, "..... Belamis..." He kept on shooting out astro-thunder to divert blasts aiming at Belamis while she absorbed the energy in the cosmos around her....
"Push the limits... push..." Belamis absorbed a far greater amount of energy this time than previous, and she was pushing it to the limits of her body ... and the pain she could endure whilst holding the vast amount of energy insider her body....
"Belamis!!!" Kugo shouted... as he covered Belamis...
"Space sword hurricane!!!" Belamis yelled, and welded her sword.
Kugo felt a strong bang and he was knocked over, then a surge of energy rushed towards the battleships of Golinkor.
The four battleships were hit... then as if time was frozen, the battleship stopped, and then they shown.
Then came a series of explosions....there were smoke and bright light....
"Come on..... we must win!!" Kugo thought...
As the smoke cleared..... one battleship was intact....
"Holy shit!!!" Kugo yelled..."Oh my goodness. Belamis!!" He turned, and Belamis lied in her jet, motionless....
"Hahahahaha" Krausman laughed..... "We factored in the powerful weapon of Belamis and built a diverting shield Belamis could not fight..."
Kugo rushed to Belamis's jet, and there she was, face pale, and very weak....
"She used up nearly all of her own life energy... she would be killed!!!" Kugo thought.
Without out second thought, Kugo transformed into his gigantic form, and yelled, "Stay away you assholes!"
He welded his astro-lance at the enemy ship and strike it multiple times. The enemy ship was huge, and even Kugo in his gigantic form, was dwarfed by it.
"Captain, that giant cyborg is attacking!!!" Soldier reported to Krausman.
"Hit back!"
Then a large gun shot out a energy blasts and hit Kugo at his chest.
"Arrrrrrrrrrrhh" Kugo yelled.
Belamis, though very weak, was able to see Kugo fighting in his gigantic form, and was hit...
There's a huge blast, and Kugo was turned back to human size, severely wounded...
"No..... Kugo...." Belamis yelled..... her forehead glowed..... and she transformed to her giantess form.
"Captain... the Gariusu giantess...!!!"
"Belamis ?" Krausman watched and saw the first time Belamis in her giantess form.
Belamis though weak after she fired the space sword hurricane, but after she transformed, her body absorbed energy from the cosmos and regained strength...
Belamis roared, and hit the enemy battleship with her fists repeatedly....
"Captain..... she is trying to hit a hole on the ship!!"
"Fire at her!"
Belamis leaped and dodged the fire, she roared and pulled the guns out one by one, and in one hit, Belamis punched a hole through the side of the ship, and Belamis pulled with her arms, tearing the hull open....
"Damn!!!! She's tearing open the hull!" Krausman remarked in great shock.
Belamis roared, and she leaped up, delivering punch after punch with her bare hands, making dents on the body of the battleship, and wrecking the guns on it.....
Suddenly the battleship gave out a strong electric shock, and Belamis was hit by the electric shock...
"This high voltage shock should kill her!!" Krausman thought.
Yet they heard a loud roar....
"What the.... she could withstand such high voltage????"
Belamis grabbed the base of the main cannons, and pulled.... she exerted her muscles, and then she pulled off the main guns...
"She is just wrecking our ship with her bare hands and her strength!!!" The soldier yelled....
"She is such...such a strong being..." Krausman watched in awe, as the giantess simply used her raw strength to overpower them...
"We lost all of our guns...."
Belamis leaped out and then a force field formed at her feet, she pushed on her feet and raced to the battleship in high speed, and Belamis delivered the mighty punch... boring a hole right through the battleship...
"Get the hell out of here...!" Krausman yelled.
Belamis floated in space, and she breathed heavily... she turned and picked up Kugo in her hands, and said, "Ku...go.... Ku...go..."
She returned to her human form, and carried Kugo in her arms....
Back at Galaxy Warrior, Belamis was wounded, but Kugo was in serious condition.
Belamis hold Kugo's hand and asked, "How serious ?"
"His cyborg circuit was damaged.... fortunately not critically..." Professor Dodge replied from the other end.
Dr. Kitty added, "We can instruct scientists on your ship to repair him.....but..."
"But what ?" Belamis asked.
"He will not be able to transform to gigantic form..." Professor Dodge replied..
"Other than that he looses none of his cyborg powers..."
Belamis breathed a sign of relief...
She looked at Kugo, and knew that he was wounded because he protected her.
"Kugo..." Belamis thought.
Kugo and Belamis cherished their time together. When others were resting, Belamis and Kugo was at the main deck. Kugo messaged Belamis body, and helping her to stretch.
"Keep pressing..." Belamis said, as Kugo assisted Belamis to stretch her muscles and tendons. After the stretching, they would engage in a mock fight, where Kugo used his Astro-Lance to combat Belamis' sword.
Then after the mock fight, Belamis would do press-ups, with Kugo sitting on her back, then they would switch position, with Kugo doing press-ups with Belamis sitting on his back.
After all that, the two would lie down on the main deck side by side, gazing at the stars.
"Belamis..... remember at the Great Planet..." Kugo said.
Belamis nodded. The two lied down on the deck of Queen Cosmos, looking at the Great Planet. Belamis remembered she almost died.
"Belamis, I will never let you go alone... " Kugo remarked.
Belamis looked at Kugo, and said, "I cannot stand to live in a world without you..."
They held hands.
Belamis was at the command room of Galaxy Warrior, and Kugo was at another ship.
The Earth's Galaxy Union headquarters had a message, "Our forces will regroup near Golinkor system, and launch the attack to stop their invasion to our Galaxy."
Belamis watched the data and the newly arrived information. Then she summoned all of the captains and commanders at the big meeting room. Among them was Kugo.
"Colleagues... another more fearsome battle awaits us. Like I told you before, we might all die in this attempt. Yet we must not turn away nor give up....our Galaxy's hope is on us now, and we must all prepare to fight till the end." Belamis spoke, with commitment and deep conviction, and she looked at each captains and commanders in their eyes.
"We have only a few battleships, and just under a hundred fighter jets, and less than 30 cyborg warriors..." Belamis looked at Kugo.
"All of us will have to be out in the battle ground...." Belamis said.
Then the screen was up, showing the positions of Golinkor system and the Galaxy union fleet.
"In 10 hours, we would be there..... we had to strike them by surprise..." Belamis said.
Then Belamis, and a selected group of commanders and cyborgs retreated to a meeting room.
8 hours later, at Golinkor's command center.
Krausman looked at the screen....
"Galaxy Union fleet.... Belamis...." He thought.
Krausman admired Belamis for her courage...but was also attracted by her beauty.
"She is a beautiful young woman....." Krausman thought.
"Captain, the Galaxy union fleet will close in in ETA 2 hours..." A soldier reported.
"Check all our ships, they must be ready to take on them!" Krausman replied.
At the other end Belamis was conducting her walk about around Galaxy Warrior, encouraging the officers and soldiers. Medora followed her. Belamis looked at Medora, and said, "I have to send you out on our evacuation module, and let you head to our safe zone ..."
"No! I won't leave you!" Medora exclaimed.
Belamis looked at Medora eyes, and said firmly, "I cannot let you risk your life here...."
"I can help you..I can use my Galaxy energy to heal you...." Medora was teary.... she knew under Belamis fighting suit were her body wounded over and over again, even at she spoke, Belamis still had wounds on her that were recovering.
Belamis stroke Medora's hair gently, and said, " are the source of Galaxy Energy, I have to make sure you are safe from any harm, but cannot be at your side to protect you..."
Medora cried and hit Belamis chest repeatedly with her fists, "No... No...No..." Belamis stood there and let Medora pounded her chests with fists.
At the evacuation module, Belamis watched, as Medora boarded with a number of wounded personnel, to be shipped to a planet where they were safe. Dr. Joey were among them to take care of the wounded people.
"Please take care of them..." Belamis said to Dr. Joey.
"Yes, I will..." Dr Joey nodded.
The evacuation module launched. It was a self-contained space craft, and could fly in warp speed for a quick evacuation.
Belamis looked on as the module left. "Medora.... " Belamis thought.
Kugo was beside Belamis, and patted her shoulders. Belamis held Kugo's hand.
The pair knew it would be a battle where both of them might perish.
The alarm sounded, and in the public announcement system the command room reported, "Golinkor forces detected!!"
"This is it." Belamis said. Kugo nodded. The two ran, holding hands and looked at each other. Then at a point, they let go of each others hands. Kugo jumped to his Star Probe and headed back to his battleship. Belamis ran back to Galaxy Warrior's command room as the Captain and Chief Commander of the fleet.
"Captain Belamis! The enemy fleet ahead!" Lester reported.
Greg added, "Four gigantic battleships, and their fighters are heading towards us."
Belamis wished she could join the others, but she had to remain in the command room.
"All space fighters and cyborgs, head out in full force to destroy the enemy fighters!" Belamis commanded.
"Main guns on all the battleships, aim at the enemy battleships. Machine guns and secondary guns, cover our fighters and shoot the enemy fighters!"
The battle began.... the numerous space fighters engaged. The cyborgs each rode their craft and joined the battle, among them Kugo and Djorgo.
Kugo was in his Star Probe, and yelled, "Here I come you bastards!" As he fired Astro-Thunder at the enemy space fighters. The cyborgs were equivalent to four or five normal fighters, and managed to destroy a large number of enemy fighters.
"Intense energy detected... they are firing back!" Lester yelled.
Galaxy Warrior took a hit, and shook.
"The shield could hold on just for another strike!!!" Greg said, "...if they hit us a third time..."
Belamis looked, their own fighters were busy ...
"Captain, battleship Pullux was hit!" Greg reported.
"Captain Belamis, our ship was severely damaged..." It's the commander of Pullux.
"Altair was hit too..." Lester reported.
Belamis looked on, the Golinkor battleships had canons capable of firing strong energy blasts that could destroy their ships, like previously.
Belamis took out her helmet, and said, "I will have to go..."
Belamis steered her jet and headed out at full speed.
"It's Belamis!" Kugo saw her jet coming.
Kugo flew towards Belamis and yelled, "Belamis! Let's fight together!"
Belamis saw Kugo, and nodded, and said, "Let's show them our powers!"
The two crafts flew side by side, "Kugo.... we must destroy the battleships..... target their guns!"
"Yeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhh!" Kugo exclaimed.
The two most powerful cyborgs in the Galaxy headed full speed to the enemy battleships.
"Captain Krausman!!! Two enemy crafts closing in!!" Soldier reported.
"Belamis....? and who is the person beside her ?" Krausman said.
"Jan Kugo..... her partner... the two are thought to be the strongest cyborgs at their Galaxy!!"
"Fire at them!!!" Krausman commanded.
Belamis and Kugo skillfully dodged the guns and blasts, and both turned towards a battleship.
"Kugo, let's go!" Belamis said, as she leaped out. Kugo leaped out, and the two held hands mid air, and pointed their weapons to one of the enemy battleships. The pair yelled, and fired blasts together, cutting through the enemy battleship together, and impaling it completely.
Kugo and Belamis landed at their crafts and flew away. The enemy battleship exploded.
"There are still four of them!" Kugo looked.
"Kugo... cover me!" Belamis said.
Kugo fired astro-thunder, and then he looked at Belamis.
Belamis raised her sword, and her body glowed...
"No!!!! Don't do that....!" Kugo knew Belamis was going to use her space sword hurricane.....
"I have to...." Belamis replied..."...cover me..."
Kugo reluctantly said, "..... Belamis..." He kept on shooting out astro-thunder to divert blasts aiming at Belamis while she absorbed the energy in the cosmos around her....
"Push the limits... push..." Belamis absorbed a far greater amount of energy this time than previous, and she was pushing it to the limits of her body ... and the pain she could endure whilst holding the vast amount of energy insider her body....
"Belamis!!!" Kugo shouted... as he covered Belamis...
"Space sword hurricane!!!" Belamis yelled, and welded her sword.
Kugo felt a strong bang and he was knocked over, then a surge of energy rushed towards the battleships of Golinkor.
The four battleships were hit... then as if time was frozen, the battleship stopped, and then they shown.
Then came a series of explosions....there were smoke and bright light....
"Come on..... we must win!!" Kugo thought...
As the smoke cleared..... one battleship was intact....
"Holy shit!!!" Kugo yelled..."Oh my goodness. Belamis!!" He turned, and Belamis lied in her jet, motionless....
"Hahahahaha" Krausman laughed..... "We factored in the powerful weapon of Belamis and built a diverting shield Belamis could not fight..."
Kugo rushed to Belamis's jet, and there she was, face pale, and very weak....
"She used up nearly all of her own life energy... she would be killed!!!" Kugo thought.
Without out second thought, Kugo transformed into his gigantic form, and yelled, "Stay away you assholes!"
He welded his astro-lance at the enemy ship and strike it multiple times. The enemy ship was huge, and even Kugo in his gigantic form, was dwarfed by it.
"Captain, that giant cyborg is attacking!!!" Soldier reported to Krausman.
"Hit back!"
Then a large gun shot out a energy blasts and hit Kugo at his chest.
"Arrrrrrrrrrrhh" Kugo yelled.
Belamis, though very weak, was able to see Kugo fighting in his gigantic form, and was hit...
There's a huge blast, and Kugo was turned back to human size, severely wounded...
"No..... Kugo...." Belamis yelled..... her forehead glowed..... and she transformed to her giantess form.
"Captain... the Gariusu giantess...!!!"
"Belamis ?" Krausman watched and saw the first time Belamis in her giantess form.
Belamis though weak after she fired the space sword hurricane, but after she transformed, her body absorbed energy from the cosmos and regained strength...
Belamis roared, and hit the enemy battleship with her fists repeatedly....
"Captain..... she is trying to hit a hole on the ship!!"
"Fire at her!"
Belamis leaped and dodged the fire, she roared and pulled the guns out one by one, and in one hit, Belamis punched a hole through the side of the ship, and Belamis pulled with her arms, tearing the hull open....
"Damn!!!! She's tearing open the hull!" Krausman remarked in great shock.
Belamis roared, and she leaped up, delivering punch after punch with her bare hands, making dents on the body of the battleship, and wrecking the guns on it.....
Suddenly the battleship gave out a strong electric shock, and Belamis was hit by the electric shock...
"This high voltage shock should kill her!!" Krausman thought.
Yet they heard a loud roar....
"What the.... she could withstand such high voltage????"
Belamis grabbed the base of the main cannons, and pulled.... she exerted her muscles, and then she pulled off the main guns...
"She is just wrecking our ship with her bare hands and her strength!!!" The soldier yelled....
"She is such...such a strong being..." Krausman watched in awe, as the giantess simply used her raw strength to overpower them...
"We lost all of our guns...."
Belamis leaped out and then a force field formed at her feet, she pushed on her feet and raced to the battleship in high speed, and Belamis delivered the mighty punch... boring a hole right through the battleship...
"Get the hell out of here...!" Krausman yelled.
Belamis floated in space, and she breathed heavily... she turned and picked up Kugo in her hands, and said, "Ku...go.... Ku...go..."
She returned to her human form, and carried Kugo in her arms....
Back at Galaxy Warrior, Belamis was wounded, but Kugo was in serious condition.
Belamis hold Kugo's hand and asked, "How serious ?"
"His cyborg circuit was damaged.... fortunately not critically..." Professor Dodge replied from the other end.
Dr. Kitty added, "We can instruct scientists on your ship to repair him.....but..."
"But what ?" Belamis asked.
"He will not be able to transform to gigantic form..." Professor Dodge replied..
"Other than that he looses none of his cyborg powers..."
Belamis breathed a sign of relief...
She looked at Kugo, and knew that he was wounded because he protected her.
"Kugo..." Belamis thought.
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