Chapter 61 Idina's little pal
Belamis, Medora, Nick and Idina traveled in space, and this day they had to stop over a planet.
Idina was fond of Belamis and clung onto her.
"Little girl... easy..." Belamis softly spoke to the baby girl, who pulled at her hair.
Idina chuckled.
Nick and Medora looked on and said, "She's stuck to you like a stamp!!"
Belamis smiled, and hold Idina in her arms tightly and tenderly. Belamis recalled the faint memory of herself in her mother's arms.
"Mother...." Belamis thought.
The company entered a little village to get supplies. As Belamis held Idina with her, she caught site of some mothers with their children, playing at a grass land.
Idina babbled, "...da..da..." She wanted to join those toddlers.
Belamis smiled and took her to the people.
"Hello ? Your baby girl is adorable!!!" One woman remarked.
Belamis smiled and said, "No...she's my... my niece.." It's a bit embarrassing for Belamis after all.
Belamis placed Idina onto the grass, where she crawled near the group of toddlers. A little boy, came waddling to her. Idina raised her little hands.
"Give him a high five!" Belamis smiled.
Idina giggled and played with that boy.
Nick and Medora came, and saw the heart warming scene.
"Aw...." Nick said.
"Little Ben liked her... what's her name ?" The woman asked.
"Idina.." Belamis replied.
Idina started to play with little Ben, and the two seemed to like each other.
Little Ben turned to Belamis. He's a small boy with a dark brown hair and a brown eyes, and he smiled at Belamis.
Then the boy babbled, ""
Belamis was stunned, "How did he ??"
Then suddenly little Ben cried, and at the same time Idina also cried.
"What is it ?" Belamis picked up Idina. It's obvious that she nor little Ben was hurt, but something disturbed them.
Then the group of babies cried too, the mothers picked them up.
Then suddenly the earth below them shook.
"What the ..." Nick remarked.
The ground break up to a crack.
"Run!!!" Belamis yelled, as she used her ultraspeed move to place Idina away from the crack. Then she speeded back and forth taking the mothers and babies to safety.
Out from the crack was a huge monster, looked a lot like a huge blob of muscles, but with spikes jutting out.
Medora yelled, "Monster!"
"Holy shit!!" Nick said.
"Get the people to safety!" Belamis cried and she pulled out her sword, put on her helmet and raced to the monster.
"EM bullets!" Belamis shot at the monster.
"It's unharmed..." Belamis thought, she then shot out EM-thunder. The monster let out a loud growl and retreated.
Nick and Medora came to Belamis.
Medora said, "The boy has psychic ability.... he sensed danger..."
Then Medora, Idina and Belamis' minds merged.
"The boy tried to tell us there's danger..." Belamis said to herself. She approached and picked up Idina, and gazed at little Ben.
Little Ben looked into Belamis' blue eyes, and he smiled. Idina reached out her little hands and babbled, "...Ben... Ben..."
"She liked the boy..." Medora smiled.
Ben's mother smiled, and said, "Ben always cried before danger came..."
Belamis placed Idina in front of little Ben, and the two babies played with each other, and chat in baby talk.
"Hahaha... Idina found a boy friend!" Nick laughed.
Belamis walked near Ben and looked at him - somehow there's something in the two babies that urged Belamis to go near them. Then Belamis heard a voice, ""
Belamis picked up little Ben and looked at the small boy, then she picked up Idina and hold her and looked at Idina's little black eyes.
The two babies gazed into Belamis' blue eyes, which were glittering.
"Ah...." Belamis gasped, as her mind connected to the two babies.
"Gariusu giantess Belamis..... " Belamis heard voices of children talking to her.
"Don't return to Earth......." Belamis thought it was little Ben talking to her.
"Why ?" Belamis thought.
".... you will be in great danger..."
Then Belamis snapped out, and looked at the little babies in her arms, both were crying softly, as though they pleaded her not to go back to Earth.
Belamis said gently, "I am not afraid...." She gently kissed little Ben, and said, "I am the Gariusu giantess warrior.... it's danger that I will go to..."
Little Ben placed his small hands besides Belamis' head, and Belamis saw a horrid scene.... she gasped.
Idina began to cry.
Belamis gazed at the babies, "You are trying to warn me... and save me...."
Medora and Nick was looking and had no idea of what they were talking about.
Belamis picked up Idina, and said to Nick and Medora, "She's just hungry..." Belamis took Idina aside and fed her, as Belamis unzip her suit, and let Idina sucked her nipple.
Then Idina placed her little hands on Belamis breast, and immediately Belamis saw another vision, she gasped, and Belamis eyes glittered and welled up in tears.
"Idina... I am not afraid of any danger.... or pain..." Belamis said gently and in a firm tone, "... if... if I am harmed .... don't save me..."
Medora felt something horrible, but somehow her telepathy with Idina was not working.
"What is it ???" Medora thought.
Belamis smiled, "Nothing... nothing..."
She handed Idina to Medora, and said, "Take care of her for me..." Then Belamis walked away, and said, "I need a moment by myself... will be back soon..."
Medora held Idina, and knew something was bothering Belamis.
"I will return to Earth definitely..." Belamis thought, as she looked at her sword, and her hands.
Then there's a loud bang, and a voice from the telepathy reached her, "Belamis!!!"
Belamis turned, the voice were from Idina.
Belamis ran and there the monster got little Ben.
The babies were playing together and wandered off to a corner when the monster came.
Little Ben pushed away Idina, and he waddled slowly - even he's a little boy he wanted to protect Idina.
The monster's tentacles snatched the baby boy!
"Ben!!!" Ben's mother yelled.
Belamis was there, but she could not attack with EM-bullets or her sword - she might hit the baby. Little Ben cried. Idina levitated upwards and headed to the monster.
"No!!" Belamis yelled and leaped up, grabbing Idina with one arm, and using her sword to block the attack from the monster - the monster was shooting blasts of fire at them.
Nick pulled his pistol but he could not shoot, "Damn....."
"Let go of the boy!!" Belamis yelled, as she walked to the monster.
"Let go of him!!!" Belamis voice turned to a roar, as her forehead glowed. She lost her suit and transformed into her giantess form.
The monster let out a growl, and waved the tentacles that hold little Ben.
Little Ben cried, and Idina was crying.
Belamis growled and she was thinking how to rescue the baby from the grip of the monster.
Then the monster shot out blasts of flames at Belamis, hitting her body. Belamis endured the blasts even though it hurts her.
Medora yelled, "Belamis!!!" Idina cried.
Belamis roared.
Then Medora, Idina and little Ben minds merged, "No!!! The boy would be killed!!" Medora thought.
Idina body glowed, and suddenly little Ben also glowed.
"" Belamis uttered in her giantess voice, and she leaped forward, as the force field broke the monster's grip on little Ben.
Belamis caught the little baby in her palms, and Belamis turned to use her back to shield the baby as the monster lashed out its tentacles and spikes on Belamis.
Nick took the hint and ran towards Belamis, and Belamis handed the baby to him.
Belamis with assurance the baby was safe, turned and roared at the monster.
Then numerous tentacles grabbed Belamis and tightened.
Belamis felt the crushing force of the tentacles on her, but she was brave, and she exerted herself and let out a loud roar, breaking all the tentacles - but at that moment, countless spikes shot at Belamis and pierced her body.
"Belamis!!!" Medora yelled. Nick gasped as Belamis was hurt badly.
Belamis had blood all over her, and she grabbed the monster with her bare hands and fought it even though she's severely wounded. She let out her electromagnetic blast and destroy the monster, then Belamis fell onto the ground.
Idina levitated to Belamis and sent out her energy to heal Belamis.
"No...." Belamis shook her head, and hold Idina in her palms, then Belamis turned back to human form.
Belamis looked at Nick, who was holding little Ben in his arms. Little Ben babbled at Belamis.
Idina did not use as much of her Galaxy Energy on Belamis but she appeared tired, and Belamis' heart ached.
Medora came and place her hands on Belamis, and radiated Galaxy Energy on her to stop her wound bleeding.
Belamis stood up, holding Idina in her arms, and walked to Nick and looked at little Ben. Ben reached his hands to Idina, and babbled, "" He was fond of Idina and cared about her.
Then Belamis looked at the two babies, and said, "Little lovers...". She kissed Idina and Ben, and fell onto her knees before she fainted.
Medora and Nick scrambled to Belamis.
As Belamis woke up she was inside Starry Princess, body was in bandages, as in the past battles.
"What happened..." Medora softly asked Belamis, as she gently put another gauze pad on Belamis' wound.
Belamis of course knew Medora was not asking about her fight with the monster. Medora knew the little psychic baby Ben whom Idina befriended told Belamis something.
"Belamis... please, tell me..." Medora pleaded.
Belamis sat up, and looked at Medora, and said, "Ben just warned me about the monster...."
Then Belamis stroked Medora's hair.
This was the first time Belamis lied.
As Starry Princess went air borne, Idina pressed her little face at the window and looked at little Ben - her pal.
Belamis held Idina in her arms, and looked at the psychic boy who warned her...
Oct 27, 2012
Oct 21, 2012
ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul
Chapter 60 Space thugs
Belamis, Medora, Nick and Idina continued their journey towards the star system of Gariusu, where Nick's planet Talusen and Sonya's planet Yolen were, and of course Belamis' home planet, Gariusu once was.
Idina rested in Belamis' arms after Belamis breast fed her. Idina closed her eyes and sucked her finger. Belamis gently placed her back to her little crib, and stroke her hair.
"You surely will be a good mother..." Nick said, as he piloted the craft.
Belamis smiled - she was a tough warrior, but she got her tenderness from her mother - and memories of her mother flashed back to her - especially the one she saw her mother turning to a giantess to protect her when she's a little girl.
"I am really a fool.... if I am a Gariusu giantess... of course my mother is one too.... how come I never realized that ?" Belamis thought to herself, then as she tried to recall more about her mother she got a headache.
"Again...." Belamis thought.
Belamis put back her suit and sat on the pilot seat. She checked the co-ordinates and the navigation, its near the planet where Sherius was buried. Belamis tried to think of other things.
Belamis had had hallucinations sometimes (note: recall Starzinger Ep 51) and saw her mother in a few flashbacks.
"I have to stop there..." Belamis said, as she shook off her thought of her mother. In giantess form, Belamis' emotion and feelings were free, and she could recall her mother, but not in her human form when Belamis was consciously suppressing that memory.
Nick replied, "Sure... are you OK ?" He noticed Belamis was in deep thought.
"Yeah..." Belamis replied.
Starry Princess landed. The company went out.
Medora followed Belamis to Sherius' tomb.
"She's Sonya's younger sister ?" Medora said.
Belamis nodded. She took out the bits of blonde hair of Sonya, and dug a hole at the grave, and said softly, "Sherius, you and your sister in peace...".
Then Belamis gathered flowers from around and laid them on top of the tomb.
Belamis still felt a heartache for the loss of the two women, and she hold back her tears. Belamis then knelt before the tomb in Gariusu warrior's way of honoring the dead.
Nick also knelt down.
Then Belamis stood up, "I will bring some of Sonya's hair back to my previous home star Yolen where Sonya's home was."
The company left and Starry Princess was air borne.
"Something on the radar...." Nick said.
Belamis looked, and frowned.
"It looks like a fleet of space jets... they are coming at our direction..." Nick said.
"What is it ?" Medora came and she hold Idina's in her hands.
"Put Idina back to her crib and buckle her up... you buckle up too..." Nick said.
Belamis said, "I will go out in my jet and check..." Belamis ran out and leaped to her space fighter jet, and flew out towards the fleet of space jets.
Belamis turned on the visual system in her jet and got a clear picture - the jets were in different shapes, about 10 of them, flying towards Starry Princess.
Belamis turned on her communication system, and said, "Who are you ? What do you want?"
The other side did not answer. Then they fired at Belamis.
Belamis steered away from the fire. "Nick, steer Starry Princess away... far away.... I am fighting them..."
Nick replied, "OK... you be careful.."
"Take care of Medora..." Belamis replied.
"You bet!" Nick said.
Then Belamis opened fire at those jets, hitting their wings and wrecking a few of them.
Then there's a leading one heading to Belamis.
"That one's pilot was good..." Belamis thought.
The two jets engaged in a space fight, and exchanged fire.
Belamis was after all the ace fighter of Galaxy Union forces, and that fighter was nearly hit by Belamis' fire.
"You are good..." A voice from the other end.
"Who are you ?" Belamis asked.
The other jet stopped, and a man came out. He's big, with dark skin, thin, in blue hair.
Belamis stopped and opened the cockpit and got out to see who that person was.
They had eye contact.
"Name's Edon..." The man said.
"I am Belamis, cyborg warrior from Gariusu." Belamis replied, "Why are you attacking us?"
"This area of space is our turf.... we would not let anyone pass without ... let's just say.. paying a fee to passage...." Edon replied.
"I saw you are a good fighter... why don't you join us and reap more fortune ?" Edon laughed.
"You are out of your mind..." Belamis said, "... I am not going to fight you... just let me and my friends pass..."
"Okay..... your ask for it..." Edon remarked.
Then scores of fire and laser shot at Belamis. Belamis dodged with her ultraspeed move and she summoned her space bike and rode on it.
Belamis drew her sword, and said in a loud and stern voice, "I cannot forgive people who bully and prey on others!"
Nick was steering Starry Princess away but watched closely. "Damn.... those are space thugs..."
Belamis told Nick, "Deploy warp drive and get to a place far from this spot.. the fight is going to be nasty.... Starry Princess is not armed..."
"But..." Nick stuttered...
"I will join you... but first get Medora and Idina to safety.." Belamis said.
Medora was beside Nick, and she exclaimed, "We are not going without you..."
Nick knew full well that he could not risk Medora and Idina as Starry Princess was not a battleship, so he bit his lips and said, "You be careful, I will start warp flight..."
Nick pressed the buttons and pull the lever -- Starry Princess warped away.
Edon laughed, "You thought you can take on all of us ? We are all former soldiers... and we are also cyborgs..."
Then a blast of energy shot at Belamis and hit her. "Arrh...." Belamis yelled in pain and fell off her space bike.
"I am too careless... I underestimated them..." Belamis thought.
Then several ropes shot at Belamis, and tied her up.
Belamis tried to break free, and a painful electric shock hit her.
"We are cyborgs... and know how to deal with one..." Edon said.
Belamis eyes burned with anger, and said, "I am not the regular cyborg!"
She exerted her muscles and broke the rope, then she pulled her sword and used her ultraspeed and attacked the men.
"What the???" Edon exclaimed, as he just watched helplessly as Belamis took down each of his men.
Then Belamis pointed her sword at Edon.
"What have you got to say ?" Belamis asked.
Edon was angry and afraid, and he stuttered, "I...I..."
Belamis recalled her days of wandering by herself.....
It was hardly 3 months after she survived the destruction of her home planet system and she flew in her jet, with her little pet Mi being her only companion.
"Mi..... it's just the two of us now..." Belamis spoke softly to her pet and stroked Mi gently. Belamis lost every loved ones and was all alone in cosmos. She had nobody to talk to, and there were unknowns before her.
"Where should I go ? What am I supposed to do ? ...Why...why am I the only survivor ???" Belamis heart wondered and ached.
Mi licked Belamis face. Belamis had Mi since it was a baby, and Belamis loved Mi.
Then the sensors of Belamis' jet showed something. There were jets around.
"People....maybe... maybe I can join them..." Belamis thought, in her rather naive thought, as she was in her very early days of wandering in the cosmos.
"Let's fly together..." The man at another jet said.
Belamis nodded.
Then before Belamis knew it, the man shot at her.
If not for Belamis' superior piloting and combating skill, her jet would be hit.
"What are you doing ?" Belamis yelled.
The man said, "Leave your valuables with us..."
Belamis replied, "You are robbers ???"
Belamis got angry and she stood out of her cockpit, and cried, "You mess with the wrong person!!!"
She used her cyborg powers and drove away those robbers.
Since then Belamis wandered in the cosmos all by herself, and she helped people who lost their home planets, but often running into thugs. It was why she acted very cautious and suspicious of strangers.
Belamis looked at Edon, and said, "Thugs like you are just unforgivable..."
Edon voice shook, "Please..." He could tell Belamis was a powerful cyborg.
Belamis however was compassionate, she said, "Get the hell away!" Then she welded her sword and destroyed the weapons on Edon's craft.
Edon immediately flew away in his craft.
Belamis watched and frowned.
She remembered the first encounter with Kugo. Belamis thought that Kugo and his partner Hakka were space thugs too... and Belamis lost Mi at that planet just after her first fight with Kugo.
Belamis turned and was about to join Nick, then a series of shots hit her when Belamis was lost in thoughts...
Belamis was hit and cried in pain, and she fainted.
Belamis gradually woke up. She knew she was attacked by a strong blast of electromagnetic shots that knock her out. Yet she was strong so Belamis regained consciousness quite quickly.
Belamis moved her limbs and found she was cuffed on her hands and feet.
Before Belamis was Edon and those thugs.
"You are really some tough cyborg..." Edon said.
Belamis stayed calm and looked at those space thugs. Then she heard people calling for help - they were children.
Edon could tell from Belamis' face, and said, "Yep... we kidnapped these kids -- if they had parents we will blackmail their parents, or else we sell the children as slaves...."
Belamis was angry, but she knew she had to save the kids, so she said, "What do you want from me ?"
Edon walked towards Belamis and kicked her at her torso.
Belamis groaned.
The thugs surrounded Belamis and chained her four limbs, then each pulled at different direction, riding a large animal like a horse.
"You are such a fool not to join us..." Edon said.
The four men rode the animal and pulled, and Belamis felt the pulling. Belamis was strong, and she exerted her limbs.
Nick steered out his jet as he settled down Medora and Idina.
"Let me come along!" Medora demanded.
Nick said, "OK, but stay close to me..."
Medora nodded.
They traced Belamis' jet's signal and found that Belamis was captured by the thugs, and the thugs tortured her.
"Belamis is tough... she'd be OK..." Nick assured Medora, who was worried about Belamis.
"But.. Belamis..." Medora spoke.
"Hush... don't let them hear us..." Nick said, as he drew his pistol.
Belamis four limbs were pulled, and the men were astonished as other people's joint would have dislocated.
Then Belamis let out a loud cry, pulling all her four limbs as she exerted herself. The chains and cuffs broke, and Belamis was free.
The thugs were astonished, as Belamis leaped up and drew her sword. She ran straight to the cave where the children were locked up.
Nick yelled, "I will cover you!!" As he fired shots at the thugs.
Belamis heard Nick, and was glad.
She went to the opening of the cave, and saw there were 12 children there, and they were unharmed.
"I will rescue you..." Belamis said, as she stood before the entrance and fought the thugs surrounding her.
Nick hit a few of the thugs with his pistol, as Belamis struck down the cyborg thugs one by one.
Then only Edon left. He pulled out his large weapon - a gigantic axe, and chop down at Belamis.
Belamis used her sword and block it.
Edon pressed hard, as Belamis used only her right hand to resist.
"Let me see how you can resist my strength!!" Edon was a towering 8 feet tall man and he was big.
Belamis smiled, "I can win you even with one arm!"
Edon pressed hard on his axe but Belamis was able to resist him just with her sword and right arm.
Belamis remembered her fight with Prince Guyma - she could have won had she not been exhausted after she got herself out the volcano vent, and she could have got herself killed had not been for Kugo.
As Belamis stared at Edon she was angry, "You thugs!! You even harm children!" Belamis exerted her body and pushed back, sending Edon flying and hit a cliff wall.
Then Belamis leaped up and struck Edon with her electromagnetic sword, knocking him out.
Nick and Medora cheered.
Belamis ran to the cave, and she pulled open the door, releasing the children.
The children surrounded Belamis. Belamis remembered the children at the orphanage on Earth, and she smiled at them.
"We have to return the kids to their family..." Belamis said.
Medora replied, "Yes...."
They took the kids on board Starry Princess, and most kids were about 7 to 9 years old. Belamis, Nick and Medora took them one by one to their home and rejoin their parents.
The parents of the kids were overjoyed to have their children safely returned.
Nick smiled to Belamis, "I am happy for them..."
Belamis thought to herself, "When will I join Earth...."
Belamis, Medora, Nick and Idina continued their journey towards the star system of Gariusu, where Nick's planet Talusen and Sonya's planet Yolen were, and of course Belamis' home planet, Gariusu once was.
Idina rested in Belamis' arms after Belamis breast fed her. Idina closed her eyes and sucked her finger. Belamis gently placed her back to her little crib, and stroke her hair.
"You surely will be a good mother..." Nick said, as he piloted the craft.
Belamis smiled - she was a tough warrior, but she got her tenderness from her mother - and memories of her mother flashed back to her - especially the one she saw her mother turning to a giantess to protect her when she's a little girl.
"I am really a fool.... if I am a Gariusu giantess... of course my mother is one too.... how come I never realized that ?" Belamis thought to herself, then as she tried to recall more about her mother she got a headache.
"Again...." Belamis thought.
Belamis put back her suit and sat on the pilot seat. She checked the co-ordinates and the navigation, its near the planet where Sherius was buried. Belamis tried to think of other things.
Belamis had had hallucinations sometimes (note: recall Starzinger Ep 51) and saw her mother in a few flashbacks.
"I have to stop there..." Belamis said, as she shook off her thought of her mother. In giantess form, Belamis' emotion and feelings were free, and she could recall her mother, but not in her human form when Belamis was consciously suppressing that memory.
Nick replied, "Sure... are you OK ?" He noticed Belamis was in deep thought.
"Yeah..." Belamis replied.
Starry Princess landed. The company went out.
Medora followed Belamis to Sherius' tomb.
"She's Sonya's younger sister ?" Medora said.
Belamis nodded. She took out the bits of blonde hair of Sonya, and dug a hole at the grave, and said softly, "Sherius, you and your sister in peace...".
Then Belamis gathered flowers from around and laid them on top of the tomb.
Belamis still felt a heartache for the loss of the two women, and she hold back her tears. Belamis then knelt before the tomb in Gariusu warrior's way of honoring the dead.
Nick also knelt down.
Then Belamis stood up, "I will bring some of Sonya's hair back to my previous home star Yolen where Sonya's home was."
The company left and Starry Princess was air borne.
"Something on the radar...." Nick said.
Belamis looked, and frowned.
"It looks like a fleet of space jets... they are coming at our direction..." Nick said.
"What is it ?" Medora came and she hold Idina's in her hands.
"Put Idina back to her crib and buckle her up... you buckle up too..." Nick said.
Belamis said, "I will go out in my jet and check..." Belamis ran out and leaped to her space fighter jet, and flew out towards the fleet of space jets.
Belamis turned on the visual system in her jet and got a clear picture - the jets were in different shapes, about 10 of them, flying towards Starry Princess.
Belamis turned on her communication system, and said, "Who are you ? What do you want?"
The other side did not answer. Then they fired at Belamis.
Belamis steered away from the fire. "Nick, steer Starry Princess away... far away.... I am fighting them..."
Nick replied, "OK... you be careful.."
"Take care of Medora..." Belamis replied.
"You bet!" Nick said.
Then Belamis opened fire at those jets, hitting their wings and wrecking a few of them.
Then there's a leading one heading to Belamis.
"That one's pilot was good..." Belamis thought.
The two jets engaged in a space fight, and exchanged fire.
Belamis was after all the ace fighter of Galaxy Union forces, and that fighter was nearly hit by Belamis' fire.
"You are good..." A voice from the other end.
"Who are you ?" Belamis asked.
The other jet stopped, and a man came out. He's big, with dark skin, thin, in blue hair.
Belamis stopped and opened the cockpit and got out to see who that person was.
They had eye contact.
"Name's Edon..." The man said.
"I am Belamis, cyborg warrior from Gariusu." Belamis replied, "Why are you attacking us?"
"This area of space is our turf.... we would not let anyone pass without ... let's just say.. paying a fee to passage...." Edon replied.
"I saw you are a good fighter... why don't you join us and reap more fortune ?" Edon laughed.
"You are out of your mind..." Belamis said, "... I am not going to fight you... just let me and my friends pass..."
"Okay..... your ask for it..." Edon remarked.
Then scores of fire and laser shot at Belamis. Belamis dodged with her ultraspeed move and she summoned her space bike and rode on it.
Belamis drew her sword, and said in a loud and stern voice, "I cannot forgive people who bully and prey on others!"
Nick was steering Starry Princess away but watched closely. "Damn.... those are space thugs..."
Belamis told Nick, "Deploy warp drive and get to a place far from this spot.. the fight is going to be nasty.... Starry Princess is not armed..."
"But..." Nick stuttered...
"I will join you... but first get Medora and Idina to safety.." Belamis said.
Medora was beside Nick, and she exclaimed, "We are not going without you..."
Nick knew full well that he could not risk Medora and Idina as Starry Princess was not a battleship, so he bit his lips and said, "You be careful, I will start warp flight..."
Nick pressed the buttons and pull the lever -- Starry Princess warped away.
Edon laughed, "You thought you can take on all of us ? We are all former soldiers... and we are also cyborgs..."
Then a blast of energy shot at Belamis and hit her. "Arrh...." Belamis yelled in pain and fell off her space bike.
"I am too careless... I underestimated them..." Belamis thought.
Then several ropes shot at Belamis, and tied her up.
Belamis tried to break free, and a painful electric shock hit her.
"We are cyborgs... and know how to deal with one..." Edon said.
Belamis eyes burned with anger, and said, "I am not the regular cyborg!"
She exerted her muscles and broke the rope, then she pulled her sword and used her ultraspeed and attacked the men.
"What the???" Edon exclaimed, as he just watched helplessly as Belamis took down each of his men.
Then Belamis pointed her sword at Edon.
"What have you got to say ?" Belamis asked.
Edon was angry and afraid, and he stuttered, "I...I..."
Belamis recalled her days of wandering by herself.....
It was hardly 3 months after she survived the destruction of her home planet system and she flew in her jet, with her little pet Mi being her only companion.
"Mi..... it's just the two of us now..." Belamis spoke softly to her pet and stroked Mi gently. Belamis lost every loved ones and was all alone in cosmos. She had nobody to talk to, and there were unknowns before her.
"Where should I go ? What am I supposed to do ? ...Why...why am I the only survivor ???" Belamis heart wondered and ached.
Mi licked Belamis face. Belamis had Mi since it was a baby, and Belamis loved Mi.
Then the sensors of Belamis' jet showed something. There were jets around.
"People....maybe... maybe I can join them..." Belamis thought, in her rather naive thought, as she was in her very early days of wandering in the cosmos.
"Let's fly together..." The man at another jet said.
Belamis nodded.
Then before Belamis knew it, the man shot at her.
If not for Belamis' superior piloting and combating skill, her jet would be hit.
"What are you doing ?" Belamis yelled.
The man said, "Leave your valuables with us..."
Belamis replied, "You are robbers ???"
Belamis got angry and she stood out of her cockpit, and cried, "You mess with the wrong person!!!"
She used her cyborg powers and drove away those robbers.
Since then Belamis wandered in the cosmos all by herself, and she helped people who lost their home planets, but often running into thugs. It was why she acted very cautious and suspicious of strangers.
Belamis looked at Edon, and said, "Thugs like you are just unforgivable..."
Edon voice shook, "Please..." He could tell Belamis was a powerful cyborg.
Belamis however was compassionate, she said, "Get the hell away!" Then she welded her sword and destroyed the weapons on Edon's craft.
Edon immediately flew away in his craft.
Belamis watched and frowned.
She remembered the first encounter with Kugo. Belamis thought that Kugo and his partner Hakka were space thugs too... and Belamis lost Mi at that planet just after her first fight with Kugo.
Belamis turned and was about to join Nick, then a series of shots hit her when Belamis was lost in thoughts...
Belamis was hit and cried in pain, and she fainted.
Belamis gradually woke up. She knew she was attacked by a strong blast of electromagnetic shots that knock her out. Yet she was strong so Belamis regained consciousness quite quickly.
Belamis moved her limbs and found she was cuffed on her hands and feet.
Before Belamis was Edon and those thugs.
"You are really some tough cyborg..." Edon said.
Belamis stayed calm and looked at those space thugs. Then she heard people calling for help - they were children.
Edon could tell from Belamis' face, and said, "Yep... we kidnapped these kids -- if they had parents we will blackmail their parents, or else we sell the children as slaves...."
Belamis was angry, but she knew she had to save the kids, so she said, "What do you want from me ?"
Edon walked towards Belamis and kicked her at her torso.
Belamis groaned.
The thugs surrounded Belamis and chained her four limbs, then each pulled at different direction, riding a large animal like a horse.
"You are such a fool not to join us..." Edon said.
The four men rode the animal and pulled, and Belamis felt the pulling. Belamis was strong, and she exerted her limbs.
Nick steered out his jet as he settled down Medora and Idina.
"Let me come along!" Medora demanded.
Nick said, "OK, but stay close to me..."
Medora nodded.
They traced Belamis' jet's signal and found that Belamis was captured by the thugs, and the thugs tortured her.
"Belamis is tough... she'd be OK..." Nick assured Medora, who was worried about Belamis.
"But.. Belamis..." Medora spoke.
"Hush... don't let them hear us..." Nick said, as he drew his pistol.
Belamis four limbs were pulled, and the men were astonished as other people's joint would have dislocated.
Then Belamis let out a loud cry, pulling all her four limbs as she exerted herself. The chains and cuffs broke, and Belamis was free.
The thugs were astonished, as Belamis leaped up and drew her sword. She ran straight to the cave where the children were locked up.
Nick yelled, "I will cover you!!" As he fired shots at the thugs.
Belamis heard Nick, and was glad.
She went to the opening of the cave, and saw there were 12 children there, and they were unharmed.
"I will rescue you..." Belamis said, as she stood before the entrance and fought the thugs surrounding her.
Nick hit a few of the thugs with his pistol, as Belamis struck down the cyborg thugs one by one.
Then only Edon left. He pulled out his large weapon - a gigantic axe, and chop down at Belamis.
Belamis used her sword and block it.
Edon pressed hard, as Belamis used only her right hand to resist.
"Let me see how you can resist my strength!!" Edon was a towering 8 feet tall man and he was big.
Belamis smiled, "I can win you even with one arm!"
Edon pressed hard on his axe but Belamis was able to resist him just with her sword and right arm.
Belamis remembered her fight with Prince Guyma - she could have won had she not been exhausted after she got herself out the volcano vent, and she could have got herself killed had not been for Kugo.
As Belamis stared at Edon she was angry, "You thugs!! You even harm children!" Belamis exerted her body and pushed back, sending Edon flying and hit a cliff wall.
Then Belamis leaped up and struck Edon with her electromagnetic sword, knocking him out.
Nick and Medora cheered.
Belamis ran to the cave, and she pulled open the door, releasing the children.
The children surrounded Belamis. Belamis remembered the children at the orphanage on Earth, and she smiled at them.
"We have to return the kids to their family..." Belamis said.
Medora replied, "Yes...."
They took the kids on board Starry Princess, and most kids were about 7 to 9 years old. Belamis, Nick and Medora took them one by one to their home and rejoin their parents.
The parents of the kids were overjoyed to have their children safely returned.
Nick smiled to Belamis, "I am happy for them..."
Belamis thought to herself, "When will I join Earth...."
Oct 12, 2012
ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul
Chapter 59 The passage through the areas of bandits
As Belamis, Medora, Nick and little Idina set out to Gariusu, where Belamis' home was, she contacted Earth.
"Kugo..." Belamis said.
"What take you so long to be back.." Kugo asked, but not impatiently, he was more of being worried.
Belamis felt his concerns, and she gazed at his brown eyes via the monitor.
"I...I... want to go back to Gariusu..." Belamis said.
Kugo remembered immediately.
Shortly after their first encounter, Kugo asked Djorgo to run a check in the computer to find about Gariusu, as he vividly remembered Belamis declared that "he" was the warrior from Gariusu planet.
Of course the computer checked out that Gariusu was long gone, long before even Kugo and Princess Aurora set out from Earth. Kugo realized that Belamis was wandering all alone in space, and he remembered wishing "him" well.
Kugo remembered finding out "he" (Belamis) was a cyborg and remembered the hardship and pains to be one - which Kugo went through himself.
"Belamis, are you sure you want to go back?" Kugo asked. He worried about Belamis heart. Kugo was aware that Belamis was very traumatized by that horrible event, and even Belamis never mentioned it, he could feel from her eyes.
Belamis looked at Kugo, and said softly, "I will go... with your support ..."
Kugo replied, "Be sure to come back to Earth.. I am working really hard to recover..."
Belamis smiled, and replied, "I promise."
"Give me a kiss..." Kugo smiled. Belamis kissed the screen, and on the other side Kugo kissed too.
Then she signed off.
Belamis turned and walked to the crib where Idina was sleeping in.
Belamis watched the baby girl tenderly and said, "Little one..."
Idina awoke, and saw Belamis. Idina smiled, and reached out her little hands. Belamis picked Idina up, and let Idina's hands touched her face. Belamis rubbed her nose with Idina, and said, "I treated you like my own... but strangely... you feel more like the old Queen to me...."
Then Belamis returned to the cockpit of Starry Princess with Idina in her arms. Medora was asleep and Nick was piloting it.
"We will stop in this planet..." Nick said.
Belamis nodded.
They landed the craft.
Belamis was in her fighting suit, and walked out, hand clutching her sword.
"Easy ... buddy..." Nick said.
"Can't be too careful..." Belamis replied, as she recalled her lonely days of wandering.
After Belamis and Kugo beat mandorago at the strange planet, they actually encountered again.
Kugo was again lost as he ventured out to check out the areas for Queen Cosmos, and he saw a planet.
"Wow... let me check it out..." Muttered Kugo.
Before long Kugo landed and he heard intense sound of fighting - sounds of clashes of weapons and shouting, at the same time he lost his bearings and contact with Queen Cosmos.
Kugo went to check out and saw an amazing scene.
Belamis welding her sword and was up against at least 7 men who welded weapons at her.
"Wow... Belamis indeed is a good fighter..." Kugo thought, as he pulled out his Astro-Lance.
"Belamis! I am joining you!" Kugo shouted.
Belamis heard, and saw Kugo. Her heart felt warmth and happiness, but soon she suppressed it, and said coldly, "I can handle it myself."
The men surrounded her, and she averted all attacks with her sword, knocking a few men out with the electromagnetic blasts on her sword. Belamis kept the energy level of the electromagnetic blasts on her sword to a bare minimum so that she wouldn't kill the men.
Kugo saw that and thought, "Belamis is not a ruthless person - she won't kill."
Then two of the men pulled out their guns.
"Watch it!" Kugo shouted and shot one of them with his stunning trizer beam.
Belamis knock out one of them, and then she saw one was pointing his gun at Kugo.
"You bastard!" Belamis shouted and there was a gun shot. The men was knocked out.
Kugo saw the smoke on the gun, and breathed a sign of relief. "Phew.... "
The men ran away, dragging their partners along with them.
"What are you doing here?" Belamis asked coldly, holding back her affection to Kugo.
"Just passing by..." Kugo replied, "Who are those people ?"
"Bandits.... they disrupted radio communications nearby and lure travelers to land..and rob them - they often outnumbered their victims.." Belamis said.
"Head to that direction... and you will be free of the interference of the fields here..." Belamis pointed to one end at the sky.
"Thanks!" Said Kugo, as he was about to board Star Probe, he heard a groaning sound. Kugo turned and Belamis was on her knees.
"Belamis!" Kugo rushed and helped her up, and Kugo lifted up her cape and saw a wound on her right shoulder - the shot hit Belamis.
"You are injured..." Kugo exclaimed.
Belamis clutched her teeth, and tried to stand up, but she fell to the ground again. Before Kugo arrived the men had attacked her with an electromagnetic cord very much like the electromagnetic whip of Prince Guyma.
Kugo looked and saw a cord cut into pieces and had a hunch, "You are injured..."
Belamis breathed heavily, and said nothing, the pain was all on her face.
Kugo helped Belamis to lie down, and rested her back at a rock.
Belamis tried to move her right arm, and it was painful, and she groaned again.
"Don't move that arm of yours..." Kugo said.
"Help.. me to take my cape off.." Belamis said.
Kugo took Belamis cape off. The wound on Belamis right shoulder had smoke coming out.
"You need to treat that wound! Come with me to Queen Cosmos!!" Kugo said.
"That's not a big deal..." Belamis said stubbornly. She pulled her sword out in a dagger form.
"What are you trying to do..?" Kugo said.
Belamis tried to lift her sword with her left arm, but she was weakened, and dropped the sword.
"Kugo.... help me to take the bullet out... with my sword..." Belamis said.
"What ??? Me ???" Kugo said.
Belamis took a deep breath, and said, "Help me to take my suit off..... unzip" As she pointed her collar.
Kugo was stunned, but he could not just leave Belamis alone. So he reached out his hands and undress Belamis.
As Kugo took Belamis' suit off, he saw her body, sculpted with firm muscles, and her very firm breasts. She was a beauty on her face and her body was that of an athlete. Kugo blushed.
"What are you staring at ? " Snapped Belamis.
There was a wound on Belamis right shoulder, and it was bleeding.
"The bullet... was lodged on my collar bone..." Belamis said, ".... use the sword... to yank it out..."
"No anesthesia ???" Kugo said.
"Do what I tell you!!!" Belamis shouted. Then she groaned in pain as her shouting jolted her wound.
"Easy!!!" Kugo said.
Belamis signed, and said, "I am sorry to shout at you like that. I can endure the pain, just do it..."
Kugo replied, "I know you are a brave and tough girl.... to even become a cyborg shows how tough you are ..."
Belamis looked at Kugo's brown eyes. The two again look into each others eyes like when they prepare to attack mandarago back in that planet.
Kugo realized that Belamis was having a lot of trust in him, and even let him see her body.
"Go ahead..." Belamis said.
Kugo then used Belamis' sword and began plugging the bullet from Belamis' right shoulder. Kugo poked at her collar bone, and Belamis shook in pain.
"It's close....just a bit to.. to the right..." Belamis replied.
Kugo nodded, as his hand shook. The sword plugged in, and Kugo could felt it hit something hard.
"There it is..." Belamis said. "On the count of three, yank it out... ONE, TWO..."
Kugo yanked the bullet out with Belamis sword, and blood streamed out of her wound. Belamis let out a small cry of pain.
Kugo was astonished with her will to withstand such pain.
"I...said... on three..why did you do before I said three..." Belamis said.
"I...I..." Kugo stuttered.
"Never mind... get the kit from my jet... a gray box..." Belamis said.
Kugo went to Belamis' jet - he saw that the jet had many scratches on it - a sign of its long journey and battles with Belamis.
Kugo jumped to the cockpit and found that gray box, and brought it to Belamis.
"Inside...there's a capsule... a paste...that can stop the bleeding..." Belamis said in a soft voice, as she endured the pain.
Kugo opened that capsule, and gently rub the paste on Belamis' wound. Belamis closed her eyes and the paste stuck to her wound - then the bleeding stopped.
"It still hurts ?" Kugo asked.
Belamis closed her eyes, and nodded, and said, "Help me.. to put my suit back on.."
Kugo assisted her and she was in her suit. There's a hole on the suit. "Take that mending torch out..."
It was a pen like thing, Belamis moved it above the hole on her suit and mended her suit.
Kugo thought to himself, "What would she be if I am not around ?"
"I will be should join your friends back at Queen Cosmos..." Belamis said softly. Belamis knew what's in Kugo's mind and said, "If you weren't here... I will do it myself...."
"Well, now that I know the way out, I can stick around for a while..." Kugo chuckled..
"I can take care of myself..." Belamis said sternly, "Just leave..."
"Well... I will just be around... you just rest..." Kugo said.
Belamis signed, and closed her eyes - but her left hand still grabbed her sword tightly.
Kugo stayed - he was worried about Belamis, though he had yet to realize, he fell in love with her.
"She's really beautiful..." Kugo thought, as she saw Belamis slept, her helmet off, and her jet black hair hanging to her shoulders.
Kugo gently took the sword out of her hand and placed her hand aside so Belamis could relax.
"She must have been through a lot of these situation, so she is always on guard..." Thought Kugo.
Then about a few hours later, Belamis opened her eyes - Belamis felt comfortable - she actually fell asleep and had no bad dreams. Belamis looked at Kugo - the thought was unsettling to her - Kugo was beside her and she felt safe, so she could sleep well.
Kugo looked at her in his warm brown eyes, and said, "Slept well ?"
Belamis nodded and smiled - Kugo smiled back at her, and it was a heavenly thing he felt.
Kugo noticed her other scars as he helped her to take out the bullet, and he said, "'s not the first time..."
Belamis knew he meant it was not the first time she was attacked and wounded.
Since Belamis fled the destruction of her home planet, she encountered bandits. In a few times Belamis was wounded, and she had to tend the wounds herself and rest alone. Belamis nodded, "Yeah... a few times... I handled it myself..."
Kugo watched her and felt a heartache. He wished he could know her earlier.
"I will stay around till you are better..." Kugo said.
Belamis looked at him, and nodded.
Kugo left three days later when Belamis' wound healed. During the days, Kugo cracked jokes to cheer up Belamis. Belamis was not that easy to cheer up and often snapped back.
"Arh... that's really mean of you..." Laughed Kugo.
The time together was the happiest time for Belamis.
As Kugo was about to leave...
"Would you join us ?" Kugo asked.
Belamis shook her head, "I'd be more at ease by myself..."
They parted, and Kugo looked back as Belamis stood there watching him leave. Their eyes met again.
Belamis recalled this encounter, and knew in these remote places, bandits were rampant. More so, she realized how long she was in love with Kugo. She was glad she lived to be with Kugo.
"Keep your eyes open..." Belamis said.
"Sure...Captain..." Nick said.
Medora came out holding Idina with her.
"Stay in Starry Princess until me and Nick confirmed the place is safe..." Said Belamis gently.
Medora said, "Is it really that dangerous ?"
"Well... listen to the great Captain..." Nick said, then suddenly there was a gun shot and the bullet just passed over Nick's head.
"Holy shit!!"
"Medora, get inside!" Belamis shouted, and she glanced at where the sound of the gunshot.
Then countless rays of lazer shot out.
Nick took cover behind a rock and pulled out his gun. "Bad idea to mess up with me... and even worse to mess up with Belamis!"
He returned fire.
Belamis dodged all the firing in her ultraspeed move and charged near the enemies.
She saw it very clearly - it was a group of bandits with their guns.
Belamis attacked them with her quick moves and soon hit a few of them with her electromagnetic sword and her fists.
The bandits were a group of 17 to 18 men. Nick fired back and covered Belamis.
The bandits saw they were up against two formidable persons and retreated.
Belamis breathed a sign of relief.
Nick came to her and said, "All of them were gone...... for a while..."
Medora came out, and asked, "Are we safe ?"
Belamis said, "Yes... while we stayed.... but we better get going..."
"Why are there bandits ?" Medora asked.
Belamis signed, and said, "Many of them are like me, soldiers defending their home planet... but lost the home planet. They turned to robbery, looting and terrorizing people using their military skills. I met quite a few of these bandits when I wandered alone..."
Medora replied, "Then... even if the void of Galaxy Energy is restored....there are bad people around..."
Belamis nodded, and added, "Sad...but true."
Nick said, "We are the lucky ones that found a new home....many continued to be space bandits, thugs...pirates..."
"We can only stay a night and leave tomorrow..." Belamis said.
Whilst Medora and Idina stayed inside the craft, Belamis patrolled.
"Get some sleep, I'll be watching out..." Nick said.
Belamis smiled, "Okay...I will rest my eyes.." She sat beside Starry Princess, and closed her eyes.
Then Nick heard some sound. "Damn...."
Belamis opened her eyes and put her hand on her sword, and she put on her helmet and lowered the shades. Then she pressed a button, the shades color turned to light color so that she could see in the dark.
"Buddy... let me take care of them..." Nick said.
Nick pulled out his gun, and aimed. Out of a patch of short vegetation, there were a few shadows.
Belamis saw and noticed those men were carrying weapons and appeared to be the ones that attacked them in the day, and she drew her sword.
Nick and Belamis kept laid low until the men were near - Nick fired a shot and hit the shoulder of the men in front.
There's a loud cry. Belamis then invoke her ultra-speed move and knock them unconscious them one by one.
Nick then came and knock out the last one.
"Well...." Nick remarked, "We will just tie them up and leave them here..."
They tied the bandits up and Belamis woke up one of them.
"Arrr.... it hurts..." The man groaned.
Then he saw Belamis and Nick.
"You... you are Captain Belamis ?" The man said.
"Who are you ?" Belamis asked.
"I...I was from Giuma's Legion.... you were the Chief Captain..." The man replied.
Belamis asked, "Why are you attacking us ?"
"We...we...have to protect our turf...."
Belamis said, "We will not harm you, but will leave you here..."
"No... please..." The man pleaded.
Belamis looked at the man, and asked, "What's you name ?"
"Okay... I'd release you all... don't harm innocent people..." Belamis said.
Nick looked at Belamis.
Hoden was overjoyed, and replied, "Thank you!! You are compassionate... as I always knew."
Belamis nodded, and untied him.
"Let's get going..." Belamis said to Nick. The two turned.
But Hoden just lied to Belamis. He smiled and pulled out his gun and aimed at Belamis.
Belamis heard the stir. As Hogen pulled the trigger Belamis leaped and the shot missed her.
Belamis landed in front of Hogen, and she pulled out her sword, pointing at his chest, her eyes burned with anger.
"No.... please..." Hogen pleaded again.
Nick came forward, and said, "You really chooses the wrong person to mess with...."
Belamis put her sword back to the sheave, and said, "I have other ways to teach you a lesson..."
Nick eyes were wide and he was wondering.
"Medora..." Belamis shouted.
Medora came out.
"Turn me to the giantess..." Belamis smiled.
Medora giggled, and took out the scepter.
Then in the giantess form, Belamis juggled the bandits in her hands like balls. The men screamed and begged for mercy.
Nick and Medora rolled on the ground and laughed. Idina cheered.
Then after 2 hours Belamis stopped, and put the bandits down.
"We... we promise.. we won't hurt others... we will settle...and be good ..." They bowed at Belamis.
Nick and Medora held hands, and smiled.
Belamis looked at them.
"Well if you don't keep your promises..." Nick said.
Belamis roared at them.
"No... no... we will be good!!!" The bandits screamed in fear.
Nick and Medora laughed. Even Belamis laughed in her giantess form.
Then the company left the planet.
As Belamis, Medora, Nick and little Idina set out to Gariusu, where Belamis' home was, she contacted Earth.
"Kugo..." Belamis said.
"What take you so long to be back.." Kugo asked, but not impatiently, he was more of being worried.
Belamis felt his concerns, and she gazed at his brown eyes via the monitor.
"I...I... want to go back to Gariusu..." Belamis said.
Kugo remembered immediately.
Shortly after their first encounter, Kugo asked Djorgo to run a check in the computer to find about Gariusu, as he vividly remembered Belamis declared that "he" was the warrior from Gariusu planet.
Of course the computer checked out that Gariusu was long gone, long before even Kugo and Princess Aurora set out from Earth. Kugo realized that Belamis was wandering all alone in space, and he remembered wishing "him" well.
Kugo remembered finding out "he" (Belamis) was a cyborg and remembered the hardship and pains to be one - which Kugo went through himself.
"Belamis, are you sure you want to go back?" Kugo asked. He worried about Belamis heart. Kugo was aware that Belamis was very traumatized by that horrible event, and even Belamis never mentioned it, he could feel from her eyes.
Belamis looked at Kugo, and said softly, "I will go... with your support ..."
Kugo replied, "Be sure to come back to Earth.. I am working really hard to recover..."
Belamis smiled, and replied, "I promise."
"Give me a kiss..." Kugo smiled. Belamis kissed the screen, and on the other side Kugo kissed too.
Then she signed off.
Belamis turned and walked to the crib where Idina was sleeping in.
Belamis watched the baby girl tenderly and said, "Little one..."
Idina awoke, and saw Belamis. Idina smiled, and reached out her little hands. Belamis picked Idina up, and let Idina's hands touched her face. Belamis rubbed her nose with Idina, and said, "I treated you like my own... but strangely... you feel more like the old Queen to me...."
Then Belamis returned to the cockpit of Starry Princess with Idina in her arms. Medora was asleep and Nick was piloting it.
"We will stop in this planet..." Nick said.
Belamis nodded.
They landed the craft.
Belamis was in her fighting suit, and walked out, hand clutching her sword.
"Easy ... buddy..." Nick said.
"Can't be too careful..." Belamis replied, as she recalled her lonely days of wandering.
After Belamis and Kugo beat mandorago at the strange planet, they actually encountered again.
Kugo was again lost as he ventured out to check out the areas for Queen Cosmos, and he saw a planet.
"Wow... let me check it out..." Muttered Kugo.
Before long Kugo landed and he heard intense sound of fighting - sounds of clashes of weapons and shouting, at the same time he lost his bearings and contact with Queen Cosmos.
Kugo went to check out and saw an amazing scene.
Belamis welding her sword and was up against at least 7 men who welded weapons at her.
"Wow... Belamis indeed is a good fighter..." Kugo thought, as he pulled out his Astro-Lance.
"Belamis! I am joining you!" Kugo shouted.
Belamis heard, and saw Kugo. Her heart felt warmth and happiness, but soon she suppressed it, and said coldly, "I can handle it myself."
The men surrounded her, and she averted all attacks with her sword, knocking a few men out with the electromagnetic blasts on her sword. Belamis kept the energy level of the electromagnetic blasts on her sword to a bare minimum so that she wouldn't kill the men.
Kugo saw that and thought, "Belamis is not a ruthless person - she won't kill."
Then two of the men pulled out their guns.
"Watch it!" Kugo shouted and shot one of them with his stunning trizer beam.
Belamis knock out one of them, and then she saw one was pointing his gun at Kugo.
"You bastard!" Belamis shouted and there was a gun shot. The men was knocked out.
Kugo saw the smoke on the gun, and breathed a sign of relief. "Phew.... "
The men ran away, dragging their partners along with them.
"What are you doing here?" Belamis asked coldly, holding back her affection to Kugo.
"Just passing by..." Kugo replied, "Who are those people ?"
"Bandits.... they disrupted radio communications nearby and lure travelers to land..and rob them - they often outnumbered their victims.." Belamis said.
"Head to that direction... and you will be free of the interference of the fields here..." Belamis pointed to one end at the sky.
"Thanks!" Said Kugo, as he was about to board Star Probe, he heard a groaning sound. Kugo turned and Belamis was on her knees.
"Belamis!" Kugo rushed and helped her up, and Kugo lifted up her cape and saw a wound on her right shoulder - the shot hit Belamis.
"You are injured..." Kugo exclaimed.
Belamis clutched her teeth, and tried to stand up, but she fell to the ground again. Before Kugo arrived the men had attacked her with an electromagnetic cord very much like the electromagnetic whip of Prince Guyma.
Kugo looked and saw a cord cut into pieces and had a hunch, "You are injured..."
Belamis breathed heavily, and said nothing, the pain was all on her face.
Kugo helped Belamis to lie down, and rested her back at a rock.
Belamis tried to move her right arm, and it was painful, and she groaned again.
"Don't move that arm of yours..." Kugo said.
"Help.. me to take my cape off.." Belamis said.
Kugo took Belamis cape off. The wound on Belamis right shoulder had smoke coming out.
"You need to treat that wound! Come with me to Queen Cosmos!!" Kugo said.
"That's not a big deal..." Belamis said stubbornly. She pulled her sword out in a dagger form.
"What are you trying to do..?" Kugo said.
Belamis tried to lift her sword with her left arm, but she was weakened, and dropped the sword.
"Kugo.... help me to take the bullet out... with my sword..." Belamis said.
"What ??? Me ???" Kugo said.
Belamis took a deep breath, and said, "Help me to take my suit off..... unzip" As she pointed her collar.
Kugo was stunned, but he could not just leave Belamis alone. So he reached out his hands and undress Belamis.
As Kugo took Belamis' suit off, he saw her body, sculpted with firm muscles, and her very firm breasts. She was a beauty on her face and her body was that of an athlete. Kugo blushed.
"What are you staring at ? " Snapped Belamis.
There was a wound on Belamis right shoulder, and it was bleeding.
"The bullet... was lodged on my collar bone..." Belamis said, ".... use the sword... to yank it out..."
"No anesthesia ???" Kugo said.
"Do what I tell you!!!" Belamis shouted. Then she groaned in pain as her shouting jolted her wound.
"Easy!!!" Kugo said.
Belamis signed, and said, "I am sorry to shout at you like that. I can endure the pain, just do it..."
Kugo replied, "I know you are a brave and tough girl.... to even become a cyborg shows how tough you are ..."
Belamis looked at Kugo's brown eyes. The two again look into each others eyes like when they prepare to attack mandarago back in that planet.
Kugo realized that Belamis was having a lot of trust in him, and even let him see her body.
"Go ahead..." Belamis said.
Kugo then used Belamis' sword and began plugging the bullet from Belamis' right shoulder. Kugo poked at her collar bone, and Belamis shook in pain.
"It's close....just a bit to.. to the right..." Belamis replied.
Kugo nodded, as his hand shook. The sword plugged in, and Kugo could felt it hit something hard.
"There it is..." Belamis said. "On the count of three, yank it out... ONE, TWO..."
Kugo yanked the bullet out with Belamis sword, and blood streamed out of her wound. Belamis let out a small cry of pain.
Kugo was astonished with her will to withstand such pain.
"I...said... on three..why did you do before I said three..." Belamis said.
"I...I..." Kugo stuttered.
"Never mind... get the kit from my jet... a gray box..." Belamis said.
Kugo went to Belamis' jet - he saw that the jet had many scratches on it - a sign of its long journey and battles with Belamis.
Kugo jumped to the cockpit and found that gray box, and brought it to Belamis.
"Inside...there's a capsule... a paste...that can stop the bleeding..." Belamis said in a soft voice, as she endured the pain.
Kugo opened that capsule, and gently rub the paste on Belamis' wound. Belamis closed her eyes and the paste stuck to her wound - then the bleeding stopped.
"It still hurts ?" Kugo asked.
Belamis closed her eyes, and nodded, and said, "Help me.. to put my suit back on.."
Kugo assisted her and she was in her suit. There's a hole on the suit. "Take that mending torch out..."
It was a pen like thing, Belamis moved it above the hole on her suit and mended her suit.
Kugo thought to himself, "What would she be if I am not around ?"
"I will be should join your friends back at Queen Cosmos..." Belamis said softly. Belamis knew what's in Kugo's mind and said, "If you weren't here... I will do it myself...."
"Well, now that I know the way out, I can stick around for a while..." Kugo chuckled..
"I can take care of myself..." Belamis said sternly, "Just leave..."
"Well... I will just be around... you just rest..." Kugo said.
Belamis signed, and closed her eyes - but her left hand still grabbed her sword tightly.
Kugo stayed - he was worried about Belamis, though he had yet to realize, he fell in love with her.
"She's really beautiful..." Kugo thought, as she saw Belamis slept, her helmet off, and her jet black hair hanging to her shoulders.
Kugo gently took the sword out of her hand and placed her hand aside so Belamis could relax.
"She must have been through a lot of these situation, so she is always on guard..." Thought Kugo.
Then about a few hours later, Belamis opened her eyes - Belamis felt comfortable - she actually fell asleep and had no bad dreams. Belamis looked at Kugo - the thought was unsettling to her - Kugo was beside her and she felt safe, so she could sleep well.
Kugo looked at her in his warm brown eyes, and said, "Slept well ?"
Belamis nodded and smiled - Kugo smiled back at her, and it was a heavenly thing he felt.
Kugo noticed her other scars as he helped her to take out the bullet, and he said, "'s not the first time..."
Belamis knew he meant it was not the first time she was attacked and wounded.
Since Belamis fled the destruction of her home planet, she encountered bandits. In a few times Belamis was wounded, and she had to tend the wounds herself and rest alone. Belamis nodded, "Yeah... a few times... I handled it myself..."
Kugo watched her and felt a heartache. He wished he could know her earlier.
"I will stay around till you are better..." Kugo said.
Belamis looked at him, and nodded.
Kugo left three days later when Belamis' wound healed. During the days, Kugo cracked jokes to cheer up Belamis. Belamis was not that easy to cheer up and often snapped back.
"Arh... that's really mean of you..." Laughed Kugo.
The time together was the happiest time for Belamis.
As Kugo was about to leave...
"Would you join us ?" Kugo asked.
Belamis shook her head, "I'd be more at ease by myself..."
They parted, and Kugo looked back as Belamis stood there watching him leave. Their eyes met again.
Belamis recalled this encounter, and knew in these remote places, bandits were rampant. More so, she realized how long she was in love with Kugo. She was glad she lived to be with Kugo.
"Keep your eyes open..." Belamis said.
"Sure...Captain..." Nick said.
Medora came out holding Idina with her.
"Stay in Starry Princess until me and Nick confirmed the place is safe..." Said Belamis gently.
Medora said, "Is it really that dangerous ?"
"Well... listen to the great Captain..." Nick said, then suddenly there was a gun shot and the bullet just passed over Nick's head.
"Holy shit!!"
"Medora, get inside!" Belamis shouted, and she glanced at where the sound of the gunshot.
Then countless rays of lazer shot out.
Nick took cover behind a rock and pulled out his gun. "Bad idea to mess up with me... and even worse to mess up with Belamis!"
He returned fire.
Belamis dodged all the firing in her ultraspeed move and charged near the enemies.
She saw it very clearly - it was a group of bandits with their guns.
Belamis attacked them with her quick moves and soon hit a few of them with her electromagnetic sword and her fists.
The bandits were a group of 17 to 18 men. Nick fired back and covered Belamis.
The bandits saw they were up against two formidable persons and retreated.
Belamis breathed a sign of relief.
Nick came to her and said, "All of them were gone...... for a while..."
Medora came out, and asked, "Are we safe ?"
Belamis said, "Yes... while we stayed.... but we better get going..."
"Why are there bandits ?" Medora asked.
Belamis signed, and said, "Many of them are like me, soldiers defending their home planet... but lost the home planet. They turned to robbery, looting and terrorizing people using their military skills. I met quite a few of these bandits when I wandered alone..."
Medora replied, "Then... even if the void of Galaxy Energy is restored....there are bad people around..."
Belamis nodded, and added, "Sad...but true."
Nick said, "We are the lucky ones that found a new home....many continued to be space bandits, thugs...pirates..."
"We can only stay a night and leave tomorrow..." Belamis said.
Whilst Medora and Idina stayed inside the craft, Belamis patrolled.
"Get some sleep, I'll be watching out..." Nick said.
Belamis smiled, "Okay...I will rest my eyes.." She sat beside Starry Princess, and closed her eyes.
Then Nick heard some sound. "Damn...."
Belamis opened her eyes and put her hand on her sword, and she put on her helmet and lowered the shades. Then she pressed a button, the shades color turned to light color so that she could see in the dark.
"Buddy... let me take care of them..." Nick said.
Nick pulled out his gun, and aimed. Out of a patch of short vegetation, there were a few shadows.
Belamis saw and noticed those men were carrying weapons and appeared to be the ones that attacked them in the day, and she drew her sword.
Nick and Belamis kept laid low until the men were near - Nick fired a shot and hit the shoulder of the men in front.
There's a loud cry. Belamis then invoke her ultra-speed move and knock them unconscious them one by one.
Nick then came and knock out the last one.
"Well...." Nick remarked, "We will just tie them up and leave them here..."
They tied the bandits up and Belamis woke up one of them.
"Arrr.... it hurts..." The man groaned.
Then he saw Belamis and Nick.
"You... you are Captain Belamis ?" The man said.
"Who are you ?" Belamis asked.
"I...I was from Giuma's Legion.... you were the Chief Captain..." The man replied.
Belamis asked, "Why are you attacking us ?"
"We...we...have to protect our turf...."
Belamis said, "We will not harm you, but will leave you here..."
"No... please..." The man pleaded.
Belamis looked at the man, and asked, "What's you name ?"
"Okay... I'd release you all... don't harm innocent people..." Belamis said.
Nick looked at Belamis.
Hoden was overjoyed, and replied, "Thank you!! You are compassionate... as I always knew."
Belamis nodded, and untied him.
"Let's get going..." Belamis said to Nick. The two turned.
But Hoden just lied to Belamis. He smiled and pulled out his gun and aimed at Belamis.
Belamis heard the stir. As Hogen pulled the trigger Belamis leaped and the shot missed her.
Belamis landed in front of Hogen, and she pulled out her sword, pointing at his chest, her eyes burned with anger.
"No.... please..." Hogen pleaded again.
Nick came forward, and said, "You really chooses the wrong person to mess with...."
Belamis put her sword back to the sheave, and said, "I have other ways to teach you a lesson..."
Nick eyes were wide and he was wondering.
"Medora..." Belamis shouted.
Medora came out.
"Turn me to the giantess..." Belamis smiled.
Medora giggled, and took out the scepter.
Then in the giantess form, Belamis juggled the bandits in her hands like balls. The men screamed and begged for mercy.
Nick and Medora rolled on the ground and laughed. Idina cheered.
Then after 2 hours Belamis stopped, and put the bandits down.
"We... we promise.. we won't hurt others... we will settle...and be good ..." They bowed at Belamis.
Nick and Medora held hands, and smiled.
Belamis looked at them.
"Well if you don't keep your promises..." Nick said.
Belamis roared at them.
"No... no... we will be good!!!" The bandits screamed in fear.
Nick and Medora laughed. Even Belamis laughed in her giantess form.
Then the company left the planet.
Oct 4, 2012
ベラミス - her epic journey of her soul
Chapter 58 Trip back - to Gariusu
Belamis defeated Delexa, and to her grief, she had to destroy "Sonya" which was taken over by Nemessa.
Belamis looked around at the planet where she destroyed Delexa, and found bits of blonde hair -- they belonged to Sonya, and that was all that left of her. Then Belamis found Sonya's double blade sword.
Belamis picked up Sonya's sword, and gathered those bits of hair.
Medora watched and knew what Belamis wanted to do, and she helped.
She and the company returned to where Danny and Sonya was buried.
The tomb where Sonya laid was opened - the nemesis took her body.
Belamis shed tears as she was forced to destroy Nemessa along with Sonya's body.
Belamis put Sonya's sword back into the tomb. Medora collected the blonde hair left by Sonya and wrapped them in a handkerchief, and handed to Belamis. Belamis took it and nodded at Medora, "Thanks."
Medora held Belamis' hand gently - it was rare for Medora to watch Belamis in such sadness. Belamis hold back her tears and kept a straight face, but Medora felt the wrenching pain in Belamis' heart.
Nick held Medora's hand and watched Belamis as she covered the tomb again with soil. Then Belamis found a large stone and laid on top it, and marked it.
"Back to peace..." Medora remarked.
"Yeah... finally..." Nick replied, as they held hands.
Belamis turned, and the shackles on her came off, and also the collar came off.
Medora leaped ahead and hugged Belamis and cried.
"I longed for this day..." Medora in tears, talked as she gently touched Belamis body, which was covered with scars of her fighting.
"I want you to be free again.... and also be have a happy life back on Earth with Kugo..." Medora said.
Nick said, "And I want to see you in your bridal dress!"
Belamis smiled at both of them, and said, "Now you take care of Medora for me...she's my best friend. If you mess with her..."
"...I know... I won't mess with the mighty giantess..." Chuckled Nick.
Medora blushed, and said, "Belamis... I...I..."
Nick face turned serious, and he looked at Medora.
Belamis smiled at them, and said, "Let's set out back to Nick's planet!"
Nick laughed, and they set out.
Then as they passed near a planet, Medora said, "Wait... I want to visit that temple with your statue in it..."
"My statue?" Belamis said.
"She means the one with the Gariusu giantess, the people there referred to as their guardian goddess...." Nick replied.
They landed, and all there went inside, and looked at that statue.
"The legend is true..." Medora said.
Then the old priest came, and said, "Yes... the Gariusu giantess defeated the nemesis..."
Belamis looked at the dark corner where the statue that looked exactly like Sonya stood. She was not at all happy for her "victory".
Belamis walked and stood before that statue, and remembered the days back at her home planet.
"If... if only Sonya had not been raped...." Belamis thought.
Medora stood beside Belamis and said, "You have a great heart..."
"Let's go..." Belamis said.
They set off again. As Starry Princess travelled, Medora's anxiety grew.
She went out the deck and looked at the heavens - Medora wanted to be at the side of Belamis forever.
Belamis noticed the sadness in Medora's mood, and she signed.
Nick also knew Medora was very attached to Belamis, and he cared about both of them - one being his long time buddy, one her lover.
"Belamis, Medora obviously is deeply attached to you.." Nick said to Belamis, who was in her short skirt and top, piloting Starry Princess.
"You don't have to tell me that..." Belamis replied.
It was a difficult moment, but inevitable. Medora grew up a lot since Belamis met her, and she was now a young woman, in love with Nick. Nick was a fine man and he loved Medora.
When they arrived at Nick's planet, Nick went out the craft.
Medora and Belamis stayed in the craft.
Then Medora hugged Belamis hard, and wept.
"Belamis... can.. can I touch you again...?"
Belamis understood - she took off all her clothes and stood there naked. Medora closed her eyes and used her hands to feel her way from Belamis face and down her whole body - like when they first met.
Medora's hands' still had the acute sense of touch and she remembered how Belamis felt like - her hair, her eyebrows, her nose, her face... her strong body.
As Medora touched Belamis body, and put her hands on Belamis chest, and slowly moved to her breast, Medora felt the many scars on Belamis which were not there before. At the same time Belamis was stronger than previous and Medora could feel Belamis grew more muscles on her, but Medora remembered all the battles Belamis fought as the giantess in protecting her.
"Belamis... I don't want to part with you..." Medora said.
Then at the crib, little Idina cried. She seemed to know Medora's thought.
Belamis picked up the little baby girl, and gently touched her face.
Idina opened her little black eyes wide, and gazed into Belamis' blue eyes.
Belamis smiled at Idina and said, "I will take you with me to Earth..."
Medora said, "I... I want to come with you..."
Belamis looked at Medora, and stroke her hair. Medora grew taller, and Belamis saw she was beautiful, and could not bring herself to say she wanted Medora to stay with Nick.
Belamis put back her clothes, and hold Medora's hand, "Nick loves you.... and I love you.. I will not be away from you forever..."
Belamis then placed Idina in Medora' hand, and invoke her fighting suit.In a flash she was suited up as her cyborg warrior form, and her jet awaited her.
"Nick, is it OK for you and Medora to come with me ?" Belamis asked.
Medora hugged Belamis, and cried.
"Sure thing my buddy!" Nick said.
"I am going back to some old places..." Belamis said.
"Old places ?" Nick remarked.
"Gariusu..." Belamis replied.
Starry Princess, with Nick and Medora inside, set up with Belamis piloting her space fighter jet, and head to Gariusu.
It was a long long journey.
Belamis defeated Delexa, and to her grief, she had to destroy "Sonya" which was taken over by Nemessa.
Belamis looked around at the planet where she destroyed Delexa, and found bits of blonde hair -- they belonged to Sonya, and that was all that left of her. Then Belamis found Sonya's double blade sword.
Belamis picked up Sonya's sword, and gathered those bits of hair.
Medora watched and knew what Belamis wanted to do, and she helped.
She and the company returned to where Danny and Sonya was buried.
The tomb where Sonya laid was opened - the nemesis took her body.
Belamis shed tears as she was forced to destroy Nemessa along with Sonya's body.
Belamis put Sonya's sword back into the tomb. Medora collected the blonde hair left by Sonya and wrapped them in a handkerchief, and handed to Belamis. Belamis took it and nodded at Medora, "Thanks."
Medora held Belamis' hand gently - it was rare for Medora to watch Belamis in such sadness. Belamis hold back her tears and kept a straight face, but Medora felt the wrenching pain in Belamis' heart.
Nick held Medora's hand and watched Belamis as she covered the tomb again with soil. Then Belamis found a large stone and laid on top it, and marked it.
"Back to peace..." Medora remarked.
"Yeah... finally..." Nick replied, as they held hands.
Belamis turned, and the shackles on her came off, and also the collar came off.
Medora leaped ahead and hugged Belamis and cried.
"I longed for this day..." Medora in tears, talked as she gently touched Belamis body, which was covered with scars of her fighting.
"I want you to be free again.... and also be have a happy life back on Earth with Kugo..." Medora said.
Nick said, "And I want to see you in your bridal dress!"
Belamis smiled at both of them, and said, "Now you take care of Medora for me...she's my best friend. If you mess with her..."
"...I know... I won't mess with the mighty giantess..." Chuckled Nick.
Medora blushed, and said, "Belamis... I...I..."
Nick face turned serious, and he looked at Medora.
Belamis smiled at them, and said, "Let's set out back to Nick's planet!"
Nick laughed, and they set out.
Then as they passed near a planet, Medora said, "Wait... I want to visit that temple with your statue in it..."
"My statue?" Belamis said.
"She means the one with the Gariusu giantess, the people there referred to as their guardian goddess...." Nick replied.
They landed, and all there went inside, and looked at that statue.
"The legend is true..." Medora said.
Then the old priest came, and said, "Yes... the Gariusu giantess defeated the nemesis..."
Belamis looked at the dark corner where the statue that looked exactly like Sonya stood. She was not at all happy for her "victory".
Belamis walked and stood before that statue, and remembered the days back at her home planet.
"If... if only Sonya had not been raped...." Belamis thought.
Medora stood beside Belamis and said, "You have a great heart..."
"Let's go..." Belamis said.
They set off again. As Starry Princess travelled, Medora's anxiety grew.
She went out the deck and looked at the heavens - Medora wanted to be at the side of Belamis forever.
Belamis noticed the sadness in Medora's mood, and she signed.
Nick also knew Medora was very attached to Belamis, and he cared about both of them - one being his long time buddy, one her lover.
"Belamis, Medora obviously is deeply attached to you.." Nick said to Belamis, who was in her short skirt and top, piloting Starry Princess.
"You don't have to tell me that..." Belamis replied.
It was a difficult moment, but inevitable. Medora grew up a lot since Belamis met her, and she was now a young woman, in love with Nick. Nick was a fine man and he loved Medora.
When they arrived at Nick's planet, Nick went out the craft.
Medora and Belamis stayed in the craft.
Then Medora hugged Belamis hard, and wept.
"Belamis... can.. can I touch you again...?"
Belamis understood - she took off all her clothes and stood there naked. Medora closed her eyes and used her hands to feel her way from Belamis face and down her whole body - like when they first met.
Medora's hands' still had the acute sense of touch and she remembered how Belamis felt like - her hair, her eyebrows, her nose, her face... her strong body.
As Medora touched Belamis body, and put her hands on Belamis chest, and slowly moved to her breast, Medora felt the many scars on Belamis which were not there before. At the same time Belamis was stronger than previous and Medora could feel Belamis grew more muscles on her, but Medora remembered all the battles Belamis fought as the giantess in protecting her.
"Belamis... I don't want to part with you..." Medora said.
Then at the crib, little Idina cried. She seemed to know Medora's thought.
Belamis picked up the little baby girl, and gently touched her face.
Idina opened her little black eyes wide, and gazed into Belamis' blue eyes.
Belamis smiled at Idina and said, "I will take you with me to Earth..."
Medora said, "I... I want to come with you..."
Belamis looked at Medora, and stroke her hair. Medora grew taller, and Belamis saw she was beautiful, and could not bring herself to say she wanted Medora to stay with Nick.
Belamis put back her clothes, and hold Medora's hand, "Nick loves you.... and I love you.. I will not be away from you forever..."
Belamis then placed Idina in Medora' hand, and invoke her fighting suit.In a flash she was suited up as her cyborg warrior form, and her jet awaited her.
"Nick, is it OK for you and Medora to come with me ?" Belamis asked.
Medora hugged Belamis, and cried.
"Sure thing my buddy!" Nick said.
"I am going back to some old places..." Belamis said.
"Old places ?" Nick remarked.
"Gariusu..." Belamis replied.
Starry Princess, with Nick and Medora inside, set up with Belamis piloting her space fighter jet, and head to Gariusu.
It was a long long journey.
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