Chapter 32 - The final showdown
Belamis saw Krausman in the transmitter's video screen.
"Here you are again." Belamis said.
"The weapon at the Galaxy Warrior is impressive...." Krausman replied, "... it's powered by you...I can tell."
Belamis said, "What are you trying to say ?"
"Aim this at our fleet, and they will go down with us..." Krausman said.
The screen displayed a large room, full of people, some are non-human like aliens, some are human form people.
"What the ..." Belamis remarked.
"Yes.... these are people from our colonies...they were on each of our battleships... you were once a wanderer without a home planet like they were..." Krausman said.
Belamis replied angrily, "I thought you are a soldier of honor!" She was angry because Krausman was using them as human shields. Belamis would never give the command to fire the cosmic energy gun knowing they were inside the Golinkor battleships.
"Belamis, you let me off the hook, you are an honorable soldier and an worthy opponent. I promise you, if you follow exactly what I say, these people will be released unharmed." Krausman replied.
"Spell it out!" Belamis said.
"First, disarm your cosmic energy gun... don't try to pull anything funny, we are able to detect your energy level..." Krausman began.
Belamis remained calm in her face.
"Then, you, Belamis, come to us all by yourself in your jet, and let us take you in as our prisoner....and once we have you, we will release those people and let them go safely." Krausman added.
Belamis remained silent. The whole crew in the command room was silent.
Then Belamis opened her mouth, and said, "I will comply..."
"No!!!! Major Admiral!!!!" The crew shouted...
Belamis remained silent. The transmission ended.
Krausman in his command room waited.
"Captain, we detected the energy level of Galaxy Warrior is going down... they began disarming their cosmic energy guns..."
"Without Belamis, they would be like sitting ducks..." Krausman said.
"Belamis has a weak spot... her kindness to people. Sorry Belamis - I have no choice because Golinkor is now being driven to the edge of destruction... we have to fight back." Krausman said.
"Their guns are disarmed. We detected Belamis' jet flying towards us..."
In screen was Belamis jet, and she was standing outside the cockpit. Her cape fluttered as she stood there.
"Belamis.... still so arrogant and brave." Krausman thought to himself.
"Use our guiding beam and tow her jet in." Krausman commanded.
Belamis' jet was docked at a bay, and soon she was surrounded with Golinkor soldiers pointing their guns at her.
"Put these on her..." Krausman commanded, as he walked towards Belamis and took her cape off.
They were very heavy shackles and cuffs, and they restrained Belamis. Belamis arms and body were cuffed, and her waist also wore a cuff that had chains attached to her legs. Then shackles on her wrists and ankles.
Krausman then took away Belamis' sword.
"Without you... Galaxy Union will be defeated. You can take ease, I will treat you well, but I must be careful not to let you run free.... " Krausman said.
Belamis looked at Krausman, and said nothing.
"Captain!!!! The Galaxy Union forces just use space warp and escaped!!!"
"What ?" Krausman cried. He turned to Belamis, "So you want to retain your forces for counterattack ?"
Belamis remain silent, look as calm as ever.
"Take her to the prisoner cell." Krausman commanded.
"What about the people ?" Belamis asked about the hostages.
"I will do as I promised." Krausman said.
Krausman and his soldiers escorted Belamis to her cell. Belamis wore heavy shackles and cuffs. Those restraints weighs half a ton, but Belamis walked normally.
Krausman was amazed, and thought to himself, "She is a strong cyborg...."
"Chain her to the cell..." Krausman commanded.
The soldiers attached six chains onto the cuffs that was put on Belamis body.
"If you tried to move or break our restraints, this cell will deliver a strong electromagnetic blast to your body... you cannot withstand it... you will die immediately." Krausman warned.
"Now... release the people..." Belamis said.
Krausman replied, "I will." Then suddenly a blast of electromagnetic hit Belamis, and Belamis was knocked unconscious.
"Guard her..." Krausman said.
He and his soldiers left, with 20 guards surrounding the cell holding Belamis.
Krausman returned to his command room, and looked at the people he held hostages.
He recalled the conversation with the Emperor, the ministers and General Maka.
"Afterwards... just kill all the hostages..." Maka said.
"No!!!" Krausman replied. "It is not necessary once we accomplish our goal of capturing Belamis..."
"This is an order... I care nothing about the lives of these hostages..." The Emperor replied coldly.
"These people are from our colonies, and they can be used to build the colonies for us..." Krausman tried to plead for them.
He experienced compassion from Belamis, and that triggered him to think again.
"Emperor, we can build our new empire with less bloodshed..." Krausman continued.
"Shut up..." The tall and mighty Polto, the minister and brother of the Emperor shouted at Krausman.
"Don't be a sissy!!!" The other minsters said.
Emperor Zetu, his four bothers Polto, Maka, Baruka and Etta, were tall and warlike men, and they were bloodthirsty and had no compassion.
"I will do what is needed to defeat the Galaxy Union.." Krausman replied and left the room.
Krausman commanded, "Gather the people and let all of them board my battleship. I will take them to safety."
Krausman turned and said, "Let Belamis have visual..."
Belamis woke up from the coma, and saw the screen, the hostages were gathered from other ships and began boarding the battleship where she and Krausman were.
Belamis remembered she did something like that when she rescued a group of aliens and took them into the Gyuma Legion battleship - Belamis then was moved by Kugo and Princess Aurora's care to those people, and she decided to help - it was how Kugo and Belamis gradually found their hearts were closer.
"Thank you, Krausman..." Belamis thought to herself.
"Captain, all of the hostages boarded our battleship." A soldier reported to Krausman.
"OK, let's head to the planet where we release them.." Krausman said.
Belamis stood very still and watched the screen anxiously.
They arrived at the destination, and open the doors, the people cheered as they were freed.
Belamis watched as they set foot on a beautiful planet, and was happy for them.
"Captain, all of the people left the battleship safely."
"Let's leave this place..." Krausman replied.
As the battleship left, there's a trasmission, "Krausman, fire our gun at the planet!" It's Maka's voice.
"What ?" Krausman exclaimed.
"No!!!" Belamis cried.
"Maka, why ? We already had Belamis, the Galaxy Union lost their weapon against us..." Krausman pleaded.
"It's simply not our way to release hostages... they are low lifeforms and don't deserve to live..." Maka said.
"No... they are people like us!!!" Krausman said.
"I am not going to execute your order!" Krausman replied.
"Then I will do it..." Maka said. Maka's ship aimed its guns.
Then Krausman's ship moved and got between Maka's ship and the planet, aiming their guns back.
"What the heck are you doing???" Maka shouted.
"I promised Belamis these people will not be harmed... go away or I will fire at you..." Krausman said.
Belamis watched the exchange, and was moved, "He is a good person..."
"Hahaha.. with those little guns on your ship ?" Maka said.
"We have the death energy gun from Planet Doom armed on us... you will not stand a chance. In another 20 minutes when the death energy gun is ready, you, your crew, Belamis and the people will be turned to star dust!!!" Maka laughed.
"Damn...." Krausman said.
Krausman went to Belamis' cell, and said, "Sorry.... things get out of my control now..."
Belamis looked at him, and said, "You have done what you can do already......just release me and I will see what I can do..."
"No... it's not possible...your shackles and cuffs, could not be released... once anybody tried, you would be this ship will explode." Krausman said, "..and I want you to live..."
Then he opened the cell door and walked to Belamis, who was standing. Krausman gently kissed Belamis' cheek, and said, "I think I am in love with you...... if Maka fired... I will stay here and die with you..."
Belamis was touched, and replied, "Thank you...for loving me... but my heart belongs to somebody else.."
"That Jan Kugo?" Krausman said. "Yeah... he knew you first, probably I wont' stand a chance at all..."
Belamis said, "You and your soldiers flee first, I will try and escape..."
"I have told you... this ship will explode..."
"I have to save those people.... I have to fight Maka's ship.." Belamis replied, insistingly.
"Belamis, I will not leave you... I will evacuate my people and stay with you...when you break the cuffs and shackles, there would still be a delay before the ship explode, I can show you the way around..." Krausman said.
"Krausman..." Belamis was moved. She nodded.
"All of the crews, prepare to evacuate..." Krausman commanded.
"General, they are evacuating..."
"Hahaha.... these little bugs will be star dust in no time... the gun will be ready in minutes..." Maka laughed.
The crew at Krausman's ship evacuated, leaving only Belamis and Krausman behind. Krausman had Belamis' sword.
"Step back... I will do something not so lady like..." Smiled Belamis.
She then exerted her muscles...and began to pull. Then large blasts of electromagnetic energy shot at her...Belamis braved the pain and kept on struggling with her might.
Krausman watched, and said, "I will cut the power off for the electromagnetic energy blasts!" He pulled out his gun and shot at the control panel and dash boards.
The blasts of electromagnetic energy continued, and Belamis was very painful, she groaned, and she still pulled the shackles and cuffed.
Then the cuff on Belamis' body cracked and she broke free, then Belamis pulled off the other cuffs and shackles.
The blasts of electromagnetic energy stopped too, and Belamis pulled off all the chains and shackles. She fell onto her knees.
"Are you OK ?" Krausman helped her up. Belamis smiled, "Of course not... give me my sword..."
Krausman helped Belamis walked, and said, "The ship will blow up in 3 minutes... it's still a long way to the dock where the jets are..."
Then Belamis invoked her ultra speed move, holding Krausman in her arms, dashing to the end of the corridor. "Which way ?" Belamis asked.
"Left..." Krausman said. Belamis moved...
"Next right... then left...then left again..." In less than 1 minute they were at the dock. Belamis leaped to her jet, and Krausman boarded his jet.
They started their jets and was air borne. The battleship exploded as they escaped just in time.
Belamis headed to the Golinkor battleship aiming at the planet where the hostages were landed.
"Belamis!!!" Krausman yelled.
Belamis was determined to save those people even if it meant her own death.
Krausman speed up his jet and went ahead, overtaking Belamis and said to her, "Let me deal with them!"
"Krausman!!" Belamis yelled.
Krausman was driving his jet towards the canon opening of the battleship, and then he yelled, "Deploy spider arms!" He locked his jet and blocked the canon opening with his jet completely.
"Damn!!! " Yelled Maka. Krausman's action effectively blocked the canon, If they fired the canon, there would be enough energy to backfire and wreck their own battleship, effectively destroying them too.
"Belamis, I have to keep my promise to you....get away now!" Krausman said.
Belamis said, "I cannot leave you here!"
Then a swarm of fighters came out, not aiming at Belamis but at Krausman. They wanted to destroy his jet and unblock the canon opening.
"No!!!" Belamis yelled, as she piloted her jet and shot down the fighters attacking Krausman.
"Krausman, I am going to get you out of here!" Belamis yelled, as she leaped out into her space bike, and flew towards Krausman's craft, locked onto Golinkor battleship's canon opening.
The Golinkor fighters were in a large swarm, literally hundreds of them firing missiles at Krausman's craft trying to destroy it and unblock the canon opening.
Belamis fired as many of EM-bullets and EM-thunder from her sword, even though she was weak.
Then a large missile was flying toward's Krausman's craft.
"Noooooooooooo......." Belamis yelled. She transformed into the giantess, and used her body to shield Krausman's craft.
The missile hit Belamis, and there's a large explosion. Belamis' back was bleeding as the missile hit her back and blew up large wound on her.
"Belamis..." Krausman looked at the giantess. He knew Belamis cared about him enough to risk herself, and was touched.
"Go away!" Krausman yelled to her.
Yet Belamis just plucked him out of his craft and braved the enemies fire.
Then swarms of fighters fired at Belamis, shooting her at all directions, with missiles, laser energy canons... Belamis was shot all over her body, she yelled in pain and her blood just splashed everywhere..
"Belamis cannot use her powers.... with me .." Krausman knew Belamis could release a high energy burst of heat and electromagnetic shock and destroy all targets around her, but if she did it, even Krausman would be killed too.
"Belamis! Use your powers! Forget about me!" Krausman yelled.
Belamis endured the enemies' fire, her body wounded all over, and looked at Krausman; she shook her head.
"Belamis, you have done enough for me....I have no regrets..." Krausman pulled out his gun and shot himself at his chest.
"No...." Belamis burst in tears.
A force field formed at Belamis' feet and Belamis leaped away from enemies' fire, placing Krausman on her jet, and she leaped back and roared at the enemy fighters.
Then Belamis' body glowed, letting out a high energy burst of heat and electromagnetic shock and annihilated the Golinkor fighters.
Belamis turned, and saw Krausman's craft was destroyed and the Golinkor's canon opening was unblocked.
General Maka laughed, "I will destroy that planet and kill all the hostages!"
Belamis roared in anger, and went in front of the canon's opening.
"That Gariusu giantess is in front of the canon opening!!!!" The crew yelled.
"Damn! Fire the canon and kill her too!!!" Maka yelled.
Belamis gathered cosmic energy in her body, and roared even more loudly.
The canon fired, and Belamis also released her gathered cosmic energy shooting it at the death energy gun - both bursts of energy collided, then Belamis' burst of energy overpowered that of the death energy gun, then went all the way and hit the Golinkor battleship.
"!!!!!!!!!!!!" Maka screamed, as he and the battleship exploded and turned into star dust.
Belamis, in her giantess form, breathed heavily. She leaped back to where her jet was, then return to human form, all naked. Krausman shot himself, and was mortally wounded. He looked at the all naked Belamis,body bleeding.
"You are so beautiful....even a body full of scar... you are still a beauty.." Krausman smiled...
Tears rolled out of Belamis' eyes, she said, "Hold on... I can take you back to our ship and have people treat you..."
"That.. that wouldn't be necessary..." Krausman replied.
"Can I just ask you another favor..." Krausman said.
"Anything..." Belamis replied.
"Kiss me..."
Belamis kissed Krausman's lips and kissed intensely.
"Belamis.... the Golinkor leaders....they will revenge you... be very careful..." Krausman said, "...they will make you suffer..."
Then Krausman died in Belamis' arms.
Belamis hold him in her arms and stood up, looking at the cosmos, tears rolling out of her eyes.
1 comment:
Loved it when Krausman let her know his feelings, when he risked his life for her and when he asked her for a kiss. I don't blame her for kissing him! It's his last wish!
For a moment I thought that he would live and join Belamis...
Now she has lost the only "friend" on the enemy side.
I hope the next update will be about Kugo and his recovery ;).
Great chapter as always.
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