Chapter 4 Life at the tribe
"You sure she's Belamis ???" Medora, Dr. Kitty and Nick exclaimed at the other end of the transmission.
"I can bet on my head!" Kugo said.
Idina babbled and nodded, "Belamis!!! She hugged me!!!"
"But you say she cannot recognize you ?" Nick said.
"That's why I am calling back... it drives me nuts just to figure out why..." Kugo replied.
Dr. Kitty frowned, and thought a while, "Amnesia....?"
"Belamis has amnesia ?" Kugo said.
"Plausible.... Belamis body and mind went though such horrendous trauma... maybe her recovery is not complete...whoever saved and healed her...." Dr. Kitty continued.
"How is she??" Medora cared a lot about Belamis.
"Belamis, other than her memory... her body appears to have fully recovered, strong and beautiful. More.. she is very happy..." Kugo said.
Kugo had never seen Belamis so happy before.
Belamis was loved by Penelie, Toto, Mimi, and Nako. She belonged to a family, and lived at a planet far from any monsters. Belamis was with people she cared about.
"How to restore her memory ?" Professor Dodge said.
"No idea..." Dr. Joey said, "We cannot examine her up close..Just move slowly..." Dr. Joey said.
Kugo replied, "I will stick around with her at this planet..."
Dr. Kitty added, "Just call us for help if anything comes up..."
Kugo returned to the tribes settlement.
There Blue Snow was with her bow and arrow, sword and spear.
Penelie handed to Blue Snow a large bag.
"Mom.... I don't need that much food..." Blue Snow said.
"You have to run around in the woods and the hills ... you will be hungry..." Penelie gently said to Blue Snow.
Blue Snow signed, and she saw Kugo.
"Kugo!!" Blue Snow called.
Kugo heard Blue Snow, or Belamis, called him. His heart felt warm, but sad.
Belamis forgotten everything of herself, their love and romance, about Earth, about Gariusu, about Dr. Kitty and others.
Kugo approached, "What's up?"
"Come with me!" Blue Snow's face was beaming with a glow - one that from a woman in love.
She grabbed Kugo's hand.
Kugo was a bit startled.
Then Idina waddled and cried, "Idinia want to come...take me along!!!"
Tears rolled out of Idina's little eyes.
"Awww..." Blue Snow knelt down and pick Idina up.
"No... you cannot come along...I am hunting.. it's for grown-ups.." Blue Snow said gently, and stroking Idina's hair lightly.
Idina cried, "No... I want to come..I want to come..."
"I'd say, when I come back in the evening with your papa... I .. let you sleep with me ?" Blue Snow said.
Idina clapped her little hands, "You promise!!!"
Blue Snow nodded, her sapphire eyes beamed, and said, "I will keep my word." She kissed Idina.
Kugo watched all and was immensely touched.
Then Blue Snow put Idina down, and shouted, "Toto! Take care of this girl!!"
"Sure!!!! Sis!!!" Toto replied.
Blue Snow whistled. Nako the big cougar came running to her.
"Get on!!" Blue Snow said, as she rode on Nako.
"Can she support both of us ?" Kugo asked.
"Nako is a strong girl..." Replied Blue Snow.
Nako purred.
Kugo got on.
"Go!!" Kugo and Blue Snow went into the woods riding on the back of Nako.
They laughed as Nako jumped around and leaped without difficulty with two persons on her back.
"Take it easy girl..." Blue Snow said gently.
They arrived at a stream.
The two got off the back of Nako.
"Now, you can catch fish here!" Blue Snow told Nako.
The big cat began catching fish herself, and splashing in the water.
Blue Snow then put down her spear and sword, and took out her bow and arrow.
"Time to hunt..." She smiled.
Kugo said, "Where...?"
"Come with me.. I'll show you.." Blue Snow said.
Kugo could tell Blue Snow liked him, that's why she took him along.
"Hush..." She knelt down, and started looking at tracks on the ground, and snapped twigs.
"What's it ?"
"That's a large wild boar!!" Blue Snow replied.
They followed the tracks, and then they saw it running.
Blue Snow chased, Kugo followed.
She was swift, jumping over branches and chased the wild boar.
"Ha!!!" Blue Snow leaped and caught up with the wild boar.
The animal was large, and Blue Snow could subdue it with her bare hands and killed it.
"She's still so tough and strong..." Kugo thought.
Blue Snow carried the boar on her back, and came back to Kugo.
They spent the rest of the morning hunting smaller animals, such as rodents.
Then they went to a growth where they collected berries before returning to the river.
"You finish with your fish?" Blue Snow said to Nako.
Nako purred. She left on the ground a great number to spare.
"Good girl!!!" Blue Snow hugged Nako, and Nako purred at her.
Kugo helped gathered the fish and placed them into the bag.
Blue Snow and Kugo sat down.
Blue Snow opened the bag of food, and took out a large root - sort of like a big potato.
She then removed the skin, and broke it to two parts.
"Have some!" Blue Snow gave half of it to Kugo.
"I don't need to eat them all...but mom...." Blue Snow said, "... I finished them each time, but I was never hungry..."
"Of course.. you are a cyborg..." Thought Kugo.
Then Kugo watched in amazement - that's twenty pound of food, and Blue Snow just consumed half of them, and she didn't even burp. They shared the food together.
"You ate a lot..." Kugo said.
"I just don't want my mother works went to waste..." Blue Snow said softly.
"You loved her..." Kugo said.
"Cannot imagine if I lost her..." Blue Snow said, as she gazed to the clouds.
Kugo looked at Blue Snow. Kugo remembered how Belamis loved Dr. Kitty, and suffered perhaps the most horrendous torture and traumas in the cosmos, like she went to Hell and back.
"She has to be Belamis...".
Kugo noticed she still bore the scars of those horrid tortures as he looked at her shoulders, back and breasts.
"It's her love that is closest to my heart..." Blue Snow said, "...and my wish... is to find the cure for her leg..."
"The cure..?" Kugo said.
"Look.... " Blue Snow pointed to a high mountain. "They said there are magical beings there..."
It was a very very high peak, and the top parts were white with snow.
"Like to take a nap..." Blue Snow said.
She leaned onto Kugo, and rested her head on Kugo's chest.
Kugo could smell the scent - it's the same sweet scent he knew - Belamis was sleeping in his arms again... but thinking she was "Blue Snow."
"Blue Snow..." Kugo said to himself. He gently stroke Belamis' hair, and those fine black hair still had the same scent.
"She smells so good....." Kugo thought, and his heart was content.
Kugo wrapped his arms around Blue Snow, and closed his eyes.
"Please...I cannot loose you again.." Thought Kugo.
By the evening the two came back.
"Blue Snow!!!" Mimi came bouncing to her.
"Hey!!!!" Blue Snow hugged Mimi.
"Kugo!!!" Toto held Idina in his arms.
"" Idina babbled.
Nako rubbed her face to Idina's face - she knew the baby girl.
Blue Snow picked up Idina, and said, "I will keep my promise..." Blue Snow kissed little Idina, and Idina put her hands on Blue Snow's face.
Kugo watched - the scene was heartwarming beyond words.
He heard the laughter of Belamis as she played with the kids and with Nako.
Then tears welled up in Kugo's eyes.
"Blue Snow!!!" Penelie came out.
"Mother!! I have picked a lot of berries, and collected all these nuts!" Blue Snow showed the things she gatherd.
Penelie smiled.
"I found these seeds of wild vegetables and corn..." Blue Snow said.
That night, Blue Snow slept with Idina.
Idina touched the breasts of Blue Snow - they were covered with scars.
"You want to ask them what they are ?" Blue Snow said.
"...mother said... it was with me since I was born... they are marks of me being a warrior..." Blue Snow talked, as she gently hold Idina.
"I cannot even explain why milk comes of my nipples..." Blue Snow said, "...but I feel you suckled on them..."
Idina suckled on Blue Snow's nipples.
Nako purred, and she licked Idina.
"Na...ko..." Idina hold Nako's big head.
"You will protect me and Idina ? " Blue Smiled.
Nako purred, and rubbed her head against Idina.
They slept together at the night.
After a night, it was daybreak.
Kugo was up.
"No hunting ???" Kugo peeked into Blue Snow's tent.
"No...." She stood up, wearinig just a piece of animal skin on her waste.
"But we have to work.." Blue Snow said.
"Come this way...." Blue Snow replied.
Soon they were at a large field....
Toto and Mimi was there. Idina was there too.
"Blue Snow!!!" Toto came running to them.
"Is it ready ?" Blue Snow asked.
"Yea... we had the seeds of these wild corns extracted!!" Mimi held in her hands the seeds.
"Yawn.... It took us nearly the whole night!!" Toto said, "..and Idina didn't sleep too..."
"Thanks... I am sorry that you have to lose sleep..." Blue Snow replied.
Blue Snow picked up Idina,
"Did you sleep well... little girl.." Blue Snow gently kissed. Idina, Idina smiled, and babbled, "Idina liked Blue Snow..."
Blue Snow put down Idina, and said, "Let's do something fun today!!"
"What are we going to do today ?" Kugo asked.
"This..." Blue Snow pulled out a large thing - it's a plough.
"Look..." Blue Snow pointed to a patch of field.
"We have to clear the grass.." She said.
"Yea!!! Let's go!!" Toto yelled.
The company began clearing the patch of field of all grasses.
They piled them up.
"Keep them... let the sun dry it and we can feed our livestocks!!" Blue Snow said, pointing to some wild goats.
"Ah... the real work.." Blue Snow stretched. Then she put the plough's yoke on herself.
"You are pulling it...??" Kugo said.
"Yes...What ?" Blue Snow smiled. "Don't just stand there, hold the plough for me..."
Kugo hold up the plough, and Blue Snow started pulling.
Toto, Mimi and Idina followed slowly behind, planting seeds behind the troughs made by the plough.
They worked a whole day.
Kugo handed a bottle of water to Blue Snow. Blue Snow body was covered with dirt and sweat, and very sexy.
Blue Snow drank all the water, and said, "Thanks..."
Then Mimi came, "You need to wipe your body..." She handed her a cloth woven with very coarse fabric.
Blue Snow smiled and wiped off the dirt on her body.
"Are you tired ?" Kugo gently hold out his hand.
"No... but I liked it.." Blue Snow replied as she took Kugo's hand.
The Idina came, and babbled, "Blue..Snow..."
"Oh.... I forgot you...!!!" Blue Snow picked her up, and hugged her.
"It's time we head home..." Blue Snow kissed Idina's cheek.
"Idina love you!!" Idina babbled.
Kugo watched, and was in deep thought.
1 comment:
Nice scene when Belamis takes a nap and Kugo holds her! Oh, he has found her but has to start over!
I guess she was healed by those who gave her the teardrop of hope but "deleted" her memory, giving her a fresh new start. Then left her in this planet and this family found her.
Kugo should ask Blue Snow's "mother".
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