(To reader - listen to the musci whilst read this and the coming chapters.... Belamis at her best and at her ...)
Idina babbled, "Be..la..mis... Be..la..mis'' She was really really frightened.
"What ? " Kugo was nervous.
Medora gradually woke up.
Nick asked, "What is it ?"
Medora replied softly, "Idina saw Belamis....and then the whole scene suddenly covered in blood....we cannot see a thing....I just felt a terribe heartache ...and I fainted.."
"What happened...? " Dr. Joey wondered. Nako meowed.
Then Idina cried loudly.
Medora hold Idina in her arms, and somehow she and Idina wept.
Idina shook her head.
"She couldn't tell where Belamis is now..."
"Damn!!!" Kugo exclaimed in frustration.
Back at the planet where Golinkor kept Dr. Kitty captive a torment awaits Belamis.
"Noo..............................." Dr. Kitty screamed.
Belamis rolled on the ground, shaking in pain.
That was the sound of ripping and snapping.
Dr. Kitty nearly fainted upon seeing the scene.
The Golinkors laughed loudly. "Daemon! You are really something!!!"
Daemon laughed, and held up something in his hand like a trophy.
Then blood dripped onto the ground from it - on Daemon's hands he was holding an arm - it was Belamis' left arm.
Daemon had forcibly pulled Belamis left arm off her body after he first dislocated her shoulder, then he broke and crush every bones in her left arm, before pulling her arm off.
Belamis left shoulder was left with torn flesh and broken bones jutting out of her body...and the wound was big, and was bleeding. Belamis laid in a pool of blood, shaking like a leaf in horrid pains.
"Arr..arrrhh..aaaaaaaarrhhhhhhhhh.." Belamis groaned in horrid pain, and she pressed her right hand on the large wound left behind.
"Mother..." Belamis thought in her mind. The torture would not deter her.
"No....no...." Dr. Kitty cried as she watched Belamis enduring the torture.
"Now... the Avici..." Goluk said coldly.
At the same time Idina and Medora felt a sensation, "Belamis!!! She is hurting!!!"
Nick and Kugo was helpless.
Dr. Joey ran to the instruments and tried again and again scanning for Belamis' life energy frequency - the sensor turned up nothing.
They could not locate Belamis.
Then Medora felt a heartache....
Belamis felt her body was numbing.. for a few seconds she felt all of the pain was gone....then all of a sudden a horrible pain struck her.
Belamis felt as though numerous hot knives stabbed into her body, and as if all of her muscles were tearing apart, and she felt as though she was burnt alive with searing hot molten metal and then sensations like electrical shocks went through her...the tremendous pain tore through her repeatedly.
Belamis clutched her teeth, and wriggled on the ground as if the most horrible pain from Hell tormented her - veins popped out all of her muscles as they contracted violently - her large muscles on her chest, back and legs was pulling back on themselves, tearing themselves apart.
"Arr..arrrhh..aaaaaaaarrhhhhhhhhh.......aaaaahhh" Belamis clutched her teeth, struggling in pain.
Dr. Kitty knew exactly what was happening to Belamis after she read about Avici she found out about.
"I believed you already know what happened to you and Belamis..." Goluk said to Dr. Kitty, "..and Belamis knew what is happening to her..."
He walked to Belamis' side, and put his left foot on Belamis' wound on her left shoulder. Belamis shook in pain.
"Avici...hahaha.... only a dose as little as a pinhead can cause a horrid pain.... we injected all that we found in the cosmos... a total full litre into all of her muscles...." Goluk smiled.
Dr. Kitty body turned cold - she read all about this horrible poison, and knew those information inside out - one dose as small as a pinhead can cause a horrid pain on a human - Belamis took the equivalent of several million times that dose all over her body.
She turned and looked at Belamis, and Belamis was shaking in pain.
"Ha..aahhh...ah..ahh..aahh...ah...." Belamis groaned.
Jalon continued, "Each seizure of Avici delivers unimaginable pain even for that dose as small as a pinhead... Belamis is experiencing the pain many million times over.... and more, at each subsequent seizure the pain multiplies by a factor of 20...."
Dr. Kitty knew all the math in her head. Belamis had had a total of six such fits ..the level of pain was beyond any imagination.
"No living thing in the cosmos could withstand more than ten such fits even on a small dose.... and why's the name Avici ? It's the same name as the unending suffering of Hell. Lores on Earth said, at the bottom most level, at eighteenth, being the most horrid - there is unending pain and the pain is just next to infinity....absolutely no respite!!!!" Laughed Daemon.
"On Belamis' neck is the only thing in the whole cosmos that can cure her, which is the Teardrop of Hope - but it is also the only thing that can remove the Qualone radiation poison in you. We deliberately did this so that Belamis will come and save you and be tormented ..." Laughed Goluk.
Belamis stared at Goluk, and she looked at the Teardrop of Hope crystal round her neck.
The Teardrop of Hope was indeed a beautiful crystal - light yellow in color, shape like a tear drop - it had the power that could save Belamis from her horrible pain or cure Dr. Kitty - but it could only be used once. Belamis knew her decision.
"It is now I think...the fifth time or the sixth time ?" Taxet said.
"After the sixth strike... Belamis body will constantly feeling the same level of pain as the last fit she had, and every time she even move a muscle on her it will be the extending the seizure on her. So if she fought, she would be torturing herself." Goluk said.
Belamis body shook vigorously in pain.
"Try this out yourself..." Goluk laughed. He stepped away slowly.
Belamis looked towards Dr. Kitty, and wanted to reach Dr. Kitty.
Belamis tried to stand up.
As soon as she moved her muscles, the pain she just experienced attacked, as though her body was being ripped apart on every muscle on her.
"Arrr..." Belamis groaned and fell to the ground.
Idina cried as the instant as Belamis was attacked by the Avici seizure.
Medora hold Idina and her voice shook, "Belamis is in great danger!!!"
Nick said in frustration, "Damn!!! Where can we find her!!!????"
Medora closed her eyes, and said, "Me and Idina will try and concentrate harder.. much harder.....we are the ones with Galaxy Energy, and are connected in our souls to the Gariusu giantess. to Belamis..... "
Then somehow Medora felt tears rolling out of her eyes - it was more than a connection of souls to Medora - she loved Belamis too.
Even Belamis moved a muscle the pain was all over her - at the sixth level of Avici.
"And we can trigger a Avici seizure every time we inflict a serious wound on Belamis..." The son of Etta added.
"It is Belamis' own body that is doing the torture for us....and the stronger her muscles the more pain she felt ... that's why its the perfect poison for a the Gariusu giantess warrior like her." Goluk said.
"That crystal Belamis wearing round her neck can heal Belamis instantly, but it will turn to a stone. Once used, there's no other way to heal Dr. Kitty. She will certainly die ......" Goluk continued.
Dr. Kitty knew Belamis would brave all pains to save her by bringing the Teardrop of Hope towards her, and she exclaimed, "Belamis!! Run !! Just use the crystal on you. Don't bother about me...!!!"
Gulok said to Belamis, "Either Dr. Kitty dies, or you experience infinite pain..... and we know your choice... and when you are in pain, Dr. Kitty will be in pain too....hahahahha!!!"
Belamis shook, and let out a very very soft groan. She clutched her teeth and struggled to standup, even that caused enormous pain on her body. Belamis just wanted to rescue Dr. Kitty no matter what.
Then the son of Etta came from behind and lashed a whip.
Belamis fell to the ground and she shook in pain.
"My name is Wolfen!!" Wolfen kicked Belamis' wound on her left shoulder repeatedly.
"No!!!" Dr. Kitty screamed, but they just beat up Belamis non-stop.
"Ahhh..." Medora cried. Idina broke into tears.
Everytime Belamis experience pain, the two girls felt a heartache as their souls were connected to Belamis - their protector.
"I..have to concentrate even more..." Medora said, "even if it hurts..." Medora thought.
Idina in tears, babbled, "Love... Be..la..mis..."
"Yes, we loved her..." Medora nodded, and she hold Idina's little hands.
Nick said, "Are you sure you are OK ?"
Kugo also added, "Is it the only way ?"
Medora replied, "I have to ... Belamis is dear to me to... and to Idina..."
Idina nodded.
The girls closed their eyes and their minds connected - and they concentrated even more - trying to look for Belamis.
Then Wolfen winked at the other men.
They came and placed their hands on Belamis, keeping her lying on the ground face-up.
"The seventh...." Wolfen laughed.
He took out a large hammer. The men kept Belamis down and hold her right arm in position.
Then Wolfen raised the hammer and beat on Belamis right arm.
"No!!!!!!!!!!" Dr. Kitty screamed. The hammer cracked the bones in Belamis' right arm.
Belamis eyes opened wide as the pain was horrid.
The thud of the beating repeated, until all bones in Belamis' right arm was crushed, and her right arm was mutilated beyond recognition. Belamis shook in pain, but she refused to let out even a sound.
"Oooooaaa...hh" Medora exclaimed.
Idina wept and pointed at a direction.
"Step on it!!!" Yelled Nick. Dr. Joey turned the spaceship and accelerated, blazing at fullspeed through space.
Nick and Kugo was very very afraid. What was happening to Belamis ?
Then Wolfen lifted out a large sword......
"Aarhh...." Belamis body shook, as she endured the horrid torture.
"Nooo!!!!" Dr. Kitty couldn't bear to watch.
"Aaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeee" Medora screamed. She felt a sharp heartache.
Idina shook, "Be...la...mis..."
Dr. Kitty wailed.
Wolfen held in his hand the right arm of Belamis
Belamis lost both of her arms.....
Wolfen had used the sword like a chopping knife and cut onto Belamis shoulder...then the sword went back and forth, cutting into Belamis' shoulder joint bone slowly.
Then finally, Wolfen grabbed Belamis right arm pulled, and the last bit of muscle holding Belamis' right arm with her body snapped.
Then Belamis felt the numbness again, and then the painful seizure of Avici again tore through her body - at seventh level.
"Aarrhh..." Belamis yelled, but she clutched her teeth, trying ever so hard not to yell or make a sound. Yet her body shook and wriggled violently as the pain was so intense.
Medora gasped again, and Idina cried.
Kugo was anxious as he watched the girls - they were sensing something horrible.
"Still not able to find where she is.." Medora whsipered.
Idina nodded, and babbled, "Har..der.."
Medora replied, "Let's do it... we love Belamis!"
The girls concentrated their will and heart, desperately connecting to Belamis - Belamis' soul was one with the Cosmos...
After almost like eternity, Belamis body shook. She tried to get up again....
"Hold her still..." Goluk said.
The men grabbed Belamis and hold her hair.
Wolfen lifted his fist and hit Belamis' right shoulder where the wound was.
"What are you trying to do ?????" Dr. Kitty screamed.
Belamis looked at Dr. Kitty, eyes welled up in tears. Her love to Dr. Kitty filled her heart and that caused her to be able to withstand even the most horrid pains in the universe.
The men wheeled out a large bowl of red hot iron. They used a thong and picked up a piece of red hot iron.
A loud scream - it was from little Idina.
Medora hold Idina tight, "What is it ?"
Idina shook her little head violently, and wept.
She babbled, "Be..la..mis....Be..la..mis... ah..ah......"
The rest could not understand what Idina was trying to say....
"No!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dr. Kitty screamed.
There was sound of fizzling and burning.
"No.....Belamis...no...." Dr. Kitty heart was in pain.
Idina was trying to say the words "eyes"....
Belamis eyes were burnt... she was blinded
Goluk held the thong, then had pressed the red hot iron onto Belamis' eyes.
Belamis groaned - and at the corner of her burnt eyes, tears rolled out.
Goluk said, "Surely....you must have read about the legends of Gariusu giantess before...."
Dr. Kitty gasped, and remembered the legends. One legend was about a Gariusu giantess warrior who protected the Great Planet' queen. She was horribly tortured, her enemy cut both of her arms.
The other one was the one guarding the Great Planet, her eyes were plugged out.
The legends were about the warriors of love.
Jalon laughed, "This is the torture for Belamis!!!! The price she has to pay for destroying our empire!!!"
Belamis fell to the ground - she lost both of her arms, and she was blinded.
"Should we cut her legs too ???" Wolfen asked.
"No...." Goluk said. "Keep her that way...so that she could still move and crawl like a worm.......and that will be even more painful to her..."
Belamis tried to move, and she wriggled her body, braving the pain on her as she inched her way towards Dr. Kitty.
Belamis' body was covered with blood and dirt, even though each move was delivering immense pain to her, Belamis pushed forward - she wanted to bring the Teardrop to Dr. Kitty, and heal the Qualone radiation on her. Dr. Kitty was dying too.
"Mother..." Belamis thought to herself.
In Belamis' mind Dr. Kitty was her mother, and Belamis had sworn that she would be willing to endure all pains to protect Dr. Kitty, and that was what she's doing.
"We have more installed for her..." Laughed Goluk.
Dr. Kitty gasped.
Hard to read, even though the music was beautiful.
I won't say I liked it, but if I have come this far...
Oh, her beautiful blue eyes! Nooo!
More torture? NO! Please don't be too graphic!
When this torture will end?
The torture will end but it is a bit graphic at places I will confess.
After this saga, it have new story for Belamis.
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